Well-Known Member
So, you are incapable of discussion.
Says the person who;
Lies, e.g. 'The Rockodile hunter', 70mph 3lb rock throws from 50ft with pin point accuracy. Says rocks are deadlier than guns, specifically that he is as deadly with a rock, as a person with a handgun.
Makes up stats, e.g 1,000,000 gun saves per year, or 50,000? What was it? Where did you get your info from? Never did get a source.
Pretends stats mean something they don't, e.g. Thinks 'saves' mean 'lives saved', then changes it to mean 'saved from horror'... whatever that means.
Creates straw-men to argue instead of the actual points that are brought up, e.g. Too many to list, reference the entire thread for countless examples.
Makes unequivocal comparisons, states them as valid; E.g. Comparing any time a gun was ever used to deter someone from doing anything illegal, to times a gun has killed someone illegally, instead of comparing it to times a gun was used illegally.
It could be worse, you could be NoBrain... Oh, sorry... NoDrama. lol