Massive southern California indoor grow-op

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I dont know how it was started that I was talking shit about the grow...I never said anything negative about the grow or the grower...I like the look of the grow...and I would like to see how this develops because it has a lot of potential...

So, Marvinev...I said it once and I will say it again: THE GROW LOOKS FUCKING GREAT! Keep us updated.

I know I can be a prick and half, but I dont ever mean to hurt anyones feelings... you should be really fucking proud of what you got going on, regardless of the overall size of the op...

I apologize for coming across/being a dick.


That looks like an average grow around here in the bay area. Nothing ultimate about it. Still very nice. How many amps is your service at your grow?


Well-Known Member
its gonna get bigger and bigger. we are only 12% underway. 1room at a time watch it come together over 2011 bro. but Well, as of right now, powering the mothers, babies and the new flower room we are running about 300 something amps... once we get the next two flower rooms under way we will upgrade to 3 phase (working it out with the city code).
Anyway here are some updated pics to the flower room we finally got some lights running cuz the babies did not like sharing light with the mothers ;]. 2 inches of growth in only 24-30 hours. so far we only planted in about 43 or so since xmas had our suppplier closed this room should be well underway by the new year.

This is what the design came out to look like
trays and stands getting set up
time to hang up some of the lights
some more of the lights puts up
Finnnnnnaaallllly time for a break ;]
now time for the drainage
Here are some of the babies in ..

the rest of the room like i said will be done shortly the overall contents will be 8 4x8 trays,1 4x4, 275 site drip feed to waste custom system, 2" pvc drain system, 2 3ft act carbon filters 1 2 ton ac wall unit,6 ice boxes with 2 2 horsepower chillers, 2 100 lb co2, intelidose automatic res adjustment system, cos ppm/humid/temp membrain, 1 flip switch light box (will share when flower room #2 is up and running)

be back soon with more updates

time to burn one up -_-



New Member
marvinev, looking pretty damn sweet, dude. My bowl is green with envy right now, and I am about ready to smoke it! Love how everything is coming together, and great sketch, there!


Well-Known Member
Keep it going brother,looks like you got your shit together.djruiner is quite the skeptic on every post hes in.i hate a ass that always try to call people on shit they would probably lie about that sherlock in his avatar cuz hes a nosy m.f.i usde to like to instigate shit like that when i was younger but now i try to help fellow sgrowers even if they come off as a beginner tryin to sound like a seasoned vet grower.this forum is to help every body right not to be a douchebag,not that you are ...djr.


Well-Known Member
ok everybody not much has changed other than the size of the plants. We had a big delay on therest of our materials needed tofinish up the room> here are a few shots of the flower room, its still vegging in there for aweek then time for 17k watts of milti colored spectrum and nice heavy co2 parts. ;p.
Flower room:
-120 plants at 17-21 inches tall
-Heavy 16 Veg A&B
-great white shark
-Liquid Karma
-wet betty.

ppms in air:800
ph in(res):5.8
Ph out(run-off):5.9-6.1
ppms in:1150-1160
Before we start the stress lets burn this up first.... William oohhh william!
On the right if you look real close you can see that i just finished setting out the right side manifold for the icebox setup. not too hard afterall.
Plumbing has not showed any type of leaks or cracks
More godss bud Aurora Indica and purple gorrilla just dropped
better shot of the ballast set up and water manifold for ice boxes.

any way just a few things to keep you guys on track I will catch you guys up with the entire grow on friday. you know baby room, veg, mothers and so on....but yeah, good night happy hits to the head everyone lol


Active Member
Why the fuck do people post on threads talking shit for no reason.? Even if this guy was full of shit...Why bother? Really? Ok, well Im thinking any remarks posted are a bit premature and pointless to this thread. This is obviously his fucking thread and if you think its shit go to one of the other thousands present. In short, shut the fuck up and le the poster post his/her shit. At any rate props on the design elements and balls to to present. Fuckin flamers, dont like? Go away.


Well-Known Member
Flower period begins this monday so puuurrrty dang soon We will have a porno library of ladies ;]


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone,

I understand that pictures wer suppose to be updated but I wont be able to have pics until friday so keep a close eye on this grow.