Well that's alot to be happy about man. Lookin good. It looks like you're switching over to coco, or starting to use it. I never minded making mistakes, it happens and it always will. Take them in stride and push forward, that's all you can do besides make yourself sick over them. I really like your P.O.V. on alot of stuff very similar to myself really, or at least how I try to be. Gardening makes me extremely happy as well, hard not to just smile like an idiot when your surrounded by killer plants! I really like to share all this with people as well. but only have a few local friends with the balls to grow. I know some hippies in the hills down in Ky that do pretty large outside grows every season, but they're paranoid gun toters and that can be a real downer sometimes. Not that I'm against guns or anything I have quite a collection, but when you're carrying them for "No B.S." self protection it can make you as paranoid as them. And I won't go down there amongst them without my glock 21 on me or something, I just don't feel safe when everyone is carrying around ak's with drums and stuff like that.(too much) I prefer my happy little inside garden personally. Take it easy bro, and remember Peace and Love makes the world go round people.