Mars hydro or spider farmer


Active Member
Looking to upgrade from blurple . Hate it .

Sf2000 from spider farmer 200w

Or ts2000 mars hydro 300w

Trying to decide which one will be better for my 2x4 .

Can't afford HLG right now
Thansk for your attention in our product. SF 2000 is perfect for 2x4 growing size.
Any problem or needs feel free to contact.
Also you can use the coupon code: SFRIU to save some money.
If you can't afford high quality LED, just run HID lighting and save yourself the hassle.

Your trying to upgrade from shitty lights to less shitty lights, instead of going from shitty to good. No reason to remake the same mistake you made when you went blurple
I cant run HPS, was vetoed on it by my other half. I mean yeah I can spend 800 or more on a LED. However I would rather save some cash . HLG is definitely worth it .