MDMA Addiction

WTF where is he located right now this can't happen!!! I was in adolescent rehab with this man in the Northern VA area back when we were both 16! I can't fucking believe this we NEED TO GET HIM HELP, I dont understand how u guys can fucking let this shit happen, HANG IN THERE TRIPPY!!!
You'll be fine go to the ER and get HELPPP!!!!!
WTF where is he located right now this can't happen!!! I was in adolescent rehab with this man in the Northern VA area back when we were both 16! I can't fucking believe this we NEED TO GET HIM HELP, I dont understand how u guys can fucking let this shit happen, HANG IN THERE TRIPPY!!!
You'll be fine go to the ER and get HELPPP!!!!!

what do you mean let this happen? i for one am over here freaking the fuck out, trying to figure out where he lives in order to get him some help.. being i couldn't do that, i told him the next best thing i could think of, get to an er, asap.
I don't think u guys understand this is man was in the same long term residential substance abuse treatment center with me, we somehow got back in touch on this forum and now he's about to be gone, will if u don't make it trippy just know that I love you like a brother and that you'll be in a better place. Fuck man Im tearing up hard right now.
I don't think u guys understand this is man was in the same long term residential substance abuse treatment center with me, we somehow got back in touch on this forum and now he's about to be gone, will if u don't make it trippy just know that I love you like a brother and that you'll be in a better place. Fuck man Im tearing up hard right now.
I'll make it bro, trust me, I'm pulling in now. Wish me luck!!!!
WTF where is he located right now this can't happen!!! I was in adolescent rehab with this man in the Northern VA area back when we were both 16! I can't fucking believe this we NEED TO GET HIM HELP, I dont understand how u guys can fucking let this shit happen, HANG IN THERE TRIPPY!!!
You'll be fine go to the ER and get HELPPP!!!!!

I remember the thread where you two found out that you know each other. That was a glorious moment :blsmoke:

Hopefully trippy mane reads your messages. That would help him a lot right now
Was great acting, I have to say. And guys how did you believe this utter garbage? I was typing normally the whole time. And it dosen't take a rocket science to figure out that an ounce of MDMA whether it's 30% pure or 100% pure would no DOUBT kill you in 11 days. C'mon RIU use your damn brain.
We all get banned at one point of our lives... Just depends on what you get banned for! Peace and love guys, now I'm actually about to go do some MDMA and smoke countless blunts until I'm #FADED.
I'll log back on to see if Im banned in the morning.
Peace and love.
had a feeling this was a troll but didn't care to be honest. respect to those who attempted to help.

you must really need attention if you're pulling stunts like this :/ feel bad for ya dude, good luck in life.
Although you may consider this a stunt, even in this "stunt" you cried out for help. There are plenty of stunts one can pull and funny jokes to play or say, but you straight up called out for help from a community of compassionate people. I'm not mocking you, nor do I wish you ill will of any kind. I want you to get better and to take note of your mental health right now. If this passes as a joke to you, it means that suicide is on your mind. This particular time of year is very hard on people psychologically and can bring battles we often didn't see coming. If your conscious mind can rationalize it as "joking around," that's only because your subconscious mind is straight sending messages, not only to you, but to us. I encourage you to seek a sit down with a medical professional. Just be honest. Tell them the drugs you've been using and tell them how you feel. Often, simply checking yourself in for a day or three, and meeting those who are suffering will set your mind at ease because you'll see how bad some others are doing in their fights, and you'll gain perspective and compassion.

Listen, suicide isn't a joke, and neither is abusing hard drugs.

I'd like to think of this place as a real community. I think it is. We argue, we help each other, and we get scared when someone needs help.

I would discourage the moderators from banning the person.

OP. If you have suicide on your brain, just put a 1-800 in front of it. 1-800-SUICIDE. Call that number no matter how low you get, or how bad it seems. You don't have to do anything. They will help you. And it does get better. We grow stronger.