Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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:fire:i hereby claim this thread in the name of apathetic anarchists everywhere. henceforth, jfk will be referred to only as benny hinn and his assassination shall be expunged from our history books. the grassy knoll is to become our principle shrine and all pilgrims who visit it are to pay homage to the memory of jack ruby by defecating there. from now on, jackie o is to be considered the eternal virgin bride of benny hinn and the day of her birth is to be celebrated with gifts of urine soaked sponge cake and rancid pork products.
benny hinn shot that mother fucker i seen and have the dvd for sale for $18.95
what u thought is was going to be $19.95
no this is new marketing approach
undercut them by a buck
:fire:i hereby claim this thread in the name of apathetic anarchists everywhere. henceforth, jfk will be referred to only as benny hinn and his assassination shall be expunged from our history books. the grassy knoll is to become our principle shrine and all pilgrims who visit it are to pay homage to the memory of jack ruby by defecating there. from now on, jackie o is to be considered the eternal virgin bride of benny hinn and the day of her birth is to be celebrated with gifts of urine soaked sponge cake and rancid pork products.
it shall be forever known as the holy dallas metamorphosis. benny hinn first assassinated the one and then became the one, hallelujah!
blessed be the beginning (jfk), the instrument (benny hinn) and the end of all things (jack ruby).
blessed be the eternal virgin and the whore of shipping (jackie o).
may they bless us all with decades more of conspiracy nonsense and grainy home movies.
may we all bask in their glory for ever and ever -
or at least until april 23rd, 2047.​

damn, i think i've got a knack for this shit. this is the third religion i've invented and they just keep getting better and better. i even managed to tack an expiration date on this one.
we r going to rename this thread jfk is dead as fuck so lets party on fabs takeover thread
let me invite some friends

it shall be forever known as the holy dallas metamorphosis. benny hinn first assassinated the one and then became the one, hallelujah!
blessed be the beginning (jfk), the instrument (benny hinn) and the end of all things (jack ruby).
blessed be the eternal virgin and the whore of shipping (jackie o).
may they bless us all with decades more of conspiracy nonsense and grainy home movies.
may we all bask in their glory for ever and ever -
or at least until next tuesday.​
damn, i think i've got a knack for this shit. this is the third religion i've invented and they just keep getting better and better. i even managed to tack an expiration date on this one.
i suggest that everyone add a couple of tags for this thread. it's just another way to leave our own impressions on an inconceivably flawed premise. sorry, "nonsense" and "butternut squash" have already been taken.
fuck that lets just own it
so fuck 7 forever does anything jfk ever got hgh
i hope so
i suggest that everyone add a couple of tags for this thread. it's just another way to leave our own impressions on an inconceivably flawed premise. sorry, "nonsense" and "butternut squash" have already been taken.
Every single post of 7forever is in this thread, he is obsessed, there is no thought other than "Greer Did it"!
but this thread must remain pure, a testament to our new found faith. it is now our profound duty to spread the perverted wisdom of benny hinn, attributing his words to the marx brothers, john denver and chiang kai-shek, and casting out the evil influences of the deceiver, aristotle onassis. for we are the sons and daughters of the true way and the holders of the last truth, that there are really only one and a half scoops of raisins in a package of kellogg's raisin bran. we must go forth to spread the good news, masturbating furiously in public places to the image of the holy leopard-skin pillbox hat and chanting gibberish at the top of our lungs. our path is clear. we must venture out among the heathens, renouncing their false idols and feasting on the toe nail clippings of the gods. i call on you all to join me in this holy crusade and to send me your generous donations.

i really do believe i could make a living at this shit. if i wasn't such an unrepentant atheist, i'd make one hell of a preacher. of course i'd have to give up my sunday canasta and learn how to speak in tongues, but the payday might just be worth it. my grandfather was a preacher, so i come by the profession honestly. my grandfather on the other side of the family was a participant in many a lynch mob, so i'm thinking of starting up my ministry in georgia. what do you think? should i give it a try?
thats how i roll u rolling with me

QUOTE=amaretsu;5536016]sounds like fun i love taking over stuff PARTY TIME lol[/QUOTE]
fuck all of that he is a nut and i this is my thread now
lets talk about love or something usefull

but this thread must remain pure, a testament to our new found faith. it is now our profound duty to spread the perverted wisdom of benny hinn, attributing his words to the marx brothers, john denver and chiang kai-shek, and casting out the evil influences of the deceiver, aristotle onassis. for we are the sons and daughters of the true way and the holders of the last truth, that there are really only one and a half scoops of raisins in a package of kellogg's raisin bran. we must go forth to spread the good news, masturbating furiously in public places to the image of the holy leopard-skin pillbox hat and chanting gibberish at the top of our lungs. our path is clear. we must venture out among the heathens, renouncing their false idols and feasting on the toe nail clippings of the gods. i call on you all to join me in this holy crusade and to send me your generous donations.

i really do believe i could make a living at this shit. if i wasn't such an unrepentant atheist, i'd make one hell of a preacher. of course i'd have to give up my sunday canasta and learn how to speak in tongues, but the payday might just be worth it. my grandfather was a preacher, so i come by the profession honestly. my grandfather on the other side of the family was a participant in many a lynch mob, so i'm thinking of starting up my ministry in georgia. what do you think? should i give it a try?
this is my thread now
lets talk about love or something useful
how dare you profane the holy work we have begun here today? this thread does not belong to you or to anyone. it is the exclusive domain of the great benny hinn and shall forever remain a testament to his grand perversity.

love? what love could possibly compare to the love of benny hinn for his stacks of riches? what love is there for us but our devotion to the majesty of that leopard-skin pillbox hat and the calm reassurance of our faith. this is all we need.

well, maybe a nice mlt- mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich. where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. they're so perky, i love that.
fuck benny hinn he aint got shot on FAB u better ask someone

how dare you profane the holy work we have begun here today? this thread does not belong to you or to anyone. it is the exclusive domain of the great benny hinn and shall forever remain a testament to his grand perversity.

love? what love could possibly compare to the love of benny hinn for his stacks of riches? what love is there for us but our devotion to the majesty of that leopard-skin pillbox hat and the calm reassurance of our faith. this is all we need.

well, maybe a nice mlt- mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich. where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. they're so perky, i love that.
Lol Princess Bride...
hell, i steal all my material from somewhere. bob dylan, billy crystal, the old and new testaments - they're all the same to me. each post i write is not only double checked for error, i also maintain an interior monologue as i compose it. as i wrote that post i was miracle max, bob dylan and a brand new god, all reciting their own little pieces of the whole. yes, i am clinically insane. the only one i refuse to steal from is janis.
Kellerman moved his head forward, backward and forward again in the space of 1 second (frames 296-314) in an attempt to block the gun's view from the north side of elm street and after to look like he's ducking bullets. Watch him look to his left towards Greer's chest. He was following the movement of the gun and Greer's arm. When Greer turned the second time, the gun was near his right collarbone, so all he did was push it up, over and shoot jfk directly in the forehead.

Watch the fake reflection recoil and separate from Roy's head.

With this old copy you can see the cartoon gun, arm and hand form perfectly before the fake reflection jolts backward in perfect unison with the headshot.
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