Master's quick drying technique.

In my attempt to get high without spending the cash I had left I decided to quick dry some of my bud. I don't know if anyone else has posted this but auto-curing seems the best way so far. I cut some buds off my plant trimmed them put em in an airtight jar and placed it on the pilot lights on top of the stove opening every five minutes or so to let out moisture after a hour nicely dried bud and no green smell and the buds didn't burn or change shrivel up and the smoke wasn't harsh either and it was a real nice high me and my friend were stumbling after we stood up and I smole a lot of weed. If you've never tried it try it you will like the results over using a oven or mic and if you think you know a better way please let me know but I doubt there's anything better than this.


Well-Known Member
I do not like the microwave from what I've tried so far. Exactly what you do mean with the pilot light thing? I have a gas stove but it lights when I turn it on, so there's not really a pilot light on it.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
I do not like the microwave from what I've tried so far. Exactly what you do mean with the pilot light thing? I have a gas stove but it lights when I turn it on, so there's not really a pilot light on it.

Yeah, microwave is the worst method ever, it does something to it and it doesn't smoke the same and usually gives you a headache.

I read it's cos it alters the dna of the weed itself, or whatever it's microwaving, which is why hospitals aren't allowed to use microwaves to warm blood for transfusions, cos the person getting the microwave-warmed blood dies.:shock:


Well-Known Member
i like your idea, its actually very clever. its basically mimicing what happenins in a slow cure, Putting the jar over the polit light basically heats up the cannabis releasing the moisture in the bud into the air in the jar. With a smaller jar the bud has a chance to evenly dry as apposed to just leaving it in the oven which will give bud that is crispy on the outside and wet as the minute u cut it on the inside. To get a nice evenly burning smoke from the oven drying technic i find u have to leave it in there forever and its never really all that spectacular. I think im going to try tyour method out for myself. Im assumming this method creates more smell, but i guess if u let the air out outside then maybe it would cause less smell?


Active Member
put it on top of a gas boiler in a glass gar, if the boiler is too hot, put a towel inbetween, does kinda the same thing.

Not the same as a slow cure mind so i tend to to a little bit at a time as i need it, usually in a fag packet on a radiator and let the rest continue to cure.


Well-Known Member
i would assume putting it in the oven would be altight aswell, just make sure the jar is tight when u put it in and make sure its not to hot


Well-Known Member
that kinda gives me an idea... what if you place your weed in a really airtight jar, and put the jar into boiling water? "blood transfusion"


Well-Known Member
food dehydrater. run it for a few min., then let it sit for a few min. hit it agian for few min., let sit for few repeat until desired texture. if you do this right and dont dry it all at once, you can even get decent taste out of it.
the pilot lights are the lights that ignite the burners (where you place you pots/pans. just lift up your stove from the front and you will see them. oh yeah they're only on gas stoves not electric
I just wanted to say thanks for the post. I used the method with the jar but used my electric stove. Wow what a difference between doing it this way rather than microwave or oven. I got f'ing stoned and it didn't taste like I had to keep spitting. Thanks again


What i great idea futre master ,i normaly just chuck em in the microwave or on a plate ova pot boiling water both ways tend to make the weed not tasty and stonage is way less im gna giv the jar trick ago.


you guys crack me up its easy if you have no pilot light....get a candle light it put a piece of metal on candle leave some room so candle can breath put jar on candle..easy
What a great idea!! Here's what we came up with. Works beautifully. Thanks to OP for idea and thank you for the candle method. We are now happily taste testing our girls. Of course nothing beats a proper dry and cure...but it's good to get an idea of type of high we want from them.
Thanks again +rep for you both.

