Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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They've tried to recreate it but can't figure out the ratios.. it's been a couple years since I seen it but im sure there's way more to it than that
Yes, apparently the crystalline structure continues to grow over time. That makes for some seriously hard concrete.
They've tried to recreate it but can't figure out the ratios.. it's been a couple years since I seen it but im sure there's way more to it than that
I just listened to a segment on Science Friday about this concrete.
1. There's no cement in it
2. The Romans used volcanic ash from the Bay of Naples
3. This very same concrete, with that specific volcanic ash in it, has been found in at least 11 different locations around the Mediterranean
4. None of the works they tested using it had been destroyed by storms or natural erosion

In addition, the same stuff has a cation exchange affinity for cesium and rhodium, making it ideal for use in radioactive waste casks.

Fucking amazing... 2000 years later and Roman engineers are STILL teaching us 'advanced' people new tricks!
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How hate and the Muslim ban will adversely affect those who support it most.

Many highly qualified medical professionals and doctors come from the very countries targeted by the so-called Muslim ban. Furthermore, these very same professionals have gone to rural areas to practice medicine in disproportionately higher numbers than those from other backgrounds.

Thus it seems that those in rural areas, who support the ban by larger margins than other Americans, stand to be the most adversely affected in a very personal way. This may be Karma at work.

Americans are stupid. It would appear conservative Americans in rural areas are even more so.
Didn't one of your Bern-outs say they thought going to a black doctor would make them crave chicken and watermelon?
Wow dude, sometimes I think you and tampon are two socks of the same freak.

Stop spamming my thread with your racist shit.

It's abundantly clear you have nothing of value to add here.
Cos spamming links that you agree with is "value".

I didn't say the racist shit, I was paraphrasing one of your fellow Bernouts.

It's about the image your side puts off, it completely removes any semblance of credibility in what you say.
Saw the newest quote in your sig. Is that for real?
As usual, he's lifted words out of context. The full statement was that if the Democratic Party nominates Hillary Clinton for president in 2020, I'll register as a Republican. Because at that point, the Democrats will have BECOME Republican.

As it stands, I'm working with the only political movement actually proposing and supporting policies that will help most Americans, that would be the Progressive Movement;
As usual, he's lifted words out of context. The full statement was that if the Democratic Party nominates Hillary Clinton for president in 2020, I'll register as a Republican. Because at that point, the Democrats will have BECOME Republican.

As it stands, I'm working with the only political movement actually proposing and supporting policies that will help most Americans, that would be the Progressive Movement;
He didn't mean your quote.

Believe it or not, not everything is about you.
Wow. And that's coming the guy who wants me to believe he's some hardcore progressive? Embarrassing.
And it was because I told him if he doesn't like America and doesn't want to change it from within he could move to Cuba because it's nice this time of year (paraphrasing).

They're Bernouts, they're Democrats that have temporarily lost their minds and use Trump talking points to try attack the overwhelmingly popular Democrat candidate last cycle.

They actually parrot Trump so perfectly I'm waiting for them to just call her a "nasty woman".
Wow. And that's coming the guy who wants me to believe he's some hardcore progressive? Embarrassing.
Not at all; why should I waste my time with a party that doesn't serve anyone's interests but those it takes money from? Did you watch the YouTube clip?

Here's another, quoting Ralph Nader;
Same story. If you think Democrats are representing average Americans, you're flat wrong and flat broke.

I didn't say I'd vote that way and as soon as there's a solid progressive party choice on national ballots I'll register for them.
there are 3 "justice democrats" on this forum. you, pada, and schuy. you bill yourselves as "the true progressives".

but the speech coming from you guys is "move to cuba, faggot" and "there's a dirty jew who can count his pennies" and "black women acting like african primates" and "black doctors make me want watermelon and chicken" and "i won't hire someone with a black sounding name" and "i like to see women with their assholes duct taped open".

no thanks. pass.
I have no idea what you're talking about but it seems like your usual MO; scream racism at anyone who you disagree with. I didn't say any of those things and you know it.

The fact that I have a different political opinion than you apparently makes you go completely batshit crazy.
Complaining about Sanders is easier than facing the truth of the demolition of the Democratic Party. They've been too obvious about their selling out to the monied interests and have lost their credibility.

We need a party that's actually on the left representing workers in this country and it's increasingly clear that the Democratic Party has been doing its very best to destroy any progressive movement- even at the cost of its own destruction.

Any revolution that fails to replace the leaders is a failure. The current political paradigm allows the current leadership in both parties to prosper whether they get votes or candidates in office or not.

This is not democracy; it's a cover-up for kleptocracy. We are seeing the results play out in television, in the halls of Congress, the Senate, the White House, at corporate boardrooms and unemployment lines across the country.

And we're all standing around with our mouths hanging open with dicks in hand.
then let me refresh your memory.

View attachment 3974792

don't even get me started on all the pure hatred for israel from you three.

I have a dry sense of humor that YOU obviously don't get.

I'm not going to explain myself to YOU again, the next time YOU post those THREE (3) quotes in the FIVE (5) years I've been here.

Now YOU on the other hand..let's talk about your recent dishonesty of 'the bet'..just one of many of the UB repertoire.

As far as Israel is concerned..they deserve everything they get. Recall: Netanyahu's promise of no two state solution and ask me if I give a flying fuck about these whiners and crybabys..where there's smoke there's fire sadly, this religious group has been hated for millennia which has nothing to do with my comment re: Mnuchin evicting someone from their home for a less than $1 ONE dollar error..if the shoe fits? I'm gonna call it like it is..and YOU'RE not going to silence me!
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then let me refresh your memory.

View attachment 3974792

don't even get me started on all the pure hatred for israel from you three.

The Jews leverage their religion like it were a race and I don't like that.

You leverage yourself as 'part of the tribe' and I don't like that.

Next time feel free to say.. Schuylaar is a lying atheist bitch..feel better? Nope somehow it doesn't have the same connotation..Q: why is that? A: 'The tribe'.

The Jews wish to be different when it suits them, then scream bloody fucking murder when they are singled which is it?

When someone asks me my background, I don't say I was born Catholic and am now atheist..I say the countries of my heritage. The Jewish person states they are Jewish when asked about theirs. It's weird.
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And it was because I told him if he doesn't like America and doesn't want to change it from within he could move to Cuba because it's nice this time of year (paraphrasing).

They're Bernouts, they're Democrats that have temporarily lost their minds and use Trump talking points to try attack the overwhelmingly popular Democrat candidate last cycle.

They actually parrot Trump so perfectly I'm waiting for them to just call her a "nasty woman".

You're such a child
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