Master Kush- CFL , First Time.. Help (pics)


Well-Known Member
mine is about 10 inches should i strart flowering On the 17th theyll be 6 weeks so ill switch the lites and restransplant all on the same day.. i will update thanks for the info .... Till Then


Well-Known Member
I started flowering mine at around 7 nodes (4" tall about) and in the past 10 days they've shot skyward (at least a foot and a half now). Dunno how big you want this plant in the end but they definately double/tripple in size durring flowering. My link has pics if interested

Pic is looking great man! Cant wait to see what she does when u flower!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Pics have been updated if you catch this.

We need a pic update from King
Okay So Check it Out.. I had planted with 3 gallons of dirt and then added another 3 gallons the new soil i added was Miracle Grow moisture control with feed. Big Mistake my girl was fresher then green can be, now it has yellowing and browning tips im watering with just water they willl get back to normal soon....
---- So its on 12/12, fan's blowing towards the lights going to switch over to flower nutes in a few days. and o yeah.. When can i tell the sex.. im pretty sure shes a girl... ANY INPUT>>... im looking good... or im doing bad... ?

