Well-Known Member
Hey RIU been a while since I started a thread here. I have taken a long break from growing since having my first son, also I live in a non med state atm. I am moving to maryland Nov 1st, a couple days ago I got curious to see what the state laws are up there and found out I was moving to a med state and got real excited. I wanted to try and see if any at all how is the med status in maryland is it kind sketcy or weird? I've read through many sites there are no card rules in place or even specialized doctor visits you have to make. Just get a written reccomendation from your family doctor. The other thing I have been reading is that the law only protects you from going to jail, and you still are going to have to pay legal fees get arrested sit in the holding cells and everything... With all this said I wanted to see if any of RIU's users are operating well in the wonderful state of Maryland. Anyways thanks all!!