Market it going down fast

Seeing any price changes in the BM at all yet @CannaReview ? I know it's not even a week in yet but with such a shortage of supplies at the legal dispensaries just wondering if things have changed at all in the BM?
Seeing any price changes in the BM at all yet @CannaReview ? I know it's not even a week in yet but with such a shortage of supplies at the legal dispensaries just wondering if things have changed at all in the BM?

Hear rumors lol but when I talk to the bigger growers same ol nothing moving. Some guys are telling me they're getting $1800 but I believe it when I see it. For the most part west coast is fucked. What's really funny is its not the legal market that killed the weed market here its the amount of licenses across Canada and how much was in the market. People are still applying for 30+ gram licenses and paying $2000K+
Hear rumors lol but when I talk to the bigger growers same ol nothing moving. Some guys are telling me they're getting $1800 but I believe it when I see it. For the most part west coast is fucked. What's really funny is its not the legal market that killed the weed market here its the amount of licenses across Canada and how much was in the market. People are still applying for 30+ gram licenses and paying $2000K+
Around here it just seemed like tons of people were waiting on legal dispensaries. Now that none of them have any supplies left and even when they did prices were of course way higher than they expected it seems like lots are already going back to their old ways of getting it.