Mass Medical Strains

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The pure swabi isn’t going to be released per MMS. Irrazinig gave them to him for preservation run. It’s a special kinda dirt bag who accepts landrace to do a preservation run and makes a cross with it to sell...but doesn’t do the preservation run.
Same thing happened with Acapulco Gold. He was called out after charging $100/pack and ended up giving them away.
Same thing happened with Acapulco Gold. He was called out after charging $100/pack and ended up giving them away.
Yea at least those got made. I know about the Acapulco but at least those seeds are floating around. This is actually way worse. These ones are crossed and gone. So I hope Irrazinig didn’t put all his eggs in the MMS basket.
I think part of the problem with the Mass Medical situation is that it was hard to find any criticisms of him if you didn’t follow certain ppl on Instagram.

There were positive grow reports, the credible podcasts had him on, and Bodhi left compliments on his IG. If all those ppl were giving this guy attention, surely he must be legit?

The only easily accessible criticism seemed to be comments by BigSco508 and Dividedsky on rollitup.

Professor P has been the most vocal and constant critic of MMS, but if you didn’t follow him on IG, you probably didn’t know.
What is stopping this scenario from playing out again?
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I think part of the problem with the Mass Medical situation is that it was hard to find any criticisms of him if you didn’t follow certain ppl on Instagram.

There were positive grow reports, the credible podcasts had him on, and Bodhi left compliments on his IG. If all those ppl were giving this guy attention, surely he must be legit?

The only easily accessible criticism seemed to be comments by BigSco508 and Dividedsky on rollitup.

Professor P has been the most vocal and constant critic of MMS, but if you didn’t follow him on IG, you probably didn’t know.
What is stopping this scenario from playing out again?
Lol people need to realize that IG is just a promotion platform (either promoting self/likes or product) and you need to go to more substantial platforms (like this one) or they need to change it so the poster can’t delete negative stuff from comments. Problem is people are kinda lazy and they believe everything they see posted or just look at the surface. I mean people don’t see a tv ad and go WOW that the toothpaste I need and go out and defend it and promote it myself...I’m on team CREST fuck you Colgate. IG is really just all ads (they just don’t tell you it’s an ad) and for some reason people are surprised when things aren’t what they seem.

Rarely I do get in good convos in dms and stuff but honestly it’s a super one dimensional and pretty vapid. I see tons of pics with no strain no weeks no nothing. Occasionally you will see great ones like irrizins and mainegrower.

I actually like IG alot because it lets me see what’s coming out from the breeders I like (and have already researched) But I am under no illusion that every word posted is an Ad and what they want me to see.
I think part of the problem with the Mass Medical situation is that it was hard to find any criticisms of him if you didn’t follow certain ppl on Instagram.

There were positive grow reports, the credible podcasts had him on, and Bodhi left compliments on his IG. If all those ppl were giving this guy attention, surely he must be legit?

The only easily accessible criticism seemed to be comments by BigSco508 and Dividedsky on rollitup.

Professor P has been the most vocal and constant critic of MMS, but if you didn’t follow him on IG, you probably didn’t know.
What is stopping this scenario from playing out again?
It does take a little searching and sitting back to listen. He stated in an email that some unknown breeder is going to be continuing his putang S1...later this year. He’s also dropping 25+ strains on the heels of his retirement announcement. He’ll be back
It does take a little searching and sitting back to listen. He stated in an email that some unknown breeder is going to be continuing his putang S1...later this year. He’s also dropping 25+ strains on the heels of his retirement announcement. He’ll be back
I agree. He will find a shill and say he is the best most awesome breeder who is unknown because he only cares for plants and hates the limelight....and he will now be MMS or he will be Transfering everything to him so everyone should follow him and then the spin machine will start.

listen he is smart he will make a ton of money. He is taking advantage of a semi-legal disjointed market.

I just HATE that he fucks with landrace things (he sets the preservationists back when they trust him) and says it’s all for the plant but sells 125$ packs and doesn’t really give to the community. If this prick actually gave a ton of stuff away to those in need I wouldn’t say boo. If I had a “magical” strain that was amazing for sick people I would be giving it away like water and selling the crosses and other stuff to make my $. I feel the same way about charlottes web and stuff...making that stuff commonly available only helps people and our cause to making this all legal. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing there was someone who wanted something that could help them and all I had to do was snip a branch. I want to see this shit like tomatoes and sold at farm stands.
the scene got played by what looks like a top notch 9 ball dork... dude should get a nice ass whooping and have it posted on social throw down a 10 pack of treez to watch somebody molly whop his hands so he cant ever do that lame ass finger boarding again....his fingers should all be broken so he cant be the Tony Hawk of 5 finger skating bro.... Im traditional with my ass whoopings ...weed out future slime like this also
why can't anyone with a pack of putang make beans and start selling it themselves now?.... or any MMS strains for that matter?... if he said MMS is out of business, doesn't that remove any ethical concerns? ... the more I watch breeders fight with each other over dumb shit, the more I realize it's all just a con ... they call it an industry, but it's not an industry, you need regulation to have an actual industry ... it's just a bunch of outlaws trying to enforce their own version of ethical standards on evryone else ... when in reality, not one single breeder on this planet has any proprietary rights to their strains.... and there's nothing that will ever be done to change that... until of course big business get involved in breeding, regulates it, then monopolizes the trademarks and patents... then all the "breeders" will be back to selling qp's

to be honest, I've bought a bunch of MMS gear in the past... and now I feel like a twat for it ... not because he may have stolen the original genetics... I actually couldn't care less about that the more I think about it ... it's also not because his gear grows shitty weed, some of it's actually been alright... it's not psychedelic, life-changing, top-shelf like he sells it ... but it grows well, and gets me just about as high as everything else

the actual reason I feel like a twat is that I actually bought into it, at about $20/seed ... now that the man behind the mask has been revealed, I'm embarrassed I spent my time growing out this dweebs gear ... i would actually respect it if he owned up to it and said, "yea I'm a fkn outlaw, i took one of your testers and called it star pupil, what you gonna do about it?" .... or if he didn't do it say, "nah, I never took your shit, prove otherwise or fuck off" ... I'd actually respect that too .... instead, he said, "don't believe the rumors, i'm out of business, but look out for the 30 new crosses still dropping at my butt-buddy's seed bank" ... fk him and fk me for buying into it
Lol people need to realize that IG is just a promotion platform (either promoting self/likes or product) and you need to go to more substantial platforms (like this one) or they need to change it so the poster can’t delete negative stuff from comments. Problem is people are kinda lazy and they believe everything they see posted or just look at the surface. I mean people don’t see a tv ad and go WOW that the toothpaste I need and go out and defend it and promote it myself...I’m on team CREST fuck you Colgate. IG is really just all ads (they just don’t tell you it’s an ad) and for some reason people are surprised when things aren’t what they seem.

Rarely I do get in good convos in dms and stuff but honestly it’s a super one dimensional and pretty vapid. I see tons of pics with no strain no weeks no nothing. Occasionally you will see great ones like irrizins and mainegrower.

I actually like IG alot because it lets me see what’s coming out from the breeders I like (and have already researched) But I am under no illusion that every word posted is an Ad and what they want me to see.

I agree with you, Instagram is largely about self promotion and putting out your curated image to world. Most social media serves that purpose, I have no illusions about that. In 2020 Instagram is the platform that breeders are most active on and post info on first. It’s also the only place that had documented accusations against MMS, but you had to be in the know.

My concern is that even if you did your research on MMS on other platforms such as Rollitup, etc, the community was largely silent. I know because I spent hours looking into him a few months ago.

That’s why I don’t believe the narrative that ppl who bought his seeds were lazy and didn’t take the time to look research him. I think many exp growers had suspicions but didn’t want to burn any bridges so they kept silent. I think that’s part of the reason MMS was allowed the flourish in plain site.
I agree with you, Instagram is largely about self promotion and putting out your curated image to world. Most social media serves that purpose, I have no illusions about that. In 2020 Instagram is the platform that breeders are most active on and post info on first. It’s also the only place that had documented accusations against MMS, but you had to be in the know.

My concern is that even if you did your research on MMS on other platforms such as Rollitup, etc, the community was largely silent. I know because I spent hours looking into him a few months ago.

That’s why I don’t believe the narrative that ppl who bought his seeds were lazy and didn’t take the time to look research him. I think many exp growers had suspicions but didn’t want to burn any bridges so they kept silent. I think that’s part of the reason MMS was allowed the flourish in plain site.
Hmm ok point taken. I am more into breeders than most people and I’m on multiple sites and sometimes it comes up just in passing. So your right...not lazy. He did constantly for a long time make these rambling posts about haters and lies which is kinda a red flag to maybe start looking.

but honestly would it even matter for the majority of people? There are TONS of great breeders and just take a look at the copycat thread. I mean it’s fine if you want your genetics that way...copycat is actually better than MMS because he doesn’t put up a holy front..but man I can’t see why anyone would buy something from someone who has constantly fucked over their own customers many times in the past and obviously doesn’t test gear. But people defend him, even though his genetics could be gotten cheaper elsewhere from way more reputable breeders. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . This thread got derailed sorry.
25 really he is going to be running, just creating hype....those swabi crosses really piss me off. Make your crosses but not the preservation. FU. So these will all go like hot cakes even if they are flaming garbage because they are “rare”. I am guessing in a year when it’s all released he will say “hey I went on a spiritual journey and the plant called me back. Too many people complained to me that no cannabis was as good as mine and touched them the same way. People told me I was the only one who breed for intentions, with a mindfulness. I will be reopening MMS for some very special small batch releases but because they are small I unfortunately will have to charge $200 a pack”
I got a cut from a friend that grew out his star pupil x Mr. E I think or something like that. I’m growing it out now and it does smell pretty good. But both those strains are probably stollen... so I think I’ll call it bad juju and after I chop It that will be the end of that.
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