'Maters, Cabbage, Lemon Balm, Holly Hock, Wild Flowers, and Oh CANNABIS!


Well-Known Member
Getting ready for some serious spring gardening here my friends! Wife and I did some pandemic home schooling and one of the projects we covered was learning how to plant and grow vegetables. My grand daughter mixed the dirt herself and put it into the pots. I just provide the watering when she's not available and of course the indoor habitat :)

The godfather OG is my first soil plant in over 10 years, and the crown jewel of my garden presently. She's a real stinker too. My favorite! Just did some topping and branch spreading to create a beautiful lush canopy. I've got some lemon balm coming up nicely, holly hock, tomatoes, cabbage, wild flowers, and even some corn stalks! I'll be transplanting all of this outside in about 7 days when the last frost risk of the season has passed. I've got 3 or 4 tomato clones going in my 27 gallon DIY clone tote that have massive swaths of roots already. I'm just letting 'em chill in the cloner a bit longer, because I have nowhere to put them yet :)

Here are some pics of the plants:


A very large critical mass hanging out with the holly hock, lemon balm, and clone tote:
Don't be a stupid motherfucker like me and take clones in week 3 of flower. SOB's take fucking forever to root, but they do indeed root. 2x as long though. Look at those cute little buds. Awee :)
Tomato clone rooting nicely loving some Jack's 5-12-26:

Seedling strains I've got going are:
God bud x 3
Jack herer x 1
Big buddha cheese x 1



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Looks awesome from here. I did something like this and ended with a mite problem:dunce:
I spray once in veg and once at the 12/12 flip. I don't deal with mite problems. The product has a 6 week half life and is systemic before it metabolizes out of the plant tissue. For that duration of time the plant is fully protected. Fear not. Forbid 4F is here ;) 1oz sample sizes can be had on ebay for about $25 which is enough for years of applications. Never ever use this product in flower. Never. Vegetative growth only.
I ended up using Safer Soap to treat the mites, which worked well. It was the only time I ever had a mite problem. I have a tangerine tree though that mites love, so I'm going to try this stuff out on it.
I ended up using Safer Soap to treat the mites, which worked well. It was the only time I ever had a mite problem. I have a tangerine tree though that mites love, so I'm going to try this stuff out on it.
An effing tangerine tree? Are you kidding me? I'm jealous as shit :) Neighbors down the road from me growing up had 8 or 10 apple trees in their back yard. At the right time of year us kids would be playing and we couldn't even run in the yard because so many apples were falling. I'm not even a huge fan of apples, but I love seeing fruit growing from trees. Just seems like The Garden of Eden ya know? But I have never even seen a tangerine tree in my life. Hell, I rarely even see tangerines :) So rub some salt in the wounds here for me. Are your tangerines delicious? It's okay. I can take it ;)
I'm growing mine in a pot. It's only about two years old and hasn't produced fruit yet. But we're on the same page, that's why I got it in the first place :)
They're out of stock right now, but here you go:

I like Burpee better for some reason, it's not a tangerine tree, but close: