Hey ms, glad to see the grow is still on track.
I notice crazytrain has needed to use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to assist with cleaning up his root system and a thought occurred to me about your bug problem. H2O2 is a kind of natural bleach that provides more oxygen than water does but it also has a trait of attacking dead organic material at the same time. This is what makes it ideal for treating root rot as it kills the rot and aerates the good root underneath.
I'm guessing that the webs spun by the spidermites will be seen by H2O2 as dead organic matter and would be dissolved by a topical application. I doubt that the peroxide would harm the bugs directly but I'm thinking that if you remove the webs then they wouldn't have anywhere to lay eggs or anything to grip on when you spray them.
It's all purely hypothetical of course, you know me and my whacky ideas, but it may be worthy of further investigation if the little sods are still troubling you.
Hi 'boy' just give that clone more time, 2 weeks is not that bad, can take longer. What I like to do is to give a VERY gentle tug after around 10 to 14 days and if I feel any resistance then I know she's rooting. I also like to root clones in clear plastic cups placed inside another non see through cup. Its easy then just watch for that root development so you know exactly how they are doing. Just give that Widow clone a bit more time.
Hi spindles, thanks for the info re mites, it sounds like that Neem really did the trick. I've been using SMC which is a corriander based treatment. Last night I mixed (Link) SMC with an experimental clove of crushed garlic and spent half hour literally working through all the leaves with a brush! Then a final heavy mist. This morning all looks good again but I just cant seem to totally break that cycle in this perpetual grow. But I may go back to using Neem when this runs out. Thanks again.
I'll miss your updates ms, catch you in September. Good luck.
Great grows and always an enjoyable and informative read. I'll miss your updates ms, catch you in September. Good luck.