McCains Funeral

I like you a lot. Even though you got some delusional issues to work through most of the time you make me laugh.

Peace and Namo Amituofo, brother.
Why do those white supremacists get so angry they drove over people? What are they trying to say when they do that?
Excerpted from a Caitlin Johnstone article ….

One of the most aggressively protected narratives in corporate liberal circles is that John McCain is a hero whose very name should be uttered with the greatest reverence. It gets traction with rank-and-file Democrats because supporting McCain for his opposition to Trump allows them to feel as though they are non-partisan free thinkers, in exactly the same way Trump supporters believe their hatred of McCain makes them non-partisan free thinkers. In reality, McCain is just one of the many bloodthirsty neocons like Bill Kristol and Max Boot who have aligned themselves with the Democratic party in recent years in order to better advance their warmongering agendas.

It is those agendas that are being promoted with the hero worship of John McCain. By committing the outrageous heresy of mocking, ridiculing and scorning that sacred cow, we are fighting the attempts of the empire loyalists and war propagandists to normalize and sanctify the act of inflicting neoconservative military bloodbaths upon innocent people around the world.
Excerpted from a Caitlin Johnstone article ….

One of the most aggressively protected narratives in corporate liberal circles is that John McCain is a hero whose very name should be uttered with the greatest reverence. It gets traction with rank-and-file Democrats because supporting McCain for his opposition to Trump allows them to feel as though they are non-partisan free thinkers, in exactly the same way Trump supporters believe their hatred of McCain makes them non-partisan free thinkers. In reality, McCain is just one of the many bloodthirsty neocons like Bill Kristol and Max Boot who have aligned themselves with the Democratic party in recent years in order to better advance their warmongering agendas.

It is those agendas that are being promoted with the hero worship of John McCain. By committing the outrageous heresy of mocking, ridiculing and scorning that sacred cow, we are fighting the attempts of the empire loyalists and war propagandists to normalize and sanctify the act of inflicting neoconservative military bloodbaths upon innocent people around the world.
Caitlin Johnstone is an author of propaganda that supports the right wing agenda. Anything coming from her is suspect.
Caitlin Johnstone is an author of propaganda that supports the right wing agenda. Anything coming from her is suspect.

That's a pretty lousy rebuttal of the content of her quote.

John McCain was a war monger and political types are bending over backwards to say nice things about him because he got caught bombing innocent people in a war that never should have happened.

War Hero ? No. Tool of the Military Industrial Complex? Yes.
That's a pretty lousy rebuttal of the content of her quote.

John McCain was a war monger and political types are bending over backwards to say nice things about him because he got caught bombing innocent people in a war that never should have happened.

War Hero ? No. Tool of the Military Industrial Complex? Yes.
Caitlin Johnstone is an author of propaganda that supports the right wing agenda. Anything coming from her is suspect.
i swear i'm going to get one of those big flags attach it to the top of my SUV at an angle..blasting "Battle Hymn" with a huge face of Gillum (holding what LOOKS like it could be a blunt) on one side and Sanders on the other (removable for work hours) and just drive around SLOWLY on Saturday and Sundays..especially considering the orange fat ass will be coming back to mar-a-lago soon.

I will have my Anonymous face, hair, hat and cape on.
i swear i'm going to get one of those big flags attach it to the top of my SUV at an angle..blasting "Battle Hymn" with a huge face of Gillum on one side and Sanders on the other (removable for work hours) and just drive around SLOWLY on Saturday and Sundays..especially considering the orange fat ass will be coming back to mar-a-lago soon.

I will have my Anonymous face, hair, hat and cape on.

I think you need to meditate more than I do. It's almost too much effort to post here, let alone do something like that.
Flags, car signs, and outfit. That's not a bit much? I like you and all but if I saw anyone do that even for animal rights, I would shake my head at my fellow animal lover.

was it a bit much to ride at midnight and yell 'the british are coming'? was it a bit much to have a network of white landowners who believed that slavery was wrong- owning another human being was wrong, so they took risks did what was called 'underground railroad' by allowing slaves to travel in the dead of night and housing them by day..i'd do it for animals above this case it's our democracy.

desperate times call for desperate measures.