No mites, will re-pott with vermuculite . I have plenty. The soil is harder and tighter on the top then previous pots your right. And I use filtered distilled water, I have heard mixed things on this, what do you think?
I only just recently started to bother to ph test my water to be honest,i just used to chuck it through a home jug filter out of the tap and leave it for 24-48 hours to evap the chlorine properly.
When i went and bought some decent nutes the shop lady convinced me to check all of my water with the kit.
When i did this i realised that all though my water would not harm my plants it was becoming to soft from the filter and then adding nutes i was reducing its ph to about 5.8-6.0 with this kit i can now get my water exactly how i want it straight from the tap.
I still leave the water to breathe but because i live in a good water area i don't really need to filter it just leave it to breathe and then correct the ph by adding nutes or some organo acid which is basically just citric acid.
I try to get as near to the correct colour of green as i can now using the ph kit.
I believe that it has made a difference in general plant health but was not really something i could ever be assed to bother with before as i was happy with what i had really.
But it seems that it can be better with a little extra effort.
Glad that you haven't got mites though and i am sure a repot will see the plant come back to life a bit