Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member it me or does flowering seem to take sooooo much longer than I feel like its a waiting game now.


Well-Known Member
does sexing show before or after you switch to 12/12? also how long does it take being into 12/12 before buds start forming?


Well-Known Member
lookin good. do U have any lamps U could put on the floor underneath the plant? the undergrowth will love u for that. and how far are Ur lights from ur plant?


Well-Known Member
where can i get info on wiring a light fixture strip to a plug?
I need some side lighting


Cheese Head
hey robbie I just read throught the whole journal. Just wanted to say great grow and looks like your going to have a nice healthy girl! Its my first grow too and I had to chop a male down today it made me sad.. :( But we will see about the other 2... good luck and take care


Well-Known Member
hey robbie I just read throught the whole journal. Just wanted to say great grow and looks like your going to have a nice healthy girl! Its my first grow too and I had to chop a male down today it made me sad.. :( But we will see about the other 2... good luck and take care
Hey thanks man! good luck on your grow! Do you have a journal? Link?


Well-Known Member
I have herd mixed things with side/bottom lighting, I have the lights pretty stretched over the top so it hits the side as well. Im going to paint the walls white too, so I am hoping this helps.


Well-Known Member
Happy belated female day .. congrats, sorry a bit late have been busy, stopping by to show a bit of love, this is correct .. the fun begins and yes you're right patience is a virtue it will be well worth it in the end..

PS: Keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
Check it out, development since my last post for sure, she is getting BIG, she is popping out of the closet! I have to open the door when the lights are on in order for her to stretch she is def loving the exclusive attention she gets as the only plant in the house.

She is just shy of 2.5 feet high, And I counted about 24 spots where the bud is shooting out, I dont know the technical term for that (is it node?) Well there is 24 of them WAY more than what I expected, she got much bigger then I anticipated but thats a good thing. Day 13 flowering, First 2 shots are the cola, rest are just other areas of the plant....



Well-Known Member
nice colour, nice form, and looking healthy! excellent work......progressing very well! thanks for the update!


Well-Known Member
WhoooHooo, left work early and Im about to have a party with some friends I invited over. I took a pic of my friends I invited.
