Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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The fact that you're not asleep next to her at this hour speaks volumes.

When the debate is lost, the loser resorts to slander.
Says the guy who won't stop talking about my family, you're a fucking weirdo, man.

But will you answer the question, if I'm "braindead" then why do I have all the things you're here crying 8 hours a day for?
Says the guy who won't stop talking about my family, you're a fucking weirdo, man.

But will you answer the question, if I'm "braindead" then why do I have all the things you're here crying 8 hours a day for?
If you have them, WTF are you doing here?

And I didn't call you brain dead. But I won't disagree with your self description.

Is this where you whip out your dick and stroke it as you tell me how yours is bigger? LOL

I'm just a second time home grower and just happy to be happy. I have plenty of confidence in technology but not in pot growing. LOL, the very idea that somebody would play one-up on the internet just makes me howl with laughter.

Thanks for the laughs (wipes away tears)

about nothing LOL
You seem retarded, you literally just told how acute your growing skills are, now you don't have any? Self hating Nazi Cum Guzzler, is not a good look.
The facts disagree with your assertions; apartheid South Africa traded policies and personnel with Israel to prop up and further entrench the apartheid policies of both.

If Israel is such a benevolent influence on Palestinians, why are Palestinians constantly harassed, not allowed to build on their own lands, the terrorists who attack them are poorly prosecuted?

Why has the map of the West Bank changed so drastically in Israel's favor over the last half century, from an area almost wholly owned by Palestinians to one in which most land is now owned by Jewish immigrants- who are the only ones with a right of return?

Either you're desperately ignorant of the truth on the ground, or you're just as bigoted as Buckwit. I find it hard to believe you simply don't know, which leads towards the more distasteful alternative.
Nope. Apartheid policies were very different in terms of actions, effects and philosophy from Israel's policies to Palestinians.

Read up on Apartheid before making your silly and obnoxiously insulting claim about this.
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You seem retarded, you literally just told how acute your growing skills are, now you don't have any? Self hating Nazi Cum Guzzler, is not a good look.
Dude, small farmers are at the bottom of the economic pile for a reason.

There are people here who talk about how tough they are and I say they probably are and would beat the crap out of me in a 1:1. Instead you stroke your cock and crow about your growing and breeding skills. Most athletes never make it. Same with most growers. LOL if you are so good, tell us about your start-up and growth prospects. Have you any sterling reviews that set you apart from the literally thousands of others like you? Are you expanding and becoming an important man in the business? That's where it's at now. From what you just told me, relative to the state of the industry you are about 10 years behind. Also underfunded.

Abiqua, you never get it right. It's impossible for me to imagine you making a successful business. I'm certain that in 5 years, you will still be carping away on RIU and talking about how unfair taxes are, as if taxes are your only impediment. Your worst impediment is yourself. Losers always lose and you are literally a dime a dozen.
Nope. Apartheid policies were very different in terms of actions, effects and philosophy from Israel's policies to Palestinians.

Read up on Apartheid before making your silly and obnoxiously insulting claim about this.
Your whitewashed, cloistered view of history leaves you blissfully ignorant of many inconvenient truths;

In 2004, Ronnie Kasrils visited the Palestinian territories to assess the effect of Israel's assault on the West Bank two years earlier in response to a wave of suicide bombings that killed hundreds of people. "This is much worse than apartheid," he said. "The Israeli measures, the brutality, make apartheid look like a picnic. We never had jets attacking our townships. We never had sieges that lasted month after month. We never had tanks destroying houses. We had armoured vehicles and police using small arms to shoot people but not on this scale."

Yes, that's right; the SOUTH AFRICANS were shocked at the brutality of the Israelis against Palestinians... and yet here you are, defending Israel as if somehow they aren't as bad as South Africa?!

Maybe you should learn some history before attempting to revise it so blithely.
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