Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
i kept a schedule of watering with plain ph adjusted water then as soon as that dries up within about 2-3 days i fed em and so on ...:joint:


Well-Known Member
why wont u ph?????? if u dont have the product then use baking soda/vinegar.....:joint:
Know lots of senior growers that dont PH. I just Filter and stand my water and calculate how much nutes I but in.

But I think once a week one week than twice the next on and off is a good idea :-) What you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning and it looked pretty dead, its slumpin and the leaves are all withered up :-( I hope the rest survive.

bus driver

Active Member
oh my god i just started to read this thread and was getting into it because i am on my first CFL grow as well but i am about a week and a half behind you... now i'm scared shitless my plants might end up like your big lady... haha sorry about your loss i have 8 babies at about 14 days old... so far lookin great.... i hope you other plants survive keep us posted!:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do man, DONT over water!! Let at least 2 days go by without watering. I was going every other day and look what happened! :-(


Well-Known Member
Where is everyone!!! Input please!!

How do the rest look? This other one also looks like its suffered from over watering it been 3 days since there last watering I hope to god it survives.....I had 8 plants, now Im down to 4 with my luck they will be all males.......but to be honest Im surprised I got this far on my first grow.



Well-Known Member
they are resilient...that overwatered one will come back i bet
I checked it this morning before I went to work, and It looks just like the other done did right before it died :-(

I think its gonna be a gonner, the bottom leaves are all shriveled up.

The leafs are soooo weird, it looks like there is water coming out the stems that connect the leafs themselfs. Ill post a pic later...

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
The one that looks very dead, looks alot like one male I killed with fertilizer on purpose. I accidentally bought FF Grow Big in Hydro instead of soil. So when I got pissed at a male I dumped like a cup of it on there and in a couple of hours it looked just like that.

I know it's a long shot but maybe over fertilizing?

With the one that's on the edge, maybe you could try flushing it thoroughly. That might at least eliminate the over fertilizing issue, if thats it.

Sorry not a whole lotta help I know.


Well-Known Member
Its been 4 days since thier last watering........ANY help at all?

Hey hon, I just got around to your pm, sooo0o0o sorry. (Busy with the holidays and Ron Paul campaign) I'm glad that I could help you out in the beginning. Now I see we need some help again. :blsmoke: It's all good, we'll sort it out. Did ya smoke a bowl today? LOL.. I'd suggest it, remember why we're doing this. You said four days since watering? For those size pots I can't imagine going 4 days without water- I don't think this is overwatering- I think it's UNDER watering. Water those poor darlings- they should start poppin' up within a half hour! I'll read through the journal to find out what else I can help with, but please please please go water those darlings!


Well-Known Member
Let me point out, you should have been right on with the every other day watering- if everyother day isn't enough for the babies it's either excessively hot or those babies are ready to be transplanted.