Mature goes perpetual :-)


Active Member
I think that is the vital mistake that i made. Hey on a different note, do you have anything for odour control? People keep warning me my rhino are going to be stinky.
I've never used odour control RS, the cabinets upstairs in our bedroom and we keep the door closed...that's about it. My three daughters have all grown up around these plants so think nothing of it so I don't hide anything really... I live in a village where most locals knew I was busted for cultivation a couple of years back, word gets around fast in places like this, but support was amazing, we opened up about it and openly talked about the issue of legalisation/medical MJ etc its surprising how many people think the govt have got it wrong on this. Btw, my bust had nothing to do with odour control but rather my openly campaigning for change/freedom to grow, and posting on activist sites. Under questioning the police produced print offs from a (non grow) web site I posted on!! But I've no regrets and I continue to ride my luck RS, cant live any other way. In a way its the whole purpose of this small and 'simple' looking grow, its a protest grow!...... tiny cabinet, funny plant names, the 1895 ancestors Met police whistle lucky charm, its all to make any future court case should it happen look absurd and show this law for what it is :peace: Hopefully though it will never happen, as others have said "I've had my pull, they'll leave me alone now"

Long answer to a short question mate! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey matrure, Thanks for the compliment on my grow and the info about the roots. since you have actually finished several grows to my nill. I was wondering how you do your drying? Jar, hang,...? And how did you do on your last girl and dry weight?


Active Member
Hey matrure, Thanks for the compliment on my grow and the info about the roots. since you have actually finished several grows to my nill. I was wondering how you do your drying? Jar, hang,...? And how did you do on your last girl and dry weight?
Hi jjmd, please bear with me and I'll answer those Q's later when I have more time :-)

Quick picture update

Trinny (Mazar clone) at day 14 of 12/12.

The 4 Snow white clones, you can see the 2 tall mutant cuts from the 2 short cuts clearly..... all just a few days since rooting and going well. The mothers are in late flowering right now and you can see them over at 'tamjams' thread in his signiature line. They look damn good :-)

(Please remove large pics etc etc....thanks)




Well-Known Member
Looks like the new stylee is all coming together nicely for you ms. Thanks for explaining the plan with the cuts.
Trinny looks hot but I got my eye on Ms Angel :)

Loved what you said about the protest grow. My sentiments exactly. How on earth can you have a crime without a victim?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4011773]Lookin good MS[/QUOTE]

wow sicc i just noticed you nearly have 15,000 posts :eek: thats nuts :clap:

good morning MS, looks like you got the ball rolling mate. Ms angel looks hot so im gonna keep my eye on her aswell, which two are you putting into 12/12 soon?

updated my thread aminute ago about the clones:-P

and its the grand national tomorrow :-P well excited gonna go to the bookys and spend about £60 on bets!!! its the only thing i ever bet on so its fun :bigjoint:

have a good day mate


Active Member
wow sicc i just noticed you nearly have 15,000 posts :eek: thats nuts :clap:

good morning MS, looks like you got the ball rolling mate. Ms angel looks hot so im gonna keep my eye on her aswell, which two are you putting into 12/12 soon?

updated my thread aminute ago about the clones:-P

and its the grand national tomorrow :-P well excited gonna go to the bookys and spend about £60 on bets!!! its the only thing i ever bet on so its fun :bigjoint:

have a good day mate
Cheers tamjam, I'm well happy with the 4 clones. What I'm thinking is maybe just 1 into flower next week then another in 3 weeks and another 3 weeks later!!! By then I should have more Mazar to follow up and still have my snow white mum producing new clones etc :-) ...that's the plan at least. I'm still looking at one more Kush strain maybe to add in.

Oh and as for MsAngel, shes named after the 'expressionist dancer' from the band Space Ritual :-)

Good luck on the National mate :-)


Well-Known Member
oh yeah mate i forgot to say that the mutant plant is way ahead of the more indica one! so i would keep the mutant as a mother if i was you, i will update with some pics in a bit mate
Hello, thanks for commenting on my grow, I feel honored. I'm goin to keep watching your grow, as I can learn a lot from you! Your plants look great! I need to learn more as i'd like to get the whole cloning and topping down pat. For now I'm just heavily lst'ing. Keep it goin!


Active Member
Hello, thanks for commenting on my grow, I feel honored. I'm goin to keep watching your grow, as I can learn a lot from you! Your plants look great! I need to learn more as i'd like to get the whole cloning and topping down pat. For now I'm just heavily lst'ing. Keep it goin!
Hi ubersoldat,

Thanks for the comments :-) To be honest I'm a grower who prefers not to top my plants, I like to use LST but still keep the main top. This Mazar 'Trinny' is the first I have topped for a long time! Not sure what I'll do with the clones yet but I have made the first LST ties to begin the pull down gently.

Update today, Trinny is at day 18 of 12/12 and beginning to form her flowers nicely. Fed 1ml each Bio Bizz bloom and grow today per litre water. Watering every other day as 50% perlite/soil mix is drying out well between waterings. Sprayed the lower half of trinny with SMC again today, probably final treatment but shes 100% clear and my whole box is clear. Had a couple of ladybirds again crawling over her for a check up before taking them back into the garden.:-)

The 2 mutant SNOW WHITE clones are flying ahead of the other 2 SO may have to rethink keeping the short one as a mother :neutral: Plan now is to clone the 2 mutants and keep one of those. Wednesday will be 3 weeks 12/12 for Trinny so I may put 'Perspicacia' into flower to begin the perpetual harvest plan, followed by Trinny in maybe a couple more weeks time, then the 2 smaller ones at intervals.

Added more lights into the veg box today but I'll still put them all in the big cab when I can during lights on :blsmoke:

Few pics of the flowering cab, the mutant SW clones and Trinny the MAZAR.

Heres the link to tamjams post showing the mother plants in flower, looking great!

(PLease remove large images if quoting, thanks :-) )




Well-Known Member
Loving the set up man, and the fact your all CFL too, Whats your temps runnin with just the one fan for intake and one for exhaust, right now ive got 13 - 23w and its usually about 78-81 but that with the door of the closet open a little, if i dont open it it gets to about 93 lol. I like the style of your perpetual, i smoke a little more so im trying to get a perpetual set-up that gives 2-4 oz a month (me and the girlfriend and my dad) Im defiantly subscribed!!!


Well-Known Member
everything looks so good. next year when i get to my permanent address then i am going to do this as well!


Well-Known Member
ya know ms, from my experience with a fixed light, i bet it took you forever to gather the stuff you use to raise your girls into the lights!! I know I have searched high and low. with CFLs we just have to move to much. I have a CFL cool tube idea I think will work a little better. I might try and follow v12 and you. not sure how to pull it off without fem seeds or 2 cabinets, so I have to think it through...


Well-Known Member
Hey MS, everything looking good as usual. can't wait to see how things go.

I wanted to ask a quick question about the bio-biz you use. I see you swear by it and your results show it work 's pretty good. I got some samples in the mail of the grow and bloom and was wondering what you think is the best way to start using it. I see you use them both during veg and flower and was wondering if you had a specific regiment you follow?

Thanks for the help and hope it was ok to ask this question here.



Active Member
Loving the set up man, and the fact your all CFL too, Whats your temps runnin with just the one fan for intake and one for exhaust, right now ive got 13 - 23w and its usually about 78-81 but that with the door of the closet open a little, if i dont open it it gets to about 93 lol. I like the style of your perpetual, i smoke a little more so im trying to get a perpetual set-up that gives 2-4 oz a month (me and the girlfriend and my dad) Im defiantly subscribed!!!
Hi AudiA6Driver, thanks for the comments :-) There is a 3rd fan (4" inline, bathroom type) which is the exhaust fan fitted into the top that pulls any heat build up straight out. That said I DO open the cab up every morning and close it up each evening! takes just seconds and its just part of the daily routine now :-) With doors close temps do rise slightly to 80 (from 72 with doors open). If we're away overnight I just reduce the wattage and leave it closed up. no problem. I dont panic about 'close up' time, often it runs over by half hour or even a couple of hours but never caused ANY issues at all with stable genetics. The lights themselves are of course on a timer...8am to 8pm is 'day'. On sunny days they come out and sit in a south facing window overlooking the garden, nice and safe :-)

My whole approach to growing is relaxed like this :-)

Bigman, thanks for sticking around :-) I use BioBizz as its cheap and organic. I used Canna nutes for many years and loved them. The BB feed chart keeps the 'grow' going right through flowering, generally 1pt grow to 1pt bloom, with the 'bloom' increasing later. I'l find the chart link for you, but with my pre nuted soil I use half strength. The chart is for BB 'allmix'.

Gumball, thanks for looking in here. I'll take a look at your thread and subscribe in a moment :-) A veg chamber can be VERY basic, look at mine.... 100watts of CFL's, no fans etc, just leave it open a crack!! Lights are set 4am to 10pm (18/6). each morning as I open up the flower box I put the veg plants in there too, again just moments to do and I'm lucky as I work from home so have plenty of time :-) I shuffle things a round a bit and know that this wont suit everybody. I like to have my plants around me during the day and enjoy seeing them sitting in the sun too :bigjoint:

Phew, some pics now. Tamjam I took a close up of 'MsAngel' as she's clearly showing those early mutant traits, mishapen leaves etc :-)

Perspicacia will be going into 12/12 tomorrow (Wed 14th). MsAngel will go 12/12 2 weeks later and I should get a couple of cuts off her. Nice rolling harvest on the horizon.

Jadeshecky: thanks for the comments :-)



Well-Known Member
wow, everything looks so great! its funny how you move your ladies around to suit you. i do the same thing. every chance i get to put them in a sunny window i do and they loooooooove it. they tend to follow me around the house like little puppies. lol


Well-Known Member
hey MS those clones are looking great :-P

so glad to hear that ones looking mutated im so lloking forward to see if the poly ploid traits follow and im sure lots of other people would be interested:weed:

go check out my thread im making some drastic changes!!!

im ditching the hps and going back with cfl's!!!

cheers mate