massive yield lady crane


Well-Known Member
I don't wan't to be a negative nancy but to me it looks like that picture uses forced perspective to make that cola look much bigger than it is, you can tell by the angle of the hand holding it, the plant is actually angled up toward the camera not down to the floor so it just looks huge. That's just the impression I get from that, I've spent a considerable amount of time dealing with perspective in photography. Imagine the camera is your face and she is about to tickle your chin with the cola.
Sure, but whatever, it's still huge.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
i think its big too lol we all try to do good camera work but where is the line of trickery. smoke great pot and really ya dont care its big.


Active Member
Check out the OpenGrow forums, probably one over there, Sannie has a section covering his genetics specifically over there, some incredibly impressive grows with his gear, I just ordered some Selene, can't wait for it to get here it should be a good one.