Maximizing yield

Anybody have any suggestions on maximizing yield? A few people have told me to go with super cropping, I am wondering if there any techniques that have proven to be better? I have plenty of space in the room, light,ventilation and have an 85 plant limit. I will also be using co2 and my grow room is 12 by 30 ft. The strains I am going to be running are White Rhino, Blue Dream, and Purple Snow Cap thats (gdp x snowcap)


Well-Known Member
TONS of threads on this, search the site man.....look in newbie central and general marijuana growin, once youve done some research and if you have em and im sure everybody will be happy to answer you.....all the answers you are currently lookin for are already here
I have read a ton of them actually and am not certain which method I should be using. I guess ill try supercropping one plant and fimming another and see what works best, thanks though


Well-Known Member
No one can tell you whats best. It comes from trial and error. Something that works for one person may not for another. Take in all the info you can and do the best you can and you cant go wrong.
There are alot of ways to maximizing your yeild. Like super cropping, lollipoping, fim, lst, co2....and the list goes on. It sounds like you have all the things in place to have a nice grow. Ya just need to start growing. You will refine you technices as time goes on.