Maxsea is blowin' up....if you use in this thread.....


Well-Known Member
Eh I realized it wasn't organic when I spotted the white balls ( urea ) but as I use actuall 100% urea in veg it doesn't bother me at all.


Active Member
true. It's prolly the best non-organic nutes out there, besides Age old.....
ya i like age old too! used that a few seasons back for outdoor. i still use it for the indoor, the max sea tends to get the plants overcrowded in the small hut i have lol but for outdoor its strictly maxsea. also throw in the hydrozyme, epsom salt, and molasses, last year i experimented with Humboldt County's Ultra Snow Storm and it really did make a difference in the trichome production.


Active Member
Im feeding 1tbs per gallon every day.
one year I fed 1.2 tbs twice a day and the plants were huge.
I cant tell if it twas the twice a day that did it or just the good weather that year.


Well-Known Member
How do folks transition from the 16-16-16 to the bud formula, and when?

Should there be a couple weeks where it's a combination of the two?

I stumbled across a free sample of MaxSea last year and couldn't believe what it did literally overnight. When I learned some of the Cali masters growing trees used it. One rock star on here gave me a link to a supplier in NoCali and I got 20 pound pails, including shipping for half of what the nursery here would have charged. Amazing stuff!


Well-Known Member
Mixing some bloom@400ppm now for nitro introduction to babies in dirt...where's that other bottle of stuff I need to...oh shit just need this one thing and maybe some epsom salts:)

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I was all set to use Jacks Classic this year along with a kelp extract, but this sounds really good too. Probably easier to mix as well, and available about a mile from my house. Maybe I'll have to try both side by side.

I know the maxsea doesn't have mg. but does it have cal?

My jacks has plent of mg but no cal.

I assume that adding garden lime to my soil would work with both?

Does anyone have a link to an analysis or content breakdown?