martial law


New Member
Seems pretty confidant, must be nice his sources are the only ones to be trusted! I guess if I ask around the rifle range and figure the math from everybody's guesses I will have some fancy figures that all is well in Obama land!

A few months ago the nsa said publicly they dont collect data on Americans!
Personally I dont buy in to info wars and the other bs. I also dont necessarily believe DHS propaganda either.


Well-Known Member
yup ^ i believe were on a path to destruction this administration that we got is in bed with something nasty
im 21 yo and ive never heard of a gov shutdown has this happened before ?


Well-Known Member
yup ^ i believe were on a path to destruction this administration that we got is in bed with something nasty
im 21 yo and ive never heard of a gov shutdown has this happened before ?
It's not just this administration.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, where are you suppose to aim at on one of those? Sadly my deer rifle doesn't have a grenade launcher.


Well-Known Member
It is all the Republicans fault. They are taking people hostage. Obama says its a "ransom crusade", and we all know Obama only negotiates with terrorists;
so the Republicans are out of luck on this one.



Well-Known Member
It is all the Republicans fault. They are taking people hostage. Obama says its a "ransom crusade", and we all know Obama only negotiates with terrorists;
so the Republicans are out of luck on this one.
funny how the republicans made compromise a dirty word last year, now they are begging for compromise from obama.


top that all off with iran being a better negotiating partner than the house republicans and you've got a good idea of how retarded the right has become in this nation.

blame yourselves, idiots.


Well-Known Member
Guys and Gals, what part of one of Obama's early speeches about "Fundamentally Changing America" did you miss?
Chaos will be the new norm.


Well-Known Member
funny how the republicans made compromise a dirty word last year, now they are begging for compromise from obama.


top that all off with iran being a better negotiating partner than the house republicans and you've got a good idea of how retarded the right has become in this nation.

blame yourselves, idiots.
Calling Mr. Boehner a righty is inaccurate. He is a moderate at best. Don't be all sad because our house controls the purse strings baby boy. Obama just can't stop pouting the fact that he has limited control. Obama has no right to rewrite the non-affordable health care act. He has the power to veto, and thats it. Obama and Justice John Roberts can't seem to figure out they have no power to write legislation. The American people are sick of it!

El Tiberon

Active Member
What does the 14th amendment of the US Constitution say? It seems clear to me if invoked the Congress has no choice but to allow funding to go forward. They could try to impeach if they get angry but that would fail at the senate and make them look even weaker. Hard to believe a few right wing white people are hell bent on causing a global problem.