Picture 1 Is carmelo pheno #3, shes the biggest bitch, yields well, is the easiest to keep happy and is very sativa, I would say this pheno seems 90% , purples up with temps around 60, can survive in temperatures up to 95°, and low as 34°, thid is from my experience, i dont lie so whatever I say is the truth
I hate liars and thieves, anywhoo lol .
Picture number 2-pheno #1 the very beloved indica pheno, this lil plant is going to be one of my faves, not high yielding but the quality is insane, I didnt even hit mymmarks the first go around and the 2nd I fucked up alot too but she is alot beefier than the 1st go around, I hope to reveg this gal in a large smart pot and veg her a very long time, she doesn't grow fast, doesnt stretch much, and is a bushy gal when played with, all the carmelos need to be messed around In order to really see their true potential, thr indicas would be great for small areas , the taste is very fruity berry and smell is of hashish and perfume, this is a true crowd pleaser, i just wish I could have a abundance of it because it goes to quick lol my dad calls it hippy crack, he wont stop asking me to get more haha.
Picture number 3-is a mix I would say, so maybe another pheno , leaning more to the indica side, smells of lemons and is very easy to care for.
Picture number 4- is pheno number 2, she isnt a high yielder but she is very smelly and dor a sativa she doesnt stretch much, is a nitrogen lover and does most her growing in veg, I noticed if you don't top her that she will grow like she wss anyhow , weird, smells of orange skunky goodness and taste like skunk, very potent I would say but the high doesn't last but your asleep usually by them anyhow lol.
Picture number 5-is the same plant in pic 1, and you must top her if not yield is suffered, she grows double in flowering.
Picture nhmber 6- is pheno number 3, grown straight up in a 3 gal container, her kin is in a 5 gal and bigger than her by a ton, so no more 3 gals and 5 gals are big enough for her, if I did 20 gal with her I would be screwed for space, thing will blow up of givrn the area to grow roots.
Picture number 7- group shot, notice how I have the hood angled, the plants seem to like it more.
So next will be veg but I think a naps coming ahah, going to chow on some leftovers and see if any of you are posting cuz im bored and youtube doesn't upload enough marijuana vids to keep me busy in a day lol