may11ths 2014 seed run- homegrown organics

The brick stuff is very salty, I'd hit it wit it with a 1/2 cup of oyster she'll flour per cf, yeah man I'm pretty tight with money right now as well, I cook my coco because I amend it, so I usually don't worry about rinsing it and now I just use canna so it's ready from the bag, but make sure you rinse the shit out of brick coco, it'll kill your plants quickly if not, huge lockouts. I love coco over sphagnum, I run 7 gal pots and my plants will stretch up to 3 times their size, I mulch it , also I honestly believe that coco is better for microbes, the soil Web you get from coco in a matter of a few days is just astonishing. I'll post recent recipes to the tee and you guys feel free to post what your doing too, I like stows recipe .
I would recommend making it as a super soil to be honest, it's really finicky with just a lil bit of nutes, from my experience with jjst using coco and trting to feed teas it was hard as hell to do, they would be fine after the tea then fade hard a few days later.

Hyroot, do you plan on keeping the mix simple, and what stage of life are you aiming for, veg or flower, I have 3 different coco recipes I run, the only one I know forsure out of the top of my head is the clone mix for early veg plantsup to a month, this stuff works killer for me and very simple.

1 bag canna coco, you have to try it please, the texture of the their coco is great.
1 cf ewc
1 cf perlite or rice hulls like stow , I can't find hulls local :/
1lb greensand
1 cup oystershell flour
2 tablespoons azomite

then on the bottom of a gallon or qrt. Container I use 2 tbspns feather meal and 1 tablespoon kelp, 1 alfalfa.

This lil lite mix will provide enough food for 3-4 weeks on young Vegging plants and I notice excellent growth like crazy fast too, 2ft indica plants in 2 months or less , very easy to manage too, I just feed molasses water and dolomite lime if a calcium problem arises , happens every now and then with my Strains. There is one thing I have a decent amount of knowledge of and it's coco , I have messed up super bad to learn how to keep them living and thriving coco is very easy after you understand it's individual needs, people say to not do organics and coco, I say okay cool because I'll do the opposite and show its possible even though it hurts your wallet really bad at first, I wouldn't steer you guys wrong and you guys have told me alot of stuff that should be kept a secret, I'm a open book and hope I can help you guys in any way because you have helped me a ton and I want to say that I'm deeply appreciative of everything.

Let's create a organic shop and we can all use all of our knowledge. Seriously what are we waiting for who has the money lol I dont but if I did you know I would get right on it, I'm dead serious lol.

Later all , have a great day.
My plants are in 2 gals. I need to transplant into final pots today. 50/50 soil / coco is what I'm going for. I use down to earth vegan mix, agrowynn rock dust, dte kelp meal, dte neem meal, worm castings, compost, homemade vermicompost, peat moss, perlite (can't find pumice nor rice hulls), and recycled soil.

the plants will veg for a few more weeks then flower. I was just curious about coco solo with organics.
Nice, you'll be okay man trust me. I love coco, after all the struggle it looks to be worth it , I'm still tinkering though but having fun as usual. I'm really debating on trying a straight canna coco w chem nutes to compare the growth rates . I hear they get massive but I wouldn't know what to do with the material because in my eyes it's haz mat. I've seen 18 oz canna plants using 3 gal pots , I just can't believe it but whatever your mutating a plant in my eyes.
Pillow case ripped in 5 places. Huge tears. I pulled out a mesh trash can I have. Next time grabbing a Rubbermaid and drilling a bunch of holes all over it. Line it with weed mat. Which I already have weed mat.
Lmfao i did the same^ . Too much work here lately I just couldn't find myself going to go bust my ass with 10% energy. Lol red your funny as hell, I love how coco doesn't shrink up the sides of pots like peat.
You have to cook coco? Does coco tek run hot?

My whole point of running coco.... I originally planned on upping to 10 gals. I'm to broke (bills) to buy new pots and saucers. But I have a bunch of 5 gal grow bags (holds 6 gals) and saucers already. So I figured making a 50/50 mix would help out with larger plants and yield in smaller 5 gals. Since everyone that runs full coco, does it in 2-3 gals and get big yields. I want to stick to organics so.... That's my logic if that makes sense.

Hey hyroot, how did this turn out for you? I'm having a similar problem, I'm running out of root room in my peat based los mix. I normally use a 10 gallon final pot size. I was thinking either mix 50/50 coco peat or do an all coco mix before transplanting to the final pot.