Master Kush 4 weeks into Flowering


Active Member
I need some advice on this plant
im useing 6 42 watt cfls. is that enough light to flower because it is flowering i just dont think that its gonig to produce that much bud

its still on week 4 of flowering so should i be worried or does the plant look normal for this time.

this is my 2nd indoor grow but first real good looking plant so i would like as much advice as possible.



Well-Known Member
hey man looks pretty frosty i got some kush pics up im about 2 weeks ahead of you. about your girls i guess they dont look as full as i would want my plant too but i mean its cfls i think theyre looking good, my kush did alot of bushing out between weeks 4-6 just take a look at my jounral the nugs swelled to 2x the size. id keep it at and see, got my fingers crossed for you bro i love kush


Well-Known Member
you're fine brother and to be that frosty at week4 is a good thing! I just got a 17th generation Grand Master Kush grown up in Humboldt for the last 15yrs and just put it into flower after taking a clone for a mom...