Market Flooded..strain variety overload?

And the guys that have grown those hundreds of beans in their pheno searches are the ones that deserve to make the big bux when they find/develop the 'one'. Not all these basic pollen chuckers selling F1 or F2 beans for $20 each.

I grew my first buds in '78 from bagseed out of pot available in Calgary back then. 2 each of Thai Stick, Jamacian Red Hair, Maui Wowie and some Mexican sativa from a brick. Tiny little buds and for some stroke of luck they all were girls. Wish I still had those genetics. :)

Since moving to northern Alberta in '01 with 6 hash plant clones I've been chucking pollen. Mostly to perpetuate various strains but sometimes to see what kind of new strain came out of a cross. The only one that was the bomb for me was a cross of Kali Mist and NL#5 both from the old Marc Emery seed bank c. 2000. I loved the Kali for depression but just a bit too much and I'd have an anxiety attack for the first 20 min then it was great. So I crossed it with the NL and the right pheno from that worked just as well but no more anxiety. Time to grow out a few more so I can make more seeds to keep the genetics around. I've sent it's beans to a dozen people at least over the years and everyone that reported back really liked it.

Another cross I really like is one a friend down in Texas made between L.S.D. and Blueberry. Both from Barney's farms about 10 years ago. He called it Lone Star Blue Dream. Another good cloud lifter that had some effect on my arthritis too. Easy growing, 52 - 65 day finish and really decent yields.

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I'm getting into high CBD strains and indicas now and making my own fem seeds with STS. Maybe in a few years I'll have something really decent but for now it's something to keep my interest up as I do it for my own and my wife's medicine. And to share with friends of course. :)

I bet you and I live pretty dang close to one another. Not much variety in N. Alberta.
I wonder if cookies is going to be the next cheese. I remember where I live cheese was in EVERYTHING. Everyone wanted cheese and wanted to breed with it. Now, its scarce to find in the dispensaries and even more so on people's growing radar.
I wonder if cookies is going to be the next cheese. I remember where I live cheese was in EVERYTHING. Everyone wanted cheese and wanted to breed with it. Now, its scarce to find in the dispensaries and even more so on people's growing radar.
That's all I get asked about "when you gonna grow more cookie "
I think cookie and her kin cross out to good to end up like cheese,plus the nugs she makes,has people's eyeballs popping out the head like a cartoon.
Heirlooms are just that kept and handed down for generations due to certain qualities of the cultivar.
How many strains are Heirlooms?
So how many people back in the day
Man, I have popped hundreds of seed in the last decade. Don't get me wrong, I have found some better than average plants, but still disappointed. I don't like better than average, I like the best. What i don't have much of is time and space when I have something better.

I recently bought into a cut club, I got 10 of the 50 cuts I am owed, So far I have flowered out 4 of the 10 with the other 6 in progress, and 2 of the 4 are down right killer. Like, some of the best I have ever had in my several decades of smoking.

I honeslty can say after spending umteen thousands of dollars on seed packs, vegging, cloning, flowering, my time and space was wasted chasing dreams.

The guy who owns the clone club has big money, big space, and extremely knowledgeable. I was skeptical, but hearing how he will run, 2 to 5 hundred seeds to find 1 special plant, I had no problem shelling out the money. It would take me literally years to do this and to have to work done for you, and to pay a small premium, was well worth it. I am glad he put in the hard work for me and hope he continues to be successful. I wish someone would have done this a long time ago. There is definitely a market for a "selector".

Hunting out of a pack of 10 is much different than hunting a pack of 500.
This is what i mean they have the ability to do 200-500 narrow it down to say 10 grow them for another run from clone see how they preform then keep the 2 to 3 best. 1a for sale to the public 1b as a back up just in case something happens to 1a and will call it 1ps His (Blake) private stock if he finds something Super . Right now a Membership is what $2,500 for 50 cuts that's only $50 for rooted cut that is nothing in the grand overall scheme.

I mean you could pop 3 packs at $50 to $300 and never come close to what your getting for $50 and you didn't waste time growing it out selecting and rerunning it from clone. plus i think memberships are 50% off right now so that's $25 for a Great if not Elite Cut can't beat that price with a stick.

While i still like to hunt packs hoping to find something no one else has just makes 2 much sense to at the very least go 50%/50% Clone to seed in a Flooded market full of random chucks don't get me wrong i'm not hating on Pollen chucks bye any means do what you love i just think their are to many people, breeders ,pollen chucker's throwing caution to the wind classifying their seeded genetics as something they are not and it sad.
I can understand growers enrolling in cut clubs...but very few in all honesty. Unless you're commercial...
Who is going to buy and maintain 50 plants or even a portion there of..Personally, I think more people would be happy paying 60 of that fee for 30% of the number of cuts...$1500 for 15 cuts..cuz really after just get lost in the overload..which is kind of the point I had with this thread
Kinda like walking into the hardware store because you need a lightbulb...but they're only sold in packs of 10.
I can understand growers enrolling in cut clubs...but very few in all honesty. Unless you're commercial...
Who is going to buy and maintain 50 plants or even a portion there of..Personally, I think more people would be happy paying 60 of that fee for 30% of the number of cuts...$1500 for 15 cuts..cuz really after just get lost in the overload..which is kind of the point I had with this thread
Kinda like walking into the hardware store because you need a lightbulb...but they're only sold in packs of 10.
You're correct, definitely an overload for sure, but then that's where you do the last leg of the hard work hunting. And it's actually a lot more entertaining and profitable.

Figure 50 cuts that were hunted out of 5000 to 25000 plants, now you hunt for your keepers out of the 50, 10 at a time. I have already culled 2 of mine, kept 2, and still waiting on the other 6 in flower. When they are done, I will probably cull several more keeping only a half dozen.

Repeat every couple months until I narrow it down to the top 6 or 10 or whatever you are comfortable keeping in rotation, and those should be the best of the best to your own subjective opinion.

If you have grower friends you could always off something really good that you decide not to keep to them for a reasonable rate. Get 50 bucks a pop which shouldn't be hard to get and you have minimal dollars invested and the creme de le creme of the chosen ones.

Just my opinion.
Thing is i don't think he makes you take all 50 at once you could take say 10 cuts 5 times i don't know all the details not to sure how long you get the membership for or what the re up rate on a membership is either i will say i have seen people selling his cuts on Strainly for $250 so idk you be the judge.
Thing is i don't think he makes you take all 50 at once you could take say 10 cuts 5 times i don't know all the details not to sure how long you get the membership for or what the re up rate on a membership is either i will say i have seen people selling his cuts on Strainly for $250 so idk you be the judge.
You are correct, 10 at a time.

And i agree, im sure they could fetch some money but i would rather see a buddy appreciate it and get rid of the mother as well. Focus on the keepers. Like dude said, the shit can get overwhelming doint to much at once. Thats just me.
Breeding these days for the most part is source elite cuts and chuck pollen all over the place. Yay, i just made my first hybrid. Give me money. Okay but where's the stability on BOTH sides of the cross? Yeah, not so much.

How many true F1's are on the market? Fuck all.
People got it good these days. You just have to be a discerning consumer.
Back in the day it was common to run through many packs to find something decent and most packs had plenty of trash. Nobody cared about chucking cash in an envelope overseas for a two month ride either ha.
The trouble I'm having in answering the question of this thread is trying to picture who the customers will be in the future that would determine the market.

Cannabis is pretty unique because it's gardening but it's also a recreational activity and a lifestyle. I don't know how many customers are going to be gardeners in the future and how many with be just purchasing the finished bud and never grow a plant.

The direction it's going though is a bit concerning because prohibition which spawned the cannabis growing subculture will lose its identity with strict legalization. An example being how prohibition led to a bunch of unlikely gardeners starting indoor grows, if there's no longer prohibition indoor growing might trend downward because its expensive and/or impractical. On the other hand having so many new people exposed to cannabis will open many new different avenues to explore and create new booms in cannabis and home grows.

The market for strains won't be over saturated though because in 2-3 years from now you'll know more about strains/genetics/effects than you do today. And your tastes will change overtime, as will trends, and cannabis will continue to evolve. If people get sick of the same hybrids they'll be new strains to overtake them also and the market will gravitate to strains that fit the next trend.
Warning, I'm new here, so please be kind; I am not sure what the question is here. Is it that people are basically culling out anything that doesn't have hype behind it? And in doing so, may be losing hidden gems? Or is it that going so definitively with hybrids causes a loss of the original building blocks that created them? or is it something else entirely? Sorry, I am just not sure... I'm also kind of high so may not be reading right. When I was growing up, there were no hype strains. We smoked what we got from the dealers, and decided how good it was based on the effect. It seems people have lost that with legalization. Now it is all about the name you read, or how good it is supposed to be according to how it is marketed, or what crazy flavor it has in its name. I love that it is now not such a crime in a lot of the country, or countries, but it seems like people have forgotten how to just blindly judge, if that makes sense.
It’s a good thing. The plant has come further in 60 years then the past 6000. But has really taken off since the 90s. It will be legalized federally as more states legalize it. It’s America’s #1 cash crop. I don’t see that changing in our lifetime.