Mature goes perpetual :-)

I cloned my bubblegum and white widow.....bubblegum took but the widow looks exactly the same after 2 weeks. any input??? also, can i clone throughout flowering?
tHi Mature, just catching up onyour thread. Sorry to hear about the mites. I recently had an infection, heavily soaked the plants (it was in my veg box) with a mister with about 2ml of neem oil mixed into 1l of ph neutral water and they went away, this was 3 weeks ago and there has been no repetition or spread to other plants. I would add that I also mixed up 2l of water with 1ml of neem oil and fed them with this for 2 feeds following the soak, which I had read elsewhere would make the plants 'sweat' neem oil and therefore be more resilient.

Hope that helps. I am now intending to do a 1ml-2l neem feed once every 4 weeks across both veg and flower chambers. Like yourself I am running a perpetual setup (3 week rotation).
Hey ms, glad to see the grow is still on track.
I notice crazytrain has needed to use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to assist with cleaning up his root system and a thought occurred to me about your bug problem. H2O2 is a kind of natural bleach that provides more oxygen than water does but it also has a trait of attacking dead organic material at the same time. This is what makes it ideal for treating root rot as it kills the rot and aerates the good root underneath.
I'm guessing that the webs spun by the spidermites will be seen by H2O2 as dead organic matter and would be dissolved by a topical application. I doubt that the peroxide would harm the bugs directly but I'm thinking that if you remove the webs then they wouldn't have anywhere to lay eggs or anything to grip on when you spray them.
It's all purely hypothetical of course, you know me and my whacky ideas, but it may be worthy of further investigation if the little sods are still troubling you.
Hi 'boy' just give that clone more time, 2 weeks is not that bad, can take longer. What I like to do is to give a VERY gentle tug after around 10 to 14 days and if I feel any resistance then I know she's rooting. I also like to root clones in clear plastic cups placed inside another non see through cup. Its easy then just watch for that root development so you know exactly how they are doing. Just give that Widow clone a bit more time.

Hi spindles, thanks for the info re mites, it sounds like that Neem really did the trick. I've been using SMC which is a corriander based treatment. Last night I mixed (Link) SMC with an experimental clove of crushed garlic and spent half hour literally working through all the leaves with a brush! Then a final heavy mist. This morning all looks good again but I just cant seem to totally break that cycle in this perpetual grow. But I may go back to using Neem when this runs out. Thanks again.
Hey ms, glad to see the grow is still on track.
I notice crazytrain has needed to use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to assist with cleaning up his root system and a thought occurred to me about your bug problem. H2O2 is a kind of natural bleach that provides more oxygen than water does but it also has a trait of attacking dead organic material at the same time. This is what makes it ideal for treating root rot as it kills the rot and aerates the good root underneath.
I'm guessing that the webs spun by the spidermites will be seen by H2O2 as dead organic matter and would be dissolved by a topical application. I doubt that the peroxide would harm the bugs directly but I'm thinking that if you remove the webs then they wouldn't have anywhere to lay eggs or anything to grip on when you spray them.
It's all purely hypothetical of course, you know me and my whacky ideas, but it may be worthy of further investigation if the little sods are still troubling you.

Hi there V12 :-)
I'll look into that idea, thanks. For my flowering plants I've been simply blasting them with a mister and plain water, all over the buds as well top and bottom of the leaf. it destroys any webbing and does no harm to the buds so long as they get to dry out in the air, bearing in mind that my buds are not huge prize winning specimens ! I get close and really blast them, just like a heavy rain shower :-) I'm also using the SMC on the plants not too far into flower, up to 2 weeks. But you cant get them all and this is why I just cant break the cycle.

Do you know if we can get those foggers here in the UK V12? I cant find them or the 'hot shot' strips that a lot of the US guys seem to find so effective.
I found some of the insect strips in my local pound shop but they are for flying insects really so they didn't do much for me. Foggers are usually available in hydro shops but they aren't cheap.
what about calling an exterminator? i dont mean to have them treat, that would be nuts!! but they may either sell you some products, or be able to tell you where they get it from. if all else fails go to the source!!
I look forward to the bigbangs when you flower them MS, be carful to not veg them for to long though, you seen what their mother grew like!!!

gumball mentioned mites not liking steam? have you thought about using the steam bit on the iron and blast those f$*@ers :twisted: maybe add some SMC to it aswell, dunno if its ok for the plants? i wish i could help you with the mites but im to new at this game :-?
Hi 'boy' just give that clone more time, 2 weeks is not that bad, can take longer. What I like to do is to give a VERY gentle tug after around 10 to 14 days and if I feel any resistance then I know she's rooting. I also like to root clones in clear plastic cups placed inside another non see through cup. Its easy then just watch for that root development so you know exactly how they are doing. Just give that Widow clone a bit more time.

Hi spindles, thanks for the info re mites, it sounds like that Neem really did the trick. I've been using SMC which is a corriander based treatment. Last night I mixed (Link) SMC with an experimental clove of crushed garlic and spent half hour literally working through all the leaves with a brush! Then a final heavy mist. This morning all looks good again but I just cant seem to totally break that cycle in this perpetual grow. But I may go back to using Neem when this runs out. Thanks again.

hey thanks a lot!
that link i posted you the other day, they have been giving mad ways to get rid of the mites. CO2 was one, and it was beneficial to the plants. just wanted to let you know, you may be able to swing by there and get a few ideas on your next strategy.
I have finally decided to close down this thread, its time to admit defeat to the mite issue that has plagued me since I went perpetual. I need to break the cycle and the only way is to shut this down and begin again with everything from scratch. That means everything from lighting to soil and pots etc in a new location. Its going to take me a while to get that sorted so what I'm goin to do is to plant out the 2 Big Bang clones and maybe the 2 Snow White seedplants and just let nature do its work :-) I'll remove all trace of my indoor grow while I concentrate on the outdoor grow. I may start a new thread in the outdoor section for anyone interested in seeing how they go and I'll post the link here later.

Cheers to everyone who has stuck with me during this thread, I plan to back with the new indoor grow around the end of September :-)
damn them stupid bugs!! sorry to hear its not working out MS :? im sure your gonna come back bigger and better next time and i think your weather up your end is a lot more suitable then down in wet old cornwall im sure the bigbangs are gonna love it :smile:.

Are you gonna move into the hallway cupboard you mentioned before? i guess it will be difficult sorting it out now that the summer holidays have started kids everywhere lol.

look forward to your new thread
Great grows and always an enjoyable and informative read. I'll miss your updates ms, catch you in September. Good luck.
Hey MS, send me a link when ya do. Don't want to come in late. Some times we just gotta do what we gotta do. You'll get it figured out.


well one good thing is now you can call the exterminators and have them spray inside, if you wanted to. but i am sure your home has a distinct odor about it :weed:, with or without lady Mary living inside.
Great grows and always an enjoyable and informative read. I'll miss your updates ms, catch you in September. Good luck.

Cheers all, no big deal, I still got a bit to smoke and I still have 'Widdecombe' finishing off :-) I'll let her go 9 weeks if I can keep those mites down. She's 6 weeks now and my aggressive treatment of the leaf has caused damage but I'm keeping the buds clean so far. Shes mutant Snow White :-)

V12, this ones for you mate, I love it! I'm sure you've seen it but its one of my old favourites :-) Love Bob Calverts lyrics..... "One night, when I was smoking dope... I looked at my hands and I saw that I had 11 fingers..... one of those fingers fell from my hands, fell onto the carpet, walked across the carpet, up onto the shelf, inside my piggy bank........ and stole my stash, stole my stash!" REEFER MADNESS by Space Ritual.

See you later :-)



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Thanks ms, that hit the spot.
You have to love his lyrics. Spirit of the Age always makes me laugh :)

I notice SR are sharing a stage with Gong later this year, sounds like a top night out.

Gonna miss those links and the bud porn. Get back in action soon mucker.