Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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The fake red mist is totally fake because it's forming before the shot and there has never been any red mist in any firearms incident in history.


The shot has not reached his yet. That is how easy this alteration is to expose.
The red blob is fake because it appears before the shot and after the bullet connects you can see the mist disappear leaving the fake flap.



I proved his left hand never returned to the wheel. He places gun in left hand.

His left arm moved over right shoulder proving it never returned to the wheel.

I clearly stated it does matter which hand was on the wheel because both of his hands left the wheel.

He held a gun and my claim he did stems from overwhelming evidence and the gun is visible in many frames.
There may be respected professionals who support its legitamacy but that does not mean they didn't lie for the government. They clearly did because the points of alteration are obvious if one wants to expose them as I have. Show me one person being shot with red mist around the entrance. Until you can do that, this is one piece of conclusive proof the film was altered. If you can show that then you have to explain how this blood mist is in front of his face before the shot reaches his head. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, therefore the film was altered.
218 • BEHOLD A PALE HORSE William Cooper

public and perpetuate the cover-up.
I called Bob Grodin and accepted his challenge. I invited him to
appear with me at Beverly Hills High School and show his film. I would
show my film. The audience would decide. He refused. He refused
because he knows what I know, that the audience would boo him out of
town. Grodin knows that Greer shot Kennedy because he is part of the
Bob Grodin is the same Bob Grodin who claims to be the world's
foremost independent photo-interpretation expert. Bob Grodin has NO
photographic education whatsoever. He has never worked with photography.
Bob Grodin has never been a photographic interpreter in his life.
He has been lying to the public about his credentials for all these years and
no one even checked; not even Congress checked his credentials when they
hired him. Do you really think that was an accident? I HAVE A DEGREE
Bob Grodin is the same Bob Grodin who was hired by the House Select
Committee on Assassinations in 1976. He is the same Bob Grodin who
blatantly lied to the committee and told them that the driver, William Greer,
never took his hands off the wheel. His job is to write books and confuse
you. His job is to maintain the position that the government lied and that
there was a conspiracy. His job is also to prevent you from knowing the
truth about who did kill the President.
You cannot welcome the New World
Order if you have faith in your government. You WILL have faith in your
government if you learn that Greer killed Kennedy on orders of the Illuminati
and that it had nothing to do with the legal, Constitutional
government. Did you know that the man who was in charge of the Secret
Service at the time of the assassination became the man in charge of
security for the Rockefeller family upon his retirement? Well, now you
know. You should also know that Bob Grodin is a friend of Leslie Watkins,
and it is Bob Grodin's name that Watkins uses as the alias of the astronaut
cited in Alternative 003. Did you know that when Ricky White made
appearances on talk radio across the country to say that his father killed
Kennedy, that Bob Grodin accompanied him? Did you know that every
time a caller asked Ricky White a question, Grodin answered for him? Do
you really believe that is a coincidence? Ricky White's father did not kill
For years I have been telling people and audiences about the discrepancies
between the doctors' reports in Dallas and the autopsy report
made at Bethesda Naval Hospital. I have revealed that the wounds were
tampered with and changed. I have been telling the world that the body
was removed from its casket aboard the plane and was taken out the galley
Takes both hands off wheel. There's a good possibility Groden's lies were televised and recorded. I believe he testified twice.


HIS HAND IS HIDDEN BY THE LEFT SIDE OF KELLERMAN'S HEAD. This is confirmed by the nix film showing Greer's arm crossing over his right shoulder.
The fake red mist is totally fake because it's forming before the shot and there has never been any red mist in any firearms incident in history.


The shot has not reached his yet. That is how easy this alteration is to expose.

Ok, the Indiana police disagree:


As well as blood spatter professionals.

Here's a power point for you. Slide 21 mentions MIST.,21,Slide

Even wikipedia disagrees with you.

You definitely need this:

You can't accept that facts you present are proven over and over to just not be the truth, and that says volumes about you and your inability to open your mind to reality.

Have a good day and please, get off the internet.
Disinfo video by a fat toolbag, fortunately, everyone now can see that Greer places the gun in his left hand proving that Bob harris tried and failed to keep this deception going indefinitely. The altered gun is visible before, during and after the shot.
318 is the fake reflection and 319 is the gun bleached in white.


They could NOT edit out the gun so they covered it with white and grey. The driver killing Kennedy was always THE TRUTH but was universally ignored and covered-up.
Ok, the Indiana police disagree:

View attachment 1245835

As well as blood spatter professionals.

Here's a power point for you. Slide 21 mentions MIST.,21,Slide

Even wikipedia disagrees with you.

You definitely need this:

You can't accept that facts you present are proven over and over to just not be the truth, and that says volumes about you and your inability to open your mind to reality.

Have a good day and please, get off the internet.

It does NOT MATTER who disagrees with the obvious conclusion that Greer was jfk's real assassin, only that it has not and never will be challenged.
That bleach in white is the suns reflection off the Governors hair.

You are seeing things that aren't their.

Mary took her pic at zframe 309 and in it, the fake blob of white is entirely missing from Roy's head because it was added during alteration to cover the gun over Greer's shoulder. Connally's reflection is accurately depicted in both the pic and film for authenticity.




The fake reflection was NOT added to the nix or muchmore films. THERE IS NO OTHER SIDE TO THE TOP OF THE HEAD. IT'S FAKE AND OBVIOUSLY, SO.
The reflection is deff off the Govs dome, its pretty clear lol....this was way before Ron Popeal came out with spray paint hair.
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