Master Kush 1.5-2 days old...Help!


Active Member
MK1, only about 1.5-2 days old (from planting...since paper towel germination), does it look alright?

MK2, same age, looked good and thought that they needed to be closer to lights (raised up about 1/2-3/4 inch) but checked on them a hour later and this is how MK2 looked. So, I moved it back to original place. What is wrong with it? Did I almost burn it up?
They look fine, Give them time. The yellowing on the leaves is probably from the inner covering after the seed comes off, use 2 fingers and move back and forth on the leave very easily until it falls off, or just leave it. get the light as close as possible without burning them, if its too hot for your hand its too hot for the plant.. what kind of lights are you using?

Pics @

First time
Master Kush
CFL closet grow...(first grow ever). Room is converted basement bathroom to 3'x3'x3' lined with panda film. Carbon filter in between exhaust vent and cover for exhaust. 200w (trying to keep wattage around 60-100 as they grow into veg stage) per plant 6500K setup with 14,490 lumens on 2 plants. Germination with wet paper towel 48 hours and had 1.5" taproot. Individual light only 1" from top of sprout. Have more 6500K and 2700K CFLs and 4 or 5 10.5" clamp on reflectors to be added later. I have a small wind tunnel fan to cool lights and a big wind tunnel fan underneath to bring temps down. Temp is steady around 81° and humidity around 50%. Need ideas on how to keep humidity up and temp down. Using a humidifier to keep it around 50%, but if I turn it off then it drops to around 35%-40%. I have thought about using a window unit in the basement to bring the basement temp down so that the room will be cooler in general.

Then first two leaves are supposed to turn yellow and fall off the other leaves shouldn't~
if the other leaves turn yellow then you have a problem. what type of dirt is that?
Mixture of 4 parts MG Organic Choice Potting Mix, 2 Parts MG Sphagnum Peat Moss, 1 Part, Sta Green Vermiculite, 1 Part MG Perlite
Thanks for the heads up! :clap: When should I start watching for this deficiency or what can I do about it now to keep it from happening? :weed:

Also, to you or anyone else who has grown with MG, could you please tell me if that mixture sounds good?
I've used MG before myself... you're soil mix sounds pretty solid. It's all about water retention vs. drainage: If (when you're plants are a little bigger) you do a weekly flush, measure out 3x as much water as the volume of the potting container. Use that amount for a flush. You'll wanna see a VERY decent amount of water drain while the soil mix still having a very moist feeling. MG is OK for nutes but will have a pretty high salts build up, flushing is important.