Master Kush

Wow. My ladies are starting to blow up. The main stem is turning into a thick stalk, and the leaves are looking much happier since I've adjusted my feeding schedule. I am pretty ecstatic about it.


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Day 1... day 3... day 8.
These babies are growing. 3, maybe 3.5 weeks more and then it is time to flower. I cannot wait to see how big they are gonna get... :roll:


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I am so pleased to post pics of how my ladies are doing. I am so proud of them - they are growing so fat already. And the smell is very pleasant.

The roots have fully broken thru the bottom of each cube, and the bases of each plant are getting more buff each day. My biggest girl is 10/11 inches tall... and its only day 12!

I am pretty excited about my progress thus far, I must say. The results are so much better at this point now than with the closet grow I did a few years ago (2x3 ebb & flow, 400w MH @24/7 veg, 1000w HPS @12/12 bloom), and I really am thinking its due to a combination of the ventilation and the Homebox. At least right now, anyway. *BTW, the strain I grew before was Special K - very fruity flavor and a nice strong kick you in the ass kind of high, but you can still do stuff... (I am stoned... Lambsbread).

The nutrients are just the BOTANICARE TRIFLEX program at 50% + a full dose of GHBB Root Juice. They really took off when I added the RJ...

I cannot wait to put them in flowering, but not 'til the ladies say so.... or they get to 20 inches tall


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Shit. I was moving my ladies around, trying to make sure each one was getting as much light as possible, when I did something wrong. Very bad. I broke a branch. Not even really stoned... well, maybe a little.

So I sterilized a pair of sharp trimmers, and I cut it off clean and crisp at a 45 degree angle, just below the break. Then I re-clipped the base of the new "cutting" at a 45 degree angle, too, and she is chilling in some distilled H2O (see pic 1).

The plant that she came from is fine. And there are plenty more. So I am trying to make the most of my mistake. I am hopefully the cutting will do something...maybe this is my Master Kush mother?

I wish this could have waited a few more days - I just ordered a groClone clone machine & some Clonex gel (I am going to get a 2' florescent for it this weekend). groClone Cloning machine for plant propagation / cloning from 4 by Growco Indoor Garden Supply

This link shows great root developement. Keep clicking on "more images" to see the cycle.

*I like the spellcheck feature!


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My ladies are growing great.

The plant with the broken branch is still looking fine, and the remaining bits are still looking strong. I have to get some pics of it... but I am still scarred to even touch them right now.

My buddy brought his plants over for flowering. Unknown seeds, potted in soil. 2 of them he said were much bigger than the other 2.

2 of them are males. I could tell tight away. Fuck. "Dude, what are you doing bringing that shit in here? You brought males into my sensemilla garden?". Looks like they are flowering to me.

Does it look like flowering males to anybody else? I am thinking of keeping a few of the branches for whenever I decide to take a stab at crossing strains. Can I store the male branches? Whats the best way, and how long are they potent for?


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The other 2 plants are females - one a little farther along than the other.
I placed plastic trash bags around the pots, and put them in the flower tent. They got their first dose of 12/12 today, and they seem to be okay... we'll see. I am feeding them tap water manually. My friend doesn't know what he put in them, doesn't know what they are. He thought you can smoke males... dude...

But my Master Kush babies are freekin excelling. I dropped the PH from 6.4 to 5.8 (I used a few drops too much of the PH down), and I am going to add more nutrients tomorrow - probably 1/4 strength to buff them up some more.

C'mon girls!


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get those fuckn males outta there!! they look just ready to spew their nuts all over your ladies, if they havnt aready. you might have contaminated your crop man!
The ladies are good. They were not defiles by those damn males.
The males were in the grow room for only about 5 minutes - just long enough for me to grab my camera and take those pics. And the Homebox my Master Kush ladies are in was closed the whole time.

The ones that might have been pollinated are the 2 females my friend brought over. Stupid friend... I told him " - Check it out."
You should kick your friend in the balls for wasting time growing males and then bringing them over.Seed pods looked popped watch they didnt pollanate his females which you just stuck inyour grow are.Also hopefully you washed the pots down and put new dirt on top of his in case pollane fell on the soil or is stuck to his potts then your fans blow it around and pollanate all the plants.I male can pollanate all plants for miles
If those males are an indica strain, I wouldn't mind some of those pollen ball sacks for cross breading with my sativa female:hump:

she's about ready for some pollen on 1 of her buds:mrgreen:

very nice man your plants looked great. and on your next grow you should think about topping your plants. so you will get multiple bud sights. dont do it now but on a next grow. just something to think about.

1800 man thats alot for those boxes and stuff. i made a cool wood box a while ago and it only cost me a 100 bucks