

Well-Known Member
hello! not my first grow but its my first post on this site. Thought it might be cool to keep a grow journal. mainly for myself. might be nice in case i mess something up i can look back and see what i did wrong or if and when i grow some chronic bud i can go back and relive it. Kind of like going through old home videos and reminiscing. the strain im growing is Mazar from dutch passion. i get my seeds through the single seed center. never had a problem with them. always gets here super fast and super discrete. its 100% indica (at least that what dutch passion says) witch i like because im a nighttime smoker. indicas seem to help me with stress relief and it helps me fall asleep at night cuz i get the RLS and the body high from the heavy indicas make me forget i even have legs. anyways she's 3 weeks old now. i started her along with blue cheese from Barneys farm but the blue cheese never popped. she's in a blend of ocean forest and happy frog in a 3 gallon container. No nutes yet just ph as she's still a baby but i figure next week ill start her half or a quarter strength fox farms trio. Iv'e used fox farms nutes for about a year now and am quite happy with them. she's under four 2ft high output T5s. i paid like 50 bucks for em on ebay, free shipping. i start all my plants under the t5 and switch em to the big boy lights after about the same time i start feeding them nutrients. im running 600w MH/HPS with a cool tube in my 4x4x6.5ft mylar grow tent. the cool tube kicks ass by the way. with a little ducting and a fan, you can get the light inches from the plant with no heat issues. anyways sorry for the long intro. heres a couple quick pics of her hanging out in my closet:

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Well-Known Member
more pics. i havent moved her to the tent yet cuz im flushing a plant on 12/12 in there. its an autoflower that i know nothing about. a friend of mine was moving and gave it to me to finish it. when i chop her probably come monday ill put the mazar in the tent at 18/6. next time i water her im gonna give her some light nutrients.

Photo on 2014-01-18 at 11.50.jpgPhoto on 2014-01-18 at 11.48.jpgPhoto on 2014-01-18 at 11.50 #2.jpg


Well-Known Member
couple more pics. started her on FF half strength 2 days ago. my lights are pissing me off. i chopped that little auto flower that was in my tent soaking up the 600w HPS. i went to put in the 600w MH bulb in the cool tube but it wont spark. i try to unscrew it and it sparks for like a second but its barley threaded in there and its only when i hold it. i have no clue but its really pissing me off. i have a 400w setup but only one hood. thing is i cant find the 400w MH. but even still im pretty sure its the hood. might just have to get a new one. found one online but i wont have the funds for it for another 2 weeks or so. i haven't really had time to tinker with the one i got so maybe this weekend ill mess with it some more and see if i cant get it to work right. it makes me nervous though cuz even if i get it working im worried ill poke my head in after being at work all day and find that my lights have been off. so for now she shares the t5 with the blue venom. just cant wait for spring so i can start my outdoor garden and quick fucking with stupid shit like faulty hoods.



Well-Known Member
well i found it. i thought i lost my threads. must have just been a technical difficulty while they were redoing the website. anyways shes in full flower now. not looking too great though. i mean shes green and healthy looking but just not preforming very good. just very slow going. almost week 5 into flower now and just tiny little nothing buds. shes very short maybe 2 feet tall. didint stretch even a little bit when i switched her. ill take some pics later.


Well-Known Member
Mazar was one of the better strains I've grown. Incredibly dense nuggets that smelled almost like paint thinner...but in a really amazingly good way.


Well-Known Member
dude im getting that exact same smell! almost a strong fuel odor. very fragrant plant. its doing ok but my blue venom plant has held higher priority over the mazar since its my first time with hydro. the BV has grown way quicker and she will get the ax next week then the mazar can have the tent to herself. she never stretched though. she got to the size shes at now and i switched it to 12/12 thinking she would stretch but she stopped right where i switched her. shes taking her sweet time too. its only the last couple weeks that ive noticed some real bud growth. but seriously the smell is awesome. im sure shes gonna finish out fine, just gonna take a bit longer than the hydro. heres some pics real quick. shes not very well trimmed up either. i might get some more mazar seeds though just cuz so far its been one the more pungent plants ive ever grown and with some more attention ive been giving it im sure its some chronic. maybe ill add her to my outdoor garden next year. or ill grow her indoor in the DWC bucket this fall after the outdoor harvest.



Well-Known Member
i cut her down. trimmed off most the fan leaves and just hung the whole plant up to dry gave her a 2 week flush. trichs look good. 80% cloudy 10% amber 10% clear. smells like paint thinner. hopefully she keeps that nice strong odor all the way through drying and curing.