Masta's Ghetto Buds 2


Well-Known Member
lol... i was obviously out of it.. happy birthday to your plants masta and goodluck in court, i just went the 3rd.



Well-Known Member
those state fuckers gotta have this, you gotta have that....fuggem:mrgreen:
yes they do. i hate lawyers and judges and the po. the arrogance flows off them haha.:twisted: the judge was in disbelief that i didnt have legal counsel. i mean give me a break dude, i was driving on a suspended license that i didnt even know was suspended:confused:. mr. judge save the bullshit and give me my couple hundred dollar fine and send me on my way lol.:mrgreen:

Roger That Good Buddy.
hey dude hope your court went well today too.

lol... i was obviously out of it.. happy birthday to your plants masta and goodluck in court, i just went the 3rd.

i was just messin with ya.:mrgreen: 250 dollar fine and a years unsupervised probation. not too bad i guess, they always just hit me in the pocket at the worst times. thanks for the birthday wishes for the girls, i was gonna get pics but i was too lazy today. tomorrow i will get some pics. the girls are getting close but still a lot of white hairs and growth. also the leaves are still very green. i would hate for them to need more than a week or 2 but i will have to get a look at the trichs.:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Not too bad... mine is:
90 day unsupervised probation
30 day license suspension
8 hours community service aaand
alcohol awareness course.

Kinda sucks.. but it will be dismissed. Do you have a handmicroscope? Very handy...


jack soffalot

Active Member
Not too bad... mine is:
90 day unsupervised probation
30 day license suspension
8 hours community service aaand
alcohol awareness course.

Kinda sucks.. but it will be dismissed. Do you have a handmicroscope? Very handy...

hey there peeps its koosh's alter ego jack soffalot.:hump::hump: well somehow i think my crazy wife fucked up my account and i cant remember my password for some reason hahaha.:confused: i promise to not sketch out like everyone else and will try to get pics tonight. the girls are close to harvest, i think a week more or less. they came close to getting ripped up and being discarded of due to some domestic arguments lol, i will never put my hands on a woman but i am afraid of the po showing up due to the ball and chain shrieking like a banshee. ahhhh the joys of marriage.:evil: dont have a hand scope but i might get that rs 10 dollar one tonight. my favorite plant has broken my heart too. we thought it was flowering slow due to too much nitrogen but it was because it is forming seeds grrrrrrrrrrr. guess we got a shemale in the group:shock: the seeds are very immature so it looks like 1 or 2 of the plants hermed in the last few weeks. i examine the plants every day and never saw any nanners but it is hard to see them when buds are covering them. havent seen that many seeds but i am worried about my sensimella buds. oh well it will still be smokeable.:mrgreen: now if i could just remember my password.


New Member
hey there peeps its koosh's alter ego jack soffalot.:hump::hump: well somehow i think my crazy wife fucked up my account and i cant remember my password for some reason hahaha.:confused: i promise to not sketch out like everyone else and will try to get pics tonight. the girls are close to harvest, i think a week more or less. they came close to getting ripped up and being discarded of due to some domestic arguments lol, i will never put my hands on a woman but i am afraid of the po showing up due to the ball and chain shrieking like a banshee. ahhhh the joys of marriage.:evil: dont have a hand scope but i might get that rs 10 dollar one tonight. my favorite plant has broken my heart too. we thought it was flowering slow due to too much nitrogen but it was because it is forming seeds grrrrrrrrrrr. guess we got a shemale in the group:shock: the seeds are very immature so it looks like 1 or 2 of the plants hermed in the last few weeks. i examine the plants every day and never saw any nanners but it is hard to see them when buds are covering them. havent seen that many seeds but i am worried about my sensimella buds. oh well it will still be smokeable.:mrgreen: now if i could just remember my password. can't live with them and you can't get caught burying them in the backyard...


Well-Known Member
Bummer about the hermie bro. And the account, I'm going to have to get used to your new name now lol.
But, the good news is I have 6 BC Sweet Tooth seeds on express on the way.
Well... I guess that's good for me :P



Well-Known Member
What's up masta or jack or micheal bolton? Sorry about finding the seeds. How much longer till you chop?
I'm in the same situation with not knowing my password. I can only get on RIU on my home computer, because I never logged out. Probably a good thing though, I would hate for the boss to catch me looking at bud porn.

jack soffalot

Active Member can't live with them and you can't get caught burying them in the backyard...
i dont know bong i am working on it. all i have to do next is get out the power sander and get rid of these fingerprints on my fingers lol j/p.:mrgreen:

sorry about the hermies. Got the same shit happening, half the grow went shemale.
damn bro sorry to hear that. hope it doesnt ruin your crop. i was bummed about mine at first, because i thought all the buds could have been pollinated. right now the damage doesnt seem too bad because all the sample buds i have pulled havent had any seeds yet. all the seeds i have seen were pretty immature so i think it was later in flower. i wont know how bad it is until i break open the harvested buds and 100's of seeds fall out.:evil:

Bummer about the hermie bro. And the account, I'm going to have to get used to your new name now lol.
But, the good news is I have 6 BC Sweet Tooth seeds on express on the way.
Well... I guess that's good for me :P

yeah a bit of a bummer bout the hermie but thats life.:cry: sweet tooth is some kick ass buds and i hope you get a beautiful grow and harvest. make sure to document it so we can watch.:hump::hump::mrgreen:

What's up masta or jack or micheal bolton? Sorry about finding the seeds. How much longer till you chop?
I'm in the same situation with not knowing my password. I can only get on RIU on my home computer, because I never logged out. Probably a good thing though, I would hate for the boss to catch me looking at bud porn.
soffalot, jack soffalot 007 haha.:mrgreen: i would like to harvest in a about a week but it seems the buds are still growing so i would hate to chop when they are getting fatter. i need to go to radio shack and get one of those scopes to check out the trichs. i dont know what to do, i never log out either but i have a feeling my loving wife had something to do with that. :roll: maybe some pics here in a bit guys, just charging the batteries for the cam.:hump::hump::hump::joint::joint::joint::peace::peace: thanks for stopping by everyone.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!That's is Some Dank:roll::roll::roll:

I'm sure the Smell is Over-Taking.:hump:

Won't be long till She is Hanging Up-Side-Down!!!!!

Great Job My Brother.:joint::joint::joint::joint:


New Member
nice pics there masta jack koosh offalot...looking at this one I you live close to a nuclear plant??


jack soffalot

Active Member
WOW!!!That's is Some Dank:roll::roll::roll:

I'm sure the Smell is Over-Taking.:hump:

Won't be long till She is Hanging Up-Side-Down!!!!!

Great Job My Brother.:joint::joint::joint::joint:
thank you much. the smell is like a skunks ass and is making me paranoid but like you said they are coming down very soon.:mrgreen::hump::hump:

nice pics there masta jack koosh offalot...looking at this one I you live close to a nuclear plant??

yes bong i have been using water from the potomac and you can see how much chemical pollution has affected it lol:peace::peace:.:-?:mrgreen: thanks for your continued support. the last pics i saw of your girls looked fantastic also.:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
wow guys i am back thanks to our good friend mr. rollitup. i would like to thank him for his help and this kick ass site.


Well-Known Member
dang masta look at you! those are some top notch buds you have there.
Congrats man, those are going to fill out real nice.
