McKinney Texas

McKinney, huh? I was going to guess Denton. Geographically, I wasn't too far off..
Jesus, Fin.. you are one sad little puppy. I just wanna tie you to a brick and throw you in a river.
This has come to a point that I kinda feel sorry for you.
If you lived closer, I would throw my scraps out on the corner to make sure you stay fed.
Do you need flea medication? Tapeworm? Do you eat wet or dry food?
You make an excellent case against no kill shelters.

Shaggy... I would old yeller you without hesitation.
I would use a red ryder bb gun... it would take all fucking day... but you would be too stupid to run away. I'de run to the store to pickup more bbs, stop for a burger and come back to your stupid face waiting for more abuse.

Jesus Fin, go play in the street. And quit rubbing your ass on the floor.
Sounds like someone is depressed about their own life, because basically none of that was actually about me :lol: Some of your deep problems seem to be surfacing for us on RIU :lol: Maybe you lost a dog you love? That's just an easy guess, it's probably something about you personally though. Have fun getting through all that :lol:
Brian Loughmiller won, I'm pretty sure he just runs unopposed :lol: It was like last week. But I'm gonna run in 2017. I'm not really gonna run for me though, I'm going to pick other people to run for office that are aligned with my policies.

Pretty sure you need big bucks to buy off candidates.

Try college dudes 24/7 .
The first thing to go wrong would be his inability to manage the civic funds to pay the electric bill. There goes the BtC servers...
Then Mayor Raggy would have to issue bonds to fund public works, since he doesn't know how to collect taxes, which would not be sold on the open market because no one wants to be paid interest in BtC.
After which, I imagine the local populace would be looking to lynch him... then the National Guard would be sent in, and like Waco, his hippie-cult empire would burn to ashes...

:lol: It's like you didn't even read before you talk :lol: Just stuck your foot right in there and started going :lol:
another brilliant finshaggy thread...

lol this ones probably the 14 dumbest one yet. that almost like 19th biggest being huge.

lol whenever im in a bad mood, all i have to do is read some of fins crappy threads.

why cant he just make a non stupid as fuck thread? i guess im glad he posts this garbage tho. its something i always laugh at

When most people look at Texas politically they see Dallas, they see Austin and maybe Houston. But Mckinney and Collin county are really more important than anyone sees. First off, it has a pretty big population of people (19th biggest in Texas) and more importantly, it has a big population of people that LEAVE when they get old enough... So, that makes the primary residents of Mckinney and the surrounding suburbs older and republican, and because of the number of churches, the cities status as "dry" and the lack of nightlife forces people into a Christian lifestyle. When we were younger we used to say "You need to be 40 or extremely Christian to have fun here." So even the kids are going other places to have fun, spreading their politics and stuff. But I'm not to that yet. It is primarily Christian, Older & Republican (most of the wealth comes from oil companies, prison industry or weapons technology companies like RAYTHEON, which is the single biggest employer in the entire town, including city staff and the school district.). So the 19th biggest population in Texas has a PRETTY solid voting status, with the exception of people who DO stay when they get older, in which case they will have more liberal, democratic, libertarian or in most cases democratic-republican or liberal-republican veiws views because of the house-to-house party and crazy police environment they were raised in. Which brings me to my next point in the importance of Mckinney and Collin county in general. The kids grow up there, and go to Dallas or Arlington or Fort Worth or Austin or Houston or Denton looking for people more similar to them, so the kids from Mckinney are in some cases important to the politics of the other political hubs of Texas. And with all this political importance, the town runs on arrests (tax money going to privately owned jails), probation fees, court fees, tickets and basically other predatory tactics on its own citizens, with a fairly heavy focus on arresting minors. The mayor is a LAWYER (I went to school with his daughter :lol: ) But I sense a change in the politics in Mckinney and thus a change in the politics of Texas. 1st, tons of people are staying to go to community college instead of real college, because it's not a community college now it's a "real 4 year university" since UNT adopted it. 2nd, it is the hub of jails, courts and probation so everyone has to go to Mckinney, and not only learns where it is, but meets the other criminals from there and around there. And mckinney has a lot of money, which I'm guessing is appealing to criminals. And in my opinion, the police focus too much on children and aren't prepared for 30yr old meth heads with AK-47s, as proven by the 1 man assault on the police station a few years back, in which one man blew up a truck in the police parking lot and fired three weapons for 5 minutes before being shot down. 3rd, there are so many schools there, and most of them are NOT making kids republican because they are piss testing them and filling the halls with officers. 4th, Mckinney hides most of it's politics, making it seem like it's something lawyers and doctors do and not regular people. The most you see is a sign on the side of the road or in someone's yard, which means that if some new wave of politics hits Texas, they aren't prepared to fight it...
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Stupid asshole makes another thread!

You love and glorify the state of Texas, but ran Away from a misdemeanor and talk shit about the law there? Explain this again?
:lol: It's like you didn't even read before you talk :lol: Just stuck your foot right in there and started going :lol:

Why would I want to read your poorly parsed, verbal diarrhea? I know how to "scan" collections of words... in yours (all 5+ pages), there was no edifying meaning to be sussed. Ergo, I decided to build on the Art of Fail imagery which is your true legacy. People who know your history appreciate the cynicism, I assure you.

Now go write something ostensibly idiotic for my perverse literary amusement (since you have given up growing dank dank dankity dank)... I need new inspiration.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Stupid asshole makes another thread!

You love and glorify the state of Texas, but ran Away from a misdemeanor and talk shit about the law there? Explain this again?
Talk shit? You mean offer solutions. And I didn't run, I went to California because weed is legal there. Then ended up in Colorado (and a few other places). I just don't go BACK because of a misdemeanor. I went to court and everything for the misdemeanor, didn't run :lol: :dunce:
Talk shit? You mean offer solutions. And I didn't run, I went to California because weed is legal there. Then ended up in Colorado (and a few other places). I just don't go BACK because of a misdemeanor. I went to court and everything for the misdemeanor, didn't run :lol: :dunce:

I remember you saying you pled guilty because your defender told you to. Then you realized what it meant so you moved out of state before your next court date.
If you mean a motion as in movement, yes, I agree... My bowels feel the need for liberation after "scanning" your quasi-political tripe...

You can't form such a strong opinion without actually reading something... Unless you are trolling... :dunce:
=Fully Unemployed Society=
This has been a dream of man since the dawn of civilization. Even the Egyptians had slaves to do their work, so that they could live more comfortable lives. They even considered their Egyptian language (or Ma'at) to be magical, because not only could it put their mindscape into reality, it could get things done through orders and chain of command.
Slavery was the first attempt to "let the machines do the work", but slaves are PEOPLE, so that doesn't work. I even believe that animals should be liberated and humans should be taught to communicate through body language with animals. Slavery seemed to work for a long time, because social systems allowed it to. Just as society allows industrial slavery today
Industry changed everything, a machine could do the work of 1,000 men. But it started even before that. Feudalism, and cottage industry. There are still examples of this today, but it has mostly died out except among middle class Americans. Cottage industry is where a town agrees to make something for a company, say mittens. So they knit mittens, and at the end of the month the company comes by, buys all the mittens, then sells them for more somewhere else. That is cottage industry. Feudalism is where 1 man owns a piece of land and allows others to live on his land for a price. In the past people would do this in an attempt to make money for themselves (usually floundering under the taxes of a king or government), but now people seem satisfied to do it for no profit, and example being: [[Home Owners Associations]]
When machines started being built though, even cottage industry and feudalism were wiped out. Whoever owned the land could demolish the cottages or farms, build one giant factory or plantation, and pay one 'industrial slave' (and usually his family) to run the machines, and earn the money. So textile mills, companies like [[Dole]], steel mills, railroads and everything popped up.
But this was still not a means to "let the machines do the work", even though it was an attempt. There are still people in the middle struggling for income. It even got so bad they had "industry towns", which were just over crowded ghettos where the employers forced their employees to live. They got paid money that could only be spent at shops on company property, and most of their checks went straight back to their employers for rent. We haven't gotten very far away from that, and that was less than 200 years ago.
=Slave to the Dollar=
Now we aren't forced to live in industry towns, and work in steel mills. But the average Wal Mart emplpoyee still qualifies for welfare, and we don't blame Wal Mart for the excess of welfare recipients. And, most people don't like their jobs and would rather not work them, but they don't leave because of the almighty dollar
In the [[1960s]] groups like [[YIP]] or the [[Youth International Party]] supported the idea of a fully unemployed society.
=The Solution=
Mine COINS. Let the machines do the work. True, you have to get funding, but there are websites where you can ask for funding, and you can try to do something to earn coins to fund your mining.
But this is FINALLY the solution, our society has discovered how to "let the machines do the work". Mine coin, support the coin economy when you have excess money. And everyone can live happily, with a means of income brought to them basically for free.
EVERY other time one of these revolutions has taken place in any society, someone gets left behind or put in a lower class, or considered the machines...
This time NO ONE should be left behind. Don't be greedy, help save the world.
Machines already produce most of our stuff. Cars, other machines, toys, money. Machines could do all that work still, we just need a few inventions in between the humans at the factories and the machines that already exist.

If we work towards a fully unemployed society, eventually the only jobs left are: Mechanic, Inventor and Specialized jobs.
1. Everyone would have a machine that they repaired, or checked on. (even through a webcam as long as it's working)
2. Some people invent new machines, and new things for people to do.
3. Some jobs will still be necessary, until a machine is invented for them. Ex: Brain surgeon.
Everyone could make a pretty good extra income right now, and we could solve a lot of poverty, hunger, education and child care issues simply by WORKING TOWARDS and unemployed society, I understand that it will not actually be fully unemployed for a long time.
We could basically become a society of businessmen (traders) and inventors, that have knowledge of mechanics and engineering. Like America started out as.
The goal isn't to mine and sit on your ass for the rest of your life while the machines do more mining to make you money to live on.
The idea is to mine, then make money, then use that money to put real life applications into place. Invention is the only one that I have mentioned, but there are plenty of other ways to start your own company, or publish your own book/magazine, start your own website, make your own movie, run a political campaign, start a charity.
Make the world a better place by mining.
Ex: Police are meant to be a TRANSPARENT part of society, meaning: As long as you are not an outlaw, you should not see police officers on a regular basis, yet they prey upon the regular citizens like tigers hiding in the brush. (giving tickets)
These "guardian citizens" are awarded with free:
*Printing Equipement
*and much more, at our expense and to prey upon us with
Then when they arrest us, they can put us in the inmate worker program.
Why are NONE of these things provide for us. Why is there no library for cars?
If we provided for each other, instead of going through the middle man (government/taxes). WE WOULDN'T BE PEASANTS ANYMORE.
"Full unemployment" is a work in progress, of course it can not work in todays society. We have to work towards it.
Q: "What about the people who provide food and shelter? You are saying they shouldn't be paid? That they have to work for nothing?"
A: "Maybe they should just mine, and make those free houses into mining pools."
Q: "I don't think you understand what 'free' means."
A: "It means you pay for the electricity, you mine the coins, but you give some shit away for free."