Massive Indicas 2 Plants=2 Pounds Pictures from Last Year Crop Quebec's Finest


Well-Known Member
Hi just found some pics from last year pics hope you're enjoying without getting jealous!!!!!View attachment 1518347View attachment 1518348

gah damn! look how fucking big those pots are!! What size containers were those?!?! Jeeezus!

At first glance.. I thought "2 pounds.. from just two indica plants?!.. nahhh. Can't be true."

But now, that I see what your talking about... I could see possibly 2 pounds from the two plants


Wow! Sorry if you've already answered this question.. but what strain was that? You remember?!?

Ladies are nice and fat. ;)


quebec budzz

Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard about a cross between M-39 AND FREEZLAND and that's what I call quebec gold a strain made by the hells anyway ,PEACE TO Y'ALL
gah damn! look how fucking big those pots are!! What size containers were those?!?! Jeeezus

At first glance.. I thought "2 pounds.. from just two indica plants?!.. nahhh. Can't be true."

But now, that I see what your talking about... I could see possibly 2 pounds from the two plants


Wow! Sorry if you've already answered this question.. but what strain was that? You remember?!?

Ladies are nice and fat. ;)



Well-Known Member
nice job. unless you have the bud in your hand youll never know. it could be dense. differnt strain grow differnt and if your freinds med grow only produced 3- 4 ounces he cut them to early or the strain was fluffy. piont is you cant really tell from a pic. bud in hand is the only way. im going to say it looks close.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
Be honest with yourself and the people on this forum, theres no possible way your plants produced 16oz each DRY.
Anyone else can be as gullible as they want and believe your hype, but your talking to someone who
actually knows a thing or two.

They do look nice, but I agree with your estimate, 4-5 oz is plausible.

The average door is 6 foot 10 inches tall. The buckets hes using are 50 liters = 13 gallon containers are AT LEAST 1.5 feet tall. There is AT LEAST 1.5 feet
from the top of the plant to the top of the door, leaving an estimate of 3 feet 10 inches left. I'm estimating the plants are 3 1/2 feet tall. The stalks or branches
are no bigger then someones thumb, indicating they dont have to support a sufficient amount of weight. The branches arent bending or breaking
indicating a sufficient amount of weight. Usually plants that are pounders plus, have to have individual branches staked up to prevent bending or
breaking, these plants are holding their own, no problem.

I've seen plants that are about the same height an that are fuller then his that couldnt support their own branches
that only produced 4 oz dry or less.

It boils down to common sense if you have experience in the hobby...

These are a friends medicinal grow, they produced 3 DRY oz each in 2010.
View attachment 1522975

And your trying to say these below, yours, produced over 5x more? LO fucking L
View attachment 1522976
dude, look at the big ass water jug as a comparison....that plant is HUGE compared to your friends grow! not even close for you to call the op out....i know what my 3 or 4 oz plants look like and his look very plausible to his claimed weight. you should post YOUR successful results from your expertise and knowledge for making such a fuss over his claim. you should put or shut up,.....waiting!

quebec budzz

Well-Known Member
dude, look at the big ass water jug as a comparison....that plant is HUGE compared to your friends grow! not even close for you to call the op out....i know what my 3 or 4 oz plants look like and his look very plausible to his claimed weight. you should post YOUR successful results from your expertise and knowledge for making such a fuss over his claim. you should put or shut up,.....waiting!
That's what I'm talk about !!!!!!!!!! I guess his friends never heard of nutes,MULTIPLIED TOPPING or having to GET IN AND GET OUT THOSE FAT FUCKERS THE LAST TWO WEEKS!!! I start the thread sayin' without getting jealous maybe he've ready it wrong anyhow I wish EVERYONE the same or maybe a bit less:-P

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Nice grow QB !
I pulled 9+ dry ounces from a SINGLE C99 sitting in a 5 inch net pot in my 10gal Deep Water Cooler, so I believe you brotha !!
Do it again this year !! lol

quebec budzz

Well-Known Member
I just have to pick up a BIGBADSUPERRESISTANTYIELDER strain,lol. for this summer I 've already bought 5 Automatic Fruit from Dinafem seeds but I need a another besides my early purple kush from the reeferman


New Member
Someone dlt this post. Its all bs and lies. Op is trolling. No way in hell 2 lbs total. 8 oz at best. Dlt this garbage from riu.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a bunch of love goin on here! haha. The plants look great no doubt, but M-39 is a well known commercial beaster strain, that is basically garbage. Sorry. Also, there is no way those little plants yielded a pound each. If any of you little kids on here that think you know what your talkin, about, look at my grow, I know what I'm talkin' about! I pulled an average of 3 lbs each off my plants last year, and had some well over 5, and have grown many smaller plants in containers that size, and even the densest of buds, are not gonna pull that much weight, with that few's just not there....I agree with T.I.M. they need to delete this it's just lies, cussin', hate, and iliteracy all rolled into one. Stop bragging so much dude, they look good....good job, and all that, but it's not the the greatest thing ever that's for sure. So settle down, humble thyself, and be honest with yourself.....and stop cussin' your just showin' your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
bro ive been growing for many years and have been lucky enough to get a couple of pounders in that time and i can tell you they were outdoor plants in the ground and about 5x bigger than your pounders. If your going to bullshit to yourself about the weight then probably best to keep it to yourself. 7 oz tops both plants.

Ground up

Active Member
Keep up good work!! Make those mtf envy us !!P.E.A.C.E. a guy from Quebec aka weedland.
Cali knows a little bout pot quebec budz, besides i feel your plants must of grown steel buds to achieve those weights! sorry good luck next time