Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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You mean when BLM made Bernie their bitch?

He was too much of a bitch to tell them to get fucked.

I agree with their cause and in free speech but he was cucked off his own stage because he's a weak, indecisive fool.
You post this and then want to be taken seriously on any topic whatsoever?
Pay attention. I'm already registered Repuke.;) I sometime attend meetings :spew:
You should know this already.
And speaking of bigot, how do you feel about people of color naming their child what ever name they so chose.
You avoid this conversation like an expensive date. What color panties do you wear ?
Not my comment.

You have no credibility here.
Pay attention. I'm already registered Repuke.;) I sometime attend meetings :spew:
You should know this already.
And speaking of bigot, how do you feel about people of color naming their child what ever name they so chose.
You avoid this conversation like an expensive date. What color panties do you wear ?

people of color want to know why their parents saddled them with a ghetto name..there's a reason why you don't get this- can you guess?
people of color want to know why their parents saddled them with a ghetto name..there's a reason why you don't get this- can you guess?
"People of color" can change their name if they dont like it, but that's for them to decide, not some slut racist cracker online.
And it wasn't a response to what was posted?

Again you argue with presentation rather than substance, it's pathetic.

You should gag ball yourself.

Not only do you make absolutely no sense but you can't even take responsibility for your own words.

How Republican of you, Stinkydigit.
people of color want to know why their parents saddled them with a ghetto name..there's a reason why you don't get this- can you guess?
People of color want to know way racist shitty people like yourself can't accept different names.
Tell me why they are "puke heads" because of their names. your words not mine
Yeah there is a reason why I don't get this, because I'm not a small-minded racist POS.
Tax Havens now shelter over 10% of global GDP, representing a theft of tax revenue from governments worldwide of historic proportions.

Worse, they promote a climate of endemic corruption; in an environment where laws aren't enforced, the law abiding are the losers, creating a race to the bottom of ever more corruption, fraud and abuse.

"Legal capitalism has learned from criminal capitalism that in the world of money, only rule-breakers survive. Drug traffickers were the pioneers of a free market model that has been slowly adopted by the legal economy."
I might get reported for doxxing @schuylaar
oh come on now its not like you've been being shy about doing it so far

your conflating consensual activites between adults to beastialty which could never be consensual and is plain animal abuse

its a very dirty and dishonest tactic

i dont understand why you want to protect this "sheep fucker" all of a sudden..
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