Mass Medical Strains - EEEEE!

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Aurora in Canada already has cost per gram down to .85 and that’s indoors. Excluding taxes it probably should be selling for around 2.00 a gram. Maybe a bit more depending of the retail stream. This is a bubble that has been deflating for awhile. Newness and artificial scarcity are keeping it inflated. The fed was talking about leagalization with a 5% tax. As soon as it’s federally legal states will start lowering their taxes to compete with neighboring states. Now imagine fields of sun grown and greenhouses. There will always be craft but it’s gonna be like beer...maybe 25-30% premium. It’s so cheap and easy to make it isn’t even going to rate like the scotch or whiskey market.

This has all happened before and will happen again.
#remember tulpenmanie
I work in the industry so get to know some privy info about costs. No LP in Canada gets more than 5-6$ a gram from the govt who buys their shit. Taxes range from 100% to 1000%. 6$ weed sells for 12-18 a gram while the .85c -3$ stuff sells on avg for 7-10 bucks a gram.

Currently our govt doesn't allow outdoor grows for Cannabis, the first 1 or 2 have been given the go ahead to start but its ultimately all indoor and Greenhouse grown. I work in a hybrid place that utilizes HPS DE 1000w and sun. When the sun isn't providing the right levels the HPS get kicked on to supplement. Using sun in a greenhouse is stupid hard to control the heat. Its like a magnifying glass cooking the insides. Temps hit in the high 30s to low 40s in the middle of summer this is celcius. If we didn't run c02 we couldn't get away with such high temps. I honestly couldn't imagine the IPM regime you would have to do in an outdoor setting for a massive OP like 500,000 sq feet and over. I think the higher costs for lighting and cooling are comparable to the quality outdoors would bring you. Everything has to be tested up here and there's a list of like 30 items that you are allowed to use on Cannabis for sale.

Also have you tried Auroras weed? Its absolute garbage, sure they can grow for cheap but its garbage quality and not a long term sustainable business model.
Ohh I have no doubt it’s garbage. Dispo is garbage here in MA too. I am more just using them to illustrate how cheap it is to produce, and this is indoors and today. More competition will up quality and lower prices. The gov’t will eventually probably put the taxes inline with alcohol eventually. Expecially when it’s more commonly used and people will push back on it as unreasonable....but that’s gonna take awhile.

most people have no clue what good cannabis is anyway.There is a reason Budweiser is still on business. They fill a niche.
I’m excited too. It’s going to flush a ton of money grubbing douche bags out of the way and it will be more craft passion stuff.
eh probably the opposite. Companies will begin buying out smaller guys until theres a handful of big names controlling everything. It happens all the time. Craft passion stuff is now, the corporate Marlboro / Budweiser version of weed is on the way.
Because mass medical is clearly a user here were not going to let people continue to slam down name call, threaten him etc.
I dont do drama, here, so please take to other places and off my forum thanks
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