Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method

No matter what, we will continue!

The carnival lasted three nights, on the occasion of outstanding valiant victories.

Damn, half the city is without power, although it didn't really affect us. Because I don't live in an industrial area, but in a residential area.

But sooner or later the darkness recedes and the sun rises, warming everything around with its gentle warmth

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The water was turned off for a day. The next day the water was turned on, I decided to take a shower, drained the water that was in reserve. I started to fill up with new water... damn... and it was so rusty... incredibly rusty. I couldn't swim, but that's a small thing... there is no water for irrigation... I'll wait, maybe it will stop being rusty...

eleventh week of flowering.

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It seems to me that the buds have swollen even more.

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The smell is getting less and less, I think it will last another week at most.

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to be continued.....

They are coming along nicely
They are coming along nicely
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Good to see you back, @Sedan
You missed all the fun.))

you understand - don't mention here who can't be mentioned and don't talk about what we don't speak about.

Thank you, Ty!
Yesterday I was not here because... because...

It is very disturbing here again... very...

Yesterday I had to close the windows in the evening and turn off the air flow into the room from the street because smoke comes in through the windows and hurts the eyes... Something bad is happening...

I remembered my first sketches of Pegasus))


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You will need to be very agile to survive!


The light of the sodium lamp blends organically into the entourage in the window. It is very similar to the way the horizon at times at night is coloured in a purple glow, as if the sun were rising.


In the last few days, the ‘presents’ have been flying from the sky non-stop. Even the priests of the elders of our settlement do not remember such a thing. Never before have the gods from the heavens showered so many curses on our heads.


A power outage knocked out power to my radar, debris damaged one of the plants


The buds are small because of the incredibly difficult conditions. This has been the most difficult cycle of my life, but we made it through.


The trunk reaches a height of 2 metres (6.5 feet), I'm fine with that, even with small buds. This is the weakest plant.

I'll continue my story

as best I can.)


So far today has been calm and quiet, except for remote... thunderclaps.

But the feeling of hopelessness is inexorably haunting me even in moments of calm.... It's a feeling that never leaves me, lately.

I have to live one day at a time, a self-justification used by many people here. The only thing you can do is to comfort yourself with the fact that there is no way you can change anything. Nothing depends on you. It's very similar to imprisonment. All you can do is wait.

But we digress.

Since my last cycle, which involved many difficulties, is almost finished, I present to you a new acrobatic performance.... more akin to the old circus when tightrope walkers went under the dome on a rope without a safety net.

The audience realised that a single mistake by a tightrope walker could cost him his life. In fact, he wasn't walking the rope, he was walking the path. His only goal was to be alive at the end of the journey.

Autumn and summer are ahead, and it is impossible to predict now what difficulties and trials my plants will face. Anything can happen.... with no exceptions.

Fishing rods


These plants will be transplanted to Pegasus later this week.

I will use the old substrate in the plant, but I will treat it well with trichoderma to prevent fungal diseases.

Let's hope and believe in the best!
As Shakespeare would say: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.....

Fortune favors the bold!
What inspires me a bit is the realisation that, usually after a long war or other major upheaval, there is a renaissance.

When flowers bloom on the ruins, the sun shines, birds sing... Like in the film ‘I Am Legend.’ Someday I'll go outside in the morning and it'll be nice and quiet.)))
So far, everything is unchanged.


Nothing new is happening to the plants or around the plants..... the same cinders in the windows from time to time, the same smog and thunder on the horizon....

I haven't transplanted to Pegasus yet. The big plants are still in Pegasus. The smell of blooms is gone, but the trichomes are still cloudy, not amber. So we're not cutting them yet.

This is the third autumn. The first two were lucky. But this autumn and winter will probably be the most difficult.. But I hope that at least once in a while, on long, frosty evenings, I can warm myself where I am remembered and welcomed....

I just want to be connected, even if it's just once in a while.
So far, everything is unchanged.

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Nothing new is happening to the plants or around the plants..... the same cinders in the windows from time to time, the same smog and thunder on the horizon....

I haven't transplanted to Pegasus yet. The big plants are still in Pegasus. The smell of blooms is gone, but the trichomes are still cloudy, not amber. So we're not cutting them yet.

This is the third autumn. The first two were lucky. But this autumn and winter will probably be the most difficult.. But I hope that at least once in a while, on long, frosty evenings, I can warm myself where I am remembered and welcomed....

I just want to be connected, even if it's just once in a while.
Being connected is not so much to ask.
Being connected is not so much to ask.
Bro, it's one of the hardest things to deal with, as it turns out.))) Especially when you sit all day in the house and talk to yourself. We sometimes quarrel with my wife, she goes to her parents. After three days of solitude, you start talking to yourself. That's how man works. It's a social creature.)

We're so spoilt by civilisation that when you lose contact with the outside world, it's a shock. This is in a time of peace. And if everything is rumbling around at the same time... and you don't know what's going on around you and you can't even get in touch with your loved ones, it's even more terrifying. It's like you're suddenly alone on a desert island.

I bought a wood cooker, so we won't freeze in the winter. I have about a tonne of drinking water. Food won't be a problem. There are generators in all the shops now. Power bank I also bought gadgets that can run for a week without mains electricity. The only thing I can't control is communications.

But plants are more complicated. If there's an emergency, they're unlikely to survive.
Woke up tonight to the house bouncing.... for some reason.

A wave flew in the open window and the interior door opened sharply... as if there was a poltergeist in the room.....


the last photo in this series


The fishing rods will be going to Pegasus this week


Hopefully a sequel will follow....
It's autumn. There's a comfortable chill outside. The leaves on the trees are starting to turn yellow... It's a sad time. A time to reflect on existence, to sort myself out while it's quiet and peaceful outside my window. While I'm warm and cosy...

the plants are cut back as they dry out.


the plant dries out, cut the next one.


so the transfer of the rods to Pegasus is delayed for now. I don't think we can make it this week. Would really like it faster, but don't have enough drying space in the room.


To be continued....
Hello, Friends!

My news is, as always, gloomy... and my thoughts are gloomy)). But I hope you'll understand me.

Again “gifts” from the sky, and again history repeats itself, but this time the consequences are more serious.... No, no civilian casualties, everyone left without windows....

The photos are not today, because there was no electricity and bad connection for a long time.

I don't want to talk now, it's disgusting....

There is one plant left, then transplanting.



transplanting is a must.


hope to see you soon...
Hello Friends!

Hello Friends!

This dramatic and heartwarming report is coming to an end.

The last plant was cut yesterday. Before transplanting, I will treat the soil with an antifungal agent, because I will not change the soil.


In the meantime, the last plant is drying.


That concludes this report.


But that is not a cause for concern, there is an equally... dramatic and heartwarming narrative ahead of you. I'm sure you'll find it interesting.

Peace and goodwill to all!
Hello Democrats... hello Republicans too! Ordinary people, you are welcome too!))


No, I'm.... not a legend, so not scary)), rather the opposite, pathetic and miserable.))


I have finally transplanted the fishing rods into the rig, and from here on out we begin.

I apologize for the not-so-nice look of the plants. I can't remember how long I've been sitting alone at home... and the plants... apparently a reflection of what has become of me.)))

But this is not the end, it's just the beginning. There's a path ahead that must surely be traveled.

So far, six plants in the installation.


I have some clones left that I plan to plant between the big plants.


I haven't decided how I'm going to do it yet. I'll probably bend some of them... we'll see if these take hold for a while....

that's it for now....
Shaking off the plaster from the hair on my head, which is falling from the ceiling, I continue

it's time for clones...

after some deliberation... alone))), without any wisecracks, I decided to do the cycle this way.

I planted an additional two bosoms in the plant in this way.

(I apologize for the quality of the photo, my wife took a normal camera with her phone to the hospital to her mother-in-law. I'm from a tablet... shitty)


I'm going to proceed in this manner.

I tilt the plants forward in a circle, toward each other. With this configuration, I will fill the horizontal plane of the installation


notice how dense, compact and lush the rods turned out.


As for the rest of the clones, I've transplanted them into higher-capacity sweats. Let them wait for their turn....


I've got rods that grow up to 72 centimeters in these cups.


to be continued....
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song translation

People lose one another

To find (“meet”) love is a difficult problem.
The planet is turning round, it’s round, round.
The planet is flying far through the turmoil of the days.
It’s not easy, not easy to come to love on it.

The January snowstorm is ringing,
And downpours are lashing down in a springy way,
And the stars are whirling,
And the cities are buzzing with life.
People don’t see one another,
They pass by one another,
They lose one another,
And then they will never, never find,
And then they will never find (one another).

But there is somewhere my sweetheart, my love
Unique, eternal, eternal.
I’ve been looking for it (sweetheart) for a long time, but in the turmoil of the days
It’s not easy, not easy to come across it.