Mary Prankster White light LSD

I had i very similar experience, but the blotter tasted bitter so i knew something was up. I kinda enjoyed the experience, best visuals i have ever had. but my friends almost lost themselves. One check himself in to the hospital because he thought he was perma-trippin.
thing was i had it on mints, and the ammount of doses could have ranged anywhere from as little as 6 to as many as 15 because each one had 1-3 drops.
i almost did that, and the visuals were amazing, best i have ever had, just knowing what i took would have helped.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
never really fried during the day except in cancun on a half hit or so went snorkeling being in water is an odd sensation on lsd not to mention all the creatures around you.


Active Member
I've heard of the mary prankster acid its been going around in southern california after a serious dry spell. Apparently some members of the mary pranksters are still making doses or so the story goes..........

I've tried them, They're okay very smooth, but nothing compares to the dancing elephant doses @.@