Martin omally apologizes for saying "all lives matter"

it does not appear you are following your own advice, your attitude towards old folk and obesity seems quite judgmental

i do not see being old as an "action" so there is no real reason to hate old people, it will happen to you one day

with obesity, you could make an educated guess that those fat fucks are most likely fat because of their own actions/inaction
However, unless you know the fat people in question personally/ having access to their medical history, its still remotely possible they have some kind of medical excuse, with this being a possibility, you should perhaps postpone the fat hate or you come off as a hypocrite

again being white is not an "action" and not the fault of those fat old fucks

just a thought :)
I was describing them. I could of left out fucks, but they spoke very condescendingly to my daughter. They also were making many racist remarks out loud in public. So fucks I call them.

My cousin is obese because she is on lithium. I dont call her a fuck because she is educated and sweet person. She is fat whether or not she chose to be so.
White women subconsciously hate white men that's why the white race won't exist in 200 years.. All kinds of muts. The White genes are just to weak to carry on by themselves they need to be crossed with something stronger, the bitches have spoken.. Give me a white girl I'll give you a Mexican baby. If I fuck a black girl we make a puerto rican looking muthafucker. You whites are doomed. I can see why you guys are so buthurt.. You just can't accept the fact that your race is approaching the end of its last days..I'm going to start taking pictures of all the white people I know..those muthafuckers are going extinct.
I kid sometimes that our daughter has hybrid vigor.
White women subconsciously hate white men that's why the white race won't exist in 200 years.. All kinds of muts. The White genes are just to weak to carry on by themselves they need to be crossed with something stronger, the bitches have spoken.. Give me a white girl I'll give you a Mexican baby. If I fuck a black girl we make a puerto rican looking muthafucker. You whites are doomed. I can see why you guys are so buthurt.. You just can't accept the fact that your race is approaching the end of its last days..I'm going to start taking pictures of all the white people I know..those muthafuckers are going extinct.
So true. Now excuse me while I go have my fun with these Dominican women.
What's going on here?

I know for a fact that there are racists still. Race is still an issue. Was having my breakfast this morning next to two 50-60yr old fat white fucks. They were complaining about the president and talking about maybe getting better treatment if they had black face.

Heard them say knights of columbus too.

Maybe in 30-40 years all those ignorant fucks will be gone. If you are going to dislike someone, dislike them for their actions, not the color of their skin.

I also worked for a 60 something racist sexist bigot when I was saving for my honeymoon. Didn't realize it till a month in. But he only hired whites and attractive females. The most attractive females were up front for customers.

They are out there. Being oppressive and shit. Denying people jobs and just being unpleasant in general.

I imagine most black people can sense when people are being weird around them too. My friend used to point out people staring at him when we would go out.

I have anxiety and think everyone is judging me. Even though I know they aren't. Black people worry about it and know that some people definitely are judging them. That would suck!

You asked what's going on here? A lot of nonsense like usual.

It's unfortunate racism does continue to exist. But to Sky's point, divisiveness doesn't conquer divisiveness.

Change happens because people like yourself and your family make it happen.

Best wishes to you.

they spoke very condescendingly to my daughter.

That is disgusting, even so, i still see no need to use the terms old and fat, and fucks to describe them

from what you said they sound like they were horrible people for being mean to your child., regardless of them being old fat and white

i am not suggesting that you would assume from this that all old fat white people will be mean to children

i read it more as, they upset you in some way, so you used the fact that they were old and fat to get back at them, when this was unnecessary

if those people had been black, you would not of used their race to get back at them
what if they were bald , very skinny, had acne were poorly dressed, or whatever , you may of used some of these points to get back at them
because its fair game to use peoples appearance to ridicule them, as long as its not the colour of their skin

although if it had been two fat people with terrible orange sunbed tans, you could of freely mocked their skin colour without fear of reprisals from the saints angels and heroes
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That is disgusting, even so, i still see no need to use the terms old and fat, and fucks to describe them

from what you said they sound like they were horrible people for being mean to your child., regardless of them being old fat and white

i am not suggesting that you would assume from this that all old fat white people will be mean to children

i read it more as, they upset you in some way, so you used the fact that they were old and fat to get back at them, when this was unnecessary

if those people had been black, you would not of used their race to get back at them
what if they were bald , very skinny, had acne were poorly dressed, or whatever , you may of used some of these points to get back at them
because its fair game to use peoples appearance to ridicule them, as long as its not the colour of their skin

although if it had been two fat people with terrible orange sunbed tans, you could of freely mocked their skin colour without fear of reprisals from the saints angels and hero's
If it had been two fat black people I would of said two fat black people.

Have you ever read a book where they describe the characters? Rotund, Jolly, Massive gut, Looking as if they might burst the chair legs with one more bite... Etc.

Descriptions are natural. Perhaps I judged them for being overweight AFTER they started making such horrible comments.

You caught me, I dont like obesity. Shocker.
That is disgusting, even so, i still see no need to use the terms old and fat, and fucks to describe them

from what you said they sound like they were horrible people for being mean to your child., regardless of them being old fat and white

i am not suggesting that you would assume from this that all old fat white people will be mean to children

i read it more as, they upset you in some way, so you used the fact that they were old and fat to get back at them, when this was unnecessary

if those people had been black, you would not of used their race to get back at them
what if they were bald , very skinny, had acne were poorly dressed, or whatever , you may of used some of these points to get back at them
because its fair game to use peoples appearance to ridicule them, as long as its not the colour of their skin

although if it had been two fat people with terrible orange sunbed tans, you could of freely mocked their skin colour without fear of reprisals from the saints angels and heroes

Actually I'd call 'em old fat fucks. It'll probably be me some day.
Black, white, brown, it doesn't matter, a old fat fuck is a old fat fuck.
I'm just being a jackass.

Wait till they have a grand kid of mixed race ... they'll change. It happens.
If they had been rude to my daughter I may have. I was high when I typed fucks. Next time I may say assholes or motherfuckers or bastards.

Rude people is what I say in front of my daughter tho. Lol

Call them whatever you like, but don't base it on skin colour

white = fucks
black= people

mean people are just people

i have no problem with you being judgmental about obesity that is your choice
i am only pointing out the contradictions as i see them

for example as i have stated, unless you are aware of a given fat persons medical history, you maybe inacurate by just judging them by looking at them
and thinking "fat lazy cunt" or whatever
We get it, skunkd0c is offended by what he perceives as anti-white sentiment. Poor oppressed white guy...

referring to black folk as people
while referring to white as fucks is inconsistent
regardless of race, hypocrisy is hypocrisy, i see no excuses for it

holding stereotypes about fat people while declaring that you should dislike people for their actions not skin colour is also hypocritical imo

i find it amusing that folk try to be politically correct about race/sexuality etc, but at the same time would ridicule a fat old bald person
its all bullying imo
Actually I'd call 'em old fat fucks. It'll probably be me some day.
Black, white, brown, it doesn't matter, a old fat fuck is a old fat fuck.
I'm just being a jackass.

Wait till they have a grand kid of mixed race ... they'll change. It happens.
Call them whatever you like, but don't base it on skin colour

white = fucks
black= people

mean people are just people

i have no problem with you being judgmental about obesity that is your choice
i am only pointing out the contradictions as i see them

for example as i have stated, unless you are aware of a given fat persons medical history, you maybe inacurate by just judging them by looking at them
and thinking "fat lazy cunt" or whatever
What do you want me to say, that I call black people names too? If they are scrubby pants hanging losers or wearing tube tops that dont cover their baby gut I still shudder. But I also see bubblebutt vixens and women dressed extravagantly and men dressed sharp and handsome.

Fuck is a word that has no meaning outside of sex really. I chose to use that word because thinking about those racist men talking to my half mexican child made me angry.
referring to black folk as people
while referring to white as fucks is inconsistent
regardless of race, hypocrisy is hypocrisy, i see no excuses for it

holding stereotypes about fat people while declaring that you should dislike people for their actions not skin colour is also hypocritical imo

i find it amusing that folk try to be politically correct about race/sexuality etc, but at the same time would ridicule a fat old bald person
its all bullying imo
referring to black folk as people
while referring to white as fucks is inconsistent
regardless of race, hypocrisy is hypocrisy, i see no excuses for it

holding stereotypes about fat people while declaring that you should dislike people for their actions not skin colour is also hypocritical imo

i find it amusing that folk try to be politically correct about race/sexuality etc, but at the same time would ridicule a fat old bald person
its all bullying imo

You are reading way too deeply into this.
What do you want me to say, that I call black people names too? If they are scrubby pants hanging losers or wearing tube tops that dont cover their baby gut I still shudder. But I also see bubblebutt vixens and women dressed extravagantly and men dressed sharp and handsome.

Fuck is a word that has no meaning outside of sex really. I chose to use that word because thinking about those racist men talking to my half mexican child made me angry.

i already said, you act however you like

personally if i was going to call folk names, i would not put restrictions on it based on skin colour

i do not think it is any more acceptable to abuse fat people because they are fat, than abusing a black person because they are black

you may look at it differently, and suggest that it is the fat persons fault etc
i do not subscribe to this view, i consider it all bullying

is this not clear ?
i already said, you act however you like

personally if i was going to call folk names, i would not put restrictions on it based on skin colour

i do not think it is any more acceptable to abuse fat people because they are fat, than abusing a black person because they are black

you may look at it differently, and suggest that it is the fat persons fault etc
i do not subscribe to this view, i consider it all bullying

is this not clear ?
It ia not abusive or bullying when written on a stoner forum while stoned.

Do you never get mad?