McPurp's 2012 Garden

toms take awhile to get going good

Oh I hear ya I had put seed in a cup of soil from a store bought tom just for fun and Im still getting some popping up at day 24. Peppers like to do the same thing.

if i ever do a cover crop it will be peas, this way i can harvest the peas and have nitrogen fixed soil where they grew, i also like the idea of clover as a cover crop but it is a pain to get rid of it once it starts.

ive also tried the three sisters 2 years ago but forgot the squash, my corn and beans did good but the beans got to heavy for the corn and toppled them over, it was not the best place to grow corn though so they were not the best stocks

AAhh Ic you left out the fat sister may be why it didn't work as well lo :lol: jk, you would never have to plant a cover crop again or fertilize for nitrogen, just keep tilling it under. your luck will also increase 10 fold with all the possible 4 leaf clovers you will have.

got so many alfalfa seeds , am about to use em all :) what you think i should plant them with. i have a few companion planting guides but they all have it with maize and am tired of it :?

Anything you want to have more nitrogen in the soil, I'm gonna find some seeds grow em in containers of MG soil so that it takes all the crap out and drain their nuts then when I see most the soil contents gone imma turn all them alfalfa into the soil and plant whatever I want in that container of now green manured soil and not MG water released fertz.