Market Flooded..strain variety overload?

Indeed may I ask what your current preferences are?

I've long been a sativa fan as it helps a lot with my chronic depression. Does nothing for my arthritis tho so getting into high CBD strains that are sativa based and also growing indicas to make RSO for my wife who has tumors in her liver. Almost a year since the first scan showed tehm and we still don't know for sure how serious this is. F'n useless doctors!

I had 3 different kush types growing the last round but two went hermie so will only be growing the Hindu Kush for now on unless I get hold of something better. Need lots of oil soon so just going to crank some out to stock up over the winter. Have over a pound of various strains from the last couple years to make oil with now.

Amos I do like the color of that bud what may I ask is it?
Somone grew out some sensi #140 it had a nice appearance I thought about trying that one.
Well i don't know if i agree with their are no Elite Beans because if by some chance in hell you get something crossed by 2 Elites or even something back crossed to it self then hey now we are talking.

Question is who has this elite cut and why are they willing to just share these genetics with everyone are the a Old School Hippie who wants to just share with the world ? You will have to excuse my sarcasm because i have done plenty of business with them before and while they are nice people most of them time . Nothing is life is Free people !

Whether it be info or product nothing is ever free and this go for everyone in this game back in the day. Sure you meet people that would trade or would share but how did you get to this point think about it for a minute you had something they wanted and they had something you wanted i.e. money ,information ,clients, inner circle.

When i first started doing this it was illegal everywhere so Greatness was closely guarded at know time did anyone with half a brain cell ever just had you that greatness so i guess my point is if you have something that special why are you willing to sell it to everyone for pennies on the dollar? Albeit those pennies may make you a hefty sum at the end of the day .

And yes if it truly Elite then your price range of $300 to $500 seem's right to me for a chance to get a hold of said genetics but why would i not think to just try to get a Cutting so that i know for a fact that is elite because i already know what i'm getting. Just because i breed my elite with another elite doesn't make it offspring elite are your chances better i would say hell yeah that is pretty much undeniable.

And every who is as old as me (42) the weed genetics available to everyone where not better back in the day sorry your wrong they are much stronger now are they as Clean ? I would say no .
Ok here comes the moonshine vs whiskey comparison .
1st off Ive been smoking and growing longer than most of you have been alive 45 + years .
My standards are exceedingly high I know the plant and I expect perfection within .(You tards can call it burn out if you want )
Every plant should be a work of art in the end not some massive uniform jungle its the diff between MD 20/20 and good wine .
No its too much work to just give shit away especially prized genes back in the day folks were willing to share .
I did for a time but I soon realized it was pearls before swine after friends begged seed from me I willingly gave with one condition that a seeded sample was bought back to me (this never occurred ).I discontinued this practice as it was wasteful and unappreciated.
While today's strains have high THC concentrations it is not especially psychoactive to me whether it is due to the fact they are too high and lack other components to balance the entourage effect or they just are genetically lacking.
The Indicica i grew were heavily narcotic but the effect was shorter lived than the sativa 2-3 hrs. vs 2-4 for the satvia when you touched any it it stank and was sticky w resin not smooth and fuzzy .

I saw the beginning of legalization in WA state they didn't have a clue how to grow good weed the 1st licenses issued went to berry farmers who really didn't know proper practice I was there for 2 years during which I saw nothing but BS the buds were big but it was all commercial quality and they had the nasty habit of keiffing it prior to selling the flower either intentionally, or not the resin was missing (where do you think all those concentrates come from?) Everything felt and looked like an African violet due to removal of resin heads the only good started appearing in the medical licensed shops when sales from them outstripped recreational sales the state shut them down.
I had to go around Seattle to get any decent stuff and there were only a couple producers black market was same as rec market only $5 cheaper per gram.
Oregon was way ahead of the game but wasn't until the end of my 2nd year that I could venture that far I eventually moved to near Portland (I do miss that place).
So ya the markets loaded with BS tons of it
I come from the mountains so moonshine was part of the tradtion here there were no alcohol sales in the old days you had to drive 30min to beer or 1 hr one way to get liquor.
Store bought whiskey was limited people bought what they could afford to drink mostly it was colored and would make you sick like one moonshiner told me (It aint nothin but chemicals .)
Once I drank the pure stuff I knew what it was the same with weed I knew the different variate had components I enjoyed and I knew when it was properly produced and when it was not.
Pure Moonshine is exteremly potent and clean easliy overdone once that occurs its not enjoyable it is clean and soaring high but over 3 shots and your looking at the sky.
Irish whiskey I like irsih whiskey too as it is just trashy enough to give a completely enjoyable experience without passing out right away.
I can go to any Liquor store any buy Irish whisky I can go to no store and by real moonshine .
I suggest many of you today are like this you haven't had the chance to sample the full spectrum to appreciate it and some of you will never have the palate to to so or the ability now that these strains are gone .
Plus the fact its hard to find gold in a sea of shit the same color.
The majority of people are happy with McDonalds I can not eat the stuff therefore it is useless to me.
Good shit is still out there I'm sure the keepers covet it it as I did .
Now Ihe hunt begins again.
No beans are "elite" I agree with that.

As a beginner grower, most have enough trouble with the growing part. Genetics aside.

After growing a while, you start to notice all the traits people talk about. Then you start to get a preference for what you like to grow or the effects you're chasing after.

While no seeds are "elite" I do like to think, with informative boards like this, that one can make an educated guess on buying seeds to get the type of plant or effect they are after.

I find it odd that you're always disappointed with every seed you pop. I've had the exact opposite experience. After buying clones from all over in California, I started buying seeds from Sannies and Attitude and now US companies. I found way more variety and vigor from seeds. True, some seeds are inferior from bad breeders, but if you do your research on here you can usually find what you're looking for.

There's also the evolution part of it and it's the same with fruits and veggies. Go buy some heirloom tomato or pepper seeds (or any annual fruit) off of from a remote village somewhere in another part of the world. Grow the original beans out. You'll most likely get a small yield. However if you save those beans from the first fruit you harvested and grow them out, you'll see much bigger plants with larger yields. Note, sometimes it could take a few generations for the improvement but you get the point. The genetics adapt to the new environment eventually. Same with cannabis imo.

I do agree there are way too many varieties out there but it's also pretty cool because of a relatively new industry. Some of these breeders are going to the be the face of cannabis future, while others will disappear. Get ahold of some sought after, newer breeders gear and you will have valuable gear to start with. Matching a good father with the mom plant should improve the offspring. Good breeders have a goal to improve plants, while some are just trying to profit off the name of the mom or the hype somehow.

Remember looking at those old sensi catalogs back in the 80s/90s? I used to think there was way too much variety then, but imagine if you bought those nl5xhaze seeds.
Man, I have popped hundreds of seed in the last decade. Don't get me wrong, I have found some better than average plants, but still disappointed. I don't like better than average, I like the best. What i don't have much of is time and space when I have something better.

I recently bought into a cut club, I got 10 of the 50 cuts I am owed, So far I have flowered out 4 of the 10 with the other 6 in progress, and 2 of the 4 are down right killer. Like, some of the best I have ever had in my several decades of smoking.

I honeslty can say after spending umteen thousands of dollars on seed packs, vegging, cloning, flowering, my time and space was wasted chasing dreams.

The guy who owns the clone club has big money, big space, and extremely knowledgeable. I was skeptical, but hearing how he will run, 2 to 5 hundred seeds to find 1 special plant, I had no problem shelling out the money. It would take me literally years to do this and to have to work done for you, and to pay a small premium, was well worth it. I am glad he put in the hard work for me and hope he continues to be successful. I wish someone would have done this a long time ago. There is definitely a market for a "selector".

Hunting out of a pack of 10 is much different than hunting a pack of 500.
The more I hear about KGPs experience with the cut club the more it peaks my interest.
My last few rounds have been clones. I had a lot on my plate and didnt have time to run multiple packs, but a few wks ago I decided to pull some packs from the vault and germ some seeds. I just finished sexing those seeds a couple days ago and now I have to take multiple cuts of everything because a plants true potential doesn't show until the second or third round. This is the part that I find tedious and time/space consuming.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good pheno hunt and I love it when the members share their new genetics. There's some serious skill on these boards especially the chuckers paradise thread.

I'm researching LEDs right now, and I think I might setup a tent to run seeds and do some more chucks and keep my bloom room just for clones.
Best of both worlds?
Also want to add, everyone should try making their own seeds. Given the vast availability of genetics, theres no reason peeps cant produce their own that are just as good, if not better than the 80-300 a pack seeds.
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The more I hear about KGPs experience with the cut club the more it peaks my interest.
My last few rounds have been clones. I had a lot on my plate and didnt have time to run multiple packs, but a few wks ago I decided to pull some packs from the vault and germ some seeds. I just finished sexing those seeds a couple days ago and now I have to take multiple cuts of everything because a plants true potential doesn't show until the second or third round. This is the part that I find tedious and time/space consuming.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good pheno hunt and I love it when the members share their new genetics. There's some serious skill on these boards especially the chuckers paradise thread.

I'm researching LEDs right now, and I think I might setup a tent to run seeds and do some more chucks and keep my bloom room just for clones.
Best of both worlds?
Also want to add, everyone should try making their own seeds. Given the vast availability of genetics, there's no reason peeps cant produce their own that are just as good, if not better than the 80-300 a pack seeds.
Its all about what you enjoy. Do you want nothing but top shelf, or some enjoy the hunt to find something unique and special to them. Some hold sentimental value to plants they have grown or bred, and that's cool. I personally don't at all. I rate every plant I grow on a spreadsheet. I rate them for vigor, structure, ease of grow, taste, smell, high, yield, and how easy they clone and total them up. If they are a few points behind a half dozen others, it goes in the trash after 2 runs.

But like life, do what makes you happy. I personally am tired of searching. Many enjoy all the aspects. GOod luck to you.
Man, I have popped hundreds of seed in the last decade. Don't get me wrong, I have found some better than average plants, but still disappointed. I don't like better than average, I like the best. What i don't have much of is time and space when I have something better.

I recently bought into a cut club, I got 10 of the 50 cuts I am owed, So far I have flowered out 4 of the 10 with the other 6 in progress, and 2 of the 4 are down right killer. Like, some of the best I have ever had in my several decades of smoking.

I honeslty can say after spending umteen thousands of dollars on seed packs, vegging, cloning, flowering, my time and space was wasted chasing dreams.

The guy who owns the clone club has big money, big space, and extremely knowledgeable. I was skeptical, but hearing how he will run, 2 to 5 hundred seeds to find 1 special plant, I had no problem shelling out the money. It would take me literally years to do this and to have to work done for you, and to pay a small premium, was well worth it. I am glad he put in the hard work for me and hope he continues to be successful. I wish someone would have done this a long time ago. There is definitely a market for a "selector".

Hunting out of a pack of 10 is much different than hunting a pack of 500.
That's hard to argue with, as far as popping seeds and finding that one in a million.

So far I think only two plants I've popped from seeds I would call better than "better than average". My twisted leaf pheno of dutch passion's blueberry in 2002 and the current lvtk pheno I got. That is 2 out of 1000's of beans in over 15 years of popping.

Sure had plenty of super good plants but only those two I would put up against anything else I've smoked or grown.

It's like a gambling addiction though, just gotta keep popping, lol.
Baskin Robbins has dozens of varieties and flavors of ice cream; it used to be 31. Some people I knew would order a different flavor most every visit. Others, like me, were perfectly happy getting the same favorite.
The real question in this thread.... What is your favourite strain of Basket Robbins? Mine was Peanut Butter Chocolate. Fucking amazing stuff...

On a serious note, I also love variety in my jars. I don't chase strains or crosses, but I am partial to reputable breeders/chuckers. I love me citrus, gas and pinsol loud/pungent varieties.
Hunting out of a pack of 10 is much different than hunting a pack of 500.

And the guys that have grown those hundreds of beans in their pheno searches are the ones that deserve to make the big bux when they find/develop the 'one'. Not all these basic pollen chuckers selling F1 or F2 beans for $20 each.

I grew my first buds in '78 from bagseed out of pot available in Calgary back then. 2 each of Thai Stick, Jamacian Red Hair, Maui Wowie and some Mexican sativa from a brick. Tiny little buds and for some stroke of luck they all were girls. Wish I still had those genetics. :)

Since moving to northern Alberta in '01 with 6 hash plant clones I've been chucking pollen. Mostly to perpetuate various strains but sometimes to see what kind of new strain came out of a cross. The only one that was the bomb for me was a cross of Kali Mist and NL#5 both from the old Marc Emery seed bank c. 2000. I loved the Kali for depression but just a bit too much and I'd have an anxiety attack for the first 20 min then it was great. So I crossed it with the NL and the right pheno from that worked just as well but no more anxiety. Time to grow out a few more so I can make more seeds to keep the genetics around. I've sent it's beans to a dozen people at least over the years and everyone that reported back really liked it.

Another cross I really like is one a friend down in Texas made between L.S.D. and Blueberry. Both from Barney's farms about 10 years ago. He called it Lone Star Blue Dream. Another good cloud lifter that had some effect on my arthritis too. Easy growing, 52 - 65 day finish and really decent yields.


I'm getting into high CBD strains and indicas now and making my own fem seeds with STS. Maybe in a few years I'll have something really decent but for now it's something to keep my interest up as I do it for my own and my wife's medicine. And to share with friends of course. :)

I think you can find balance between seeds and elite breeder cuts. For me, I pop seeds and dust pollen because it helps keep the thrill of growing alive.
I love the predictability and uniformity of a dialed in grow but it gets boring quick. Seeds offer me inspiration to spend more time in the garden. More time, means better end product. Win win. :bigjoint:
Baskin Robbins sucks thats why they mostly out of biz
I'm not sure if they still are but Baskin Robbins was huge in Illinois. The Dunkin donuts/baskins robbins stores were all over Chicago and surrounding areas, I mean everywhere. That was before I moved 5 years ago so that might have changed but them midwesterners love the ice cream and donuts.
I figured we needed a thread to discuss the implications of recent explosion in hybrids...It's a philosophical question..

Are customers going to get sick of the bazillion strains floating around out there at some point and stick to the 5-6 favorites they like? Lost in the crowd?

Everyone, and I mean a ton of people are pollen chucking these days; myself included...Cookie this, Gorilla that...What is really new out there that doesnt already have 20 other close substitutes?
Most flavours, effects and "punch" are now covered by multiple strains...the new frontier seems to be identifying and capturing new cannabinoids...THCP...30x the strength of THC, THCV?...How many veteran smokers/growers haven't even heard if these cannabinoids?

That said..I can see people trying to track down legit landrace strains.
These days its easy to get lost in all the for someone to spend $150 or $200 on a pack of so called "elite" beans..Why?


Mr Toad

The thing is there's more seeds than ever available but the variety is becoming smaller than ever. Everything is the same, as you said (mainly cookie crosses). My hope is out of the stale gene pool around these days people will go back to Sativas and other landraces that provide flavors and highs all of the current cookie stuff couldn't begin to compare to...