I wish EVERY night could be the first night you took molly.
I have found that if you only take molly once a year its always amazing, sometimes even better than the first trip

Leaving a nice period of time between rolling is always suggested. Are you trying the same batch of molly after a year of not trying it, or is it a different batch?

Molly in my area can be MDMA, cut MDMA, or just some random chemicals. I tested a gel cap filled with "molly" once and it tested the same as 2cb. I think there was also coke and possibly some K in those ones too. I didn't actually try it, because I had gotten some high purity MDMA from elsewhere about a month prior. I hope these assholes that could very well be poisoning people end up in jail. This one fucker nearly offed himself overdosing on cocaine recently. The next week, he was trying to push a few ounces of the 2cb and other chemical mixture. I warned his buyers, but they didn't seem to care... go figure!
Until now has been new batches and always very good (i only do crystals btw, dont trust pills). saved one gram of some amsterdam molly from my last roll and has been sitting in my drawer for two months. madness i tell you :P just jk im used to the waiting, it pays off in the end xD
Exactly, one time got some weird crystals, supposedly mdma, tasted like it and was very white. it sucked to be waiting for something amazing to kick in and then nothing special happens. tip of the day, if you find some bomb crystals buy enough for the upcoming years lol, the rolls dont really differ they tend to be similar so might as well go for the quality stuff that will make you feel amazing when you wake up.
Exactly, one time got some weird crystals, supposedly mdma, tasted like it and was very white. it sucked to be waiting for something amazing to kick in and then nothing special happens. tip of the day, if you find some bomb crystals buy enough for the upcoming years lol, the rolls dont really differ they tend to be similar so might as well go for the quality stuff that will make you feel amazing when you wake up.

I agree, The abundance of shit MDMA is unreal.
Lol his crystalls are not compressed...they simply have not been broken into small pieces..i can also get some of that crystall goodnes..just a bit browner but still very pure. I have never taken a pill always been crystals and im pretty sure i have been making the right decision lol. The peak is just super intense, very clean high.

Hope everyone gets a chance to try some in crystal form for the real deal (they mix so much shit in with pills..)

Only downside is the taste.. «i dont even want to start describing how bad that shit tastes lol, my advice is wrap some up in some rolling paper and down it goes, its what we call in my country a crystal bomb lol

damn those sounds good is that still the same as mollies or is it different
You ever had Purple moon rock before?

One of my buddies had some a couple nights ago and he said it's in the top 3 experiences he has ever had... It's a big statment considering he has rolled close to 500 times to say the least...
You ever had Purple moon rock before?

One of my buddies had some a couple nights ago and he said it's in the top 3 experiences he has ever had... It's a big statment considering he has rolled close to 500 times to say the least...

Hmmm remember when i was introduced into the "drug world" my dealer started to explain the ranking of mdma crystals, most of it was not true but i never forgot him talking about some purple mdma that was the best u could get, so that stuff does exist? whats makes it so special and also purple colored?
Hmmm remember when i was introduced into the "drug world" my dealer started to explain the ranking of mdma crystals, most of it was not true but i never forgot him talking about some purple mdma that was the best u could get, so that stuff does exist? whats makes it so special and also purple colored?

Me and my buddy where wondering what makes it purple as well, we tried looking it up through shroomery and blue light but we had no luck. He did say without a doubt it's the best mdma he has ever had.

He said the weird thing was is that it was deep purple but when it was crushed up it was very light looking with a slight hint of purple...
If they aren't talking about the marquis reagent reaction for testing the purity of mdma, then get your waiters on cuz it's getting deep!
Me and my buddy where wondering what makes it purple as well, we tried looking it up through shroomery and blue light but we had no luck. He did say without a doubt it's the best mdma he has ever had.

He said the weird thing was is that it was deep purple but when it was crushed up it was very light looking with a slight hint of purple...

When you guys first spoke abpout purple i hadent experienced it but a while ago we got this really pale violet type crystals. .2 rock in half a litre of whiskey, so much fun!
Me and my buddy where wondering what makes it purple as well, we tried looking it up through shroomery and blue light but we had no luck. He did say without a doubt it's the best mdma he has ever had.

He said the weird thing was is that it was deep purple but when it was crushed up it was very light looking with a slight hint of purple...

dam... i want some.