MD's Cabinet SCROG


Active Member
Sup RIU,

Strain: W.W. Fem
Style: SCROG (Area of 27'' x 12'')
Lights: CFL's ( Flowering Area: 276W ; Veg area: ~150W)
Soil/Nutrients: MG, I know... "best" around here
Temps: ~74-80*F Can go lower, cabinet @ A/C cooled room.
Scrog Dimensions: 8'' from top of pot to net | 16'' from net to lights

Seed was in water for ~12 hours now on peat pellets. Waiting to break the surface. This is my first SCROG and any help/feedback will be appreciated.

Meanwhile, I have a

  • OG Kush regular, 19 days old @ 12/12 from seed.
  • Auto Super Bud, waiting to break soil too.
are you doing to do a true scrog? or are going to let it act more like a skeletal structure to help hold up the branches?

only reason is if your using it as an actual scrog. Chicken wire\ mesh can cut into the buds when they start forming above the scrog net. and can actually grow into the metal mesh chicken wire. and This isnt really a big deal. just a bitch to harvest in the end.

Just my 2 cents :) happy toking


Active Member
Yeah, this is going to be as much as a true scrog as possible. I really want to get the most out of my setup and SCROG seems to be the most efficient way to increase yield on a area to watts basis.

ps: Sorry if my grammar is somehow bad, it is my 3rd lang.
Yeah, this is going to be as much as a true scrog as possible. I really want to get the most out of my setup and SCROG seems to be the most efficient way to increase yield on a area to watts basis.

ps: Sorry if my grammar is somehow bad, it is my 3rd lang.
Not doubting you on that one. Scrog can do a lot for people with little space. i was just concerned about the flowering stage with that close of wires together. but im not expert. ive never scroged before. ive just done lots of research.

small mesh nets like that can cause problems. but if your careful i think it can be done with out plant harm. just in the future try to avoid chicken wire things if you can. no fishing line or anything small like that with sharp edges that could potential cut the plant if you have any kinda movement in the box.


Active Member
thanks for the input! They can be small, but they are round/no sharp edges. I will keep an eye for that when the time comes.


Active Member
thanks SS, the cabinet is a work in progress. I've manage to work on it over the weekend on little details like reflective material & fan setup. Just want to make sure that once I finish it's up to spec for anything I throw in there. More details/pictures with next update.

Good to know I have some experienced comrades stopping once in a while. + rep my friend.

edit: have to spread some rep lol


Well-Known Member
Hey md looks like you have a good start and plan going. Soon as they are big enough to top start LST training and pull those highest tops down level or below the canopy to stimulate as much branch growth as possible. I use the screen more for a guide and a barrier to control flower stretch and much of my training is done with nylon string and duct tape before they even reach the screen.

Subbed and looking forward to the grow mate.


Active Member
I saw your threads and I must say, your Hempy Scrogs are another thing. If mine comes anything near that it will be a success on my books. lol... good to have you on board. Thankfully I've been training my last runs with some LST and have a good experience with them already, just waiting for this little girl to start growing. Feel free to comment on anything, +/- feedback is always appreciated.

I will be working on the cab this afternoon, bought a couple of digital thermometers and my temps aren't as good as I thought. Upper 70's @ Veg & Flower Area. Need to flip my fans in the scene that my intake fan overpowers my exhaust fan and this is allowing the heat to stay inside the cabinet longer. Sorry if I'm posting too much/over detail stuff but I want this thread to be one more thread for the upcoming SCROG Noobs like me.


Active Member
Day 6

pH @ 6.5
Temps @ 75-85*

Auto Super Bud


Looking forward to faster growth on the upcoming weeks.


Well-Known Member
Not doubting you on that one. Scrog can do a lot for people with little space. i was just concerned about the flowering stage with that close of wires together. but im not expert. ive never scroged before. ive just done lots of research.

small mesh nets like that can cause problems. but if your careful i think it can be done with out plant harm. just in the future try to avoid chicken wire things if you can. no fishing line or anything small like that with sharp edges that could potential cut the plant if you have any kinda movement in the box.
I used the chicken wire too...and was worried about buds growing into it, creating a problem at harvest. But a pair of wire cutters solves that problem. Just cut and pull out the wire...handy too during stretch...when I couldn't pull bud sites back down below and pull them up in another area I just snipped and moved the bud site where I wanted it. No fuss at all...


Active Member
Day 13

OG Kush = Male, took him out.

White Widow

Auto Super Bud


Some yellowing on the first leafs of the W.W & Auto Super Bud so I added 1/8 strength on their water Today.