Massachusetts super skunk

I thought Mass Super Skunk was a pre- 89 ssc Super Skunk? That making it clone only, i could be wrong, i have smoked and grown super skunk, and from what i have heard it is nothing compared to mass.

Have you planted in the ground yet? I wouldnt do it untill at least middle of the month.

Im so jealous of you though. Post some pics.

there in 3 gallon pots for now all doing good a couple of them even doubled in size allready.

im anxiouus to throw them in the ground where im at right now im getting a about 12 hours of bright light and another hour of dim light half in the morning and half when its getting dark so i will definately have it in the ground aprilish before may hopefully
Your mass. SS is has an 8 week maturity time. I went to marconi today and they had all the information on all the badass strains they get, many from the deisel lineage and clone only, mass. SS, deisel, headband, sour deisel. The only clones I was inerested in was the grapefruit kush. They had a shipment come in today but with nothing that exciting. So I got 2 grapefruit kush clones for the hell of it.

yeah the little booklet they had had information on there clones but for mass super skunk it just said 8 weeks indoors .

if its only 8 weeks wouldnt that mean its indica or primarily indica?
So is this strain a sativa or indica does anyone know ?

The guy at the club i got it from said something like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im not sure its probably a primarily sativa .

I dont think its mostly sativa because its really bushy and the flowering time is supposed to be 8 weeks.

heres a couple pics from a couple days ago there now as big as the three gallon pots there in


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i wonder how much ill yeild per plant in like 7 gallon containers with good clean soil mixed with lotsa perlite and fed fox farms and molasses and maybe purple maxx or maybe ill get the whole line of fox farm nutes cha ching and everything
Oh yeah and about when would be the best time to trans plant them out of the three gallon pots?

im going to at least wait another month so it could get "root bound" and will be easy to remove?is that a good time
i have ss going right now.....heres some mass super skunk....but to tell ya the truth. im not all that impressed by it...its great yeah, but it aint the bomb if ya know what i liking the g13 x haze better.

one thing i will say is i have never ever had anything that smelled as strong as 5 m ss in full flower...
i cut these down on day 68 it was supposedly a 55 day plant but i could tell they werent done yet

dont get me wrong. maybe i just got sick of it because its what ive harvested the last 3 times...maybe im just ready for something different...i still have seeds left too. i had one plant that went hermi, but only on one branch and only at the top of the bud. the rest didnt have one seed. i kept the seeds but will they hermi on me?


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i have ss going right now.....heres some mass super skunk....but to tell ya the truth. im not all that impressed by it...its great yeah, but it aint the bomb if ya know what i liking the g13 x haze better.

one thing i will say is i have never ever had anything that smelled as strong as 5 m ss in full flower...
i cut these down on day 68 it was supposedly a 55 day plant but i could tell they werent done yet

dont get me wrong. maybe i just got sick of it because its what ive harvested the last 3 times...maybe im just ready for something different...i still have seeds left too. i had one plant that went hermi, but only on one branch and only at the top of the bud. the rest didnt have one seed. i kept the seeds but will they hermi on me?

Cool ,thanks.

the only way to know if your seeds will be hermis is to try them out.

nice bud pics.

Is it a good yeilder at least?

and it looked like you had a little bit of purple in it !

thats got me thinking that with purple maxx and cold temps going into november or late october and i might have some purple Massachusetts super skunk .
yeah i did alright with it...i ended up with one packed glass jar, the big spaghetti jars, and a stuffed big zip lock bag ...dried i assume off three plants i got about 6 ounces, but i flowered em at a month old..if i vegged em for 3 months id have doubled it...i dont sell so i dont weigh just happy with a huge zip lock bag per plant...
so do you know if its sativa/indica or what?

im thinking mixed

Most likely mixed.

I mean, the normal Super Skunk is Skunk x Afghani, which would make it mixed.

"Sour Diesel was created (accidentally) when a Massachusetts Super Skunk pollinated a pure Diesel mother plant."
Lol just went there today and got one of the clones. They had the most variety Ive seen out of all the clubs Ive been to. Hope you have a nice outdoor grow :) I know I will
Oh and the guy said it was a pure sativa when I asked him, but who knows most likely a dominant sativa with a hint of indica.

thanks .and thanks and good luck on your outdoor too.
i tried to plus rep you but it said ive given out too much rep please wait 24 hours so ill +rep u tomorrow .

did you say you got some mss from there or just some clones from there?
what kind did you get?
pics from TODAY


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yeah mine purpled up big time....i dont sell so i dont weigh the end product but if i took a guess id say close to 2 1/2 oz per plant.. i dont know if thats bad or good but it is great for me . considering my first grow i grew like a dime bag, but then that was under im using a 400 and a 600 hps...i will say this though, the smell of the mss is incredible, and if you dont own your own house or have absolute odor control it will be a dead givaway...the smell is permiating the entire first floor of my house, and thats not the floor i grow on excited to see how well it cures

by the way it is deffinitly not a sativa dominant plant. if i guesse4d it would be indica dominant. but then again im only going on look of leaf and height of the plants... mine stayed reAl bushy and short. the fans were fat as the width of my hand on the biggest ones, and 8 inch blades.....the sativas i have seem to be real skinny and tall as hell. like a foot taler than all the rest.
I picked up 1 mass clone from Marconi. Got the Afghan goo and Skunk#1 from Hugs dispensary. Ya I hope this horrible heat wont hurt the growth. Happy Growin