Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good, sorry to hear about the loss, also I'm thinking you're wasting lumens/electricity by putting them lights bellow like that.

I have done the same thing and it only seemed to confuse the plants, in other words they didn't exactly know which way to grow, resulting in branches dropping, growing down instead of up, if you can get them lights above your plants I think you'll see a big difference...


Well-Known Member
What happened to the 4th plant? They looked fine 4 days ago...:-?:blsmoke:
Milf it was the weirdest thing I cam came and half the plant was falling over, noooooo explanation the point at which the plant was bent on the stem looked completely rotted out, while the whole rest of it was fine. I wrapped a reinforcement against it so it would stand upright, and shortly after everything from the bent point of the stop upward died, shortly after the bottom portion did too. Never seen anything like it. I took pictures ill PM them to you.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good, sorry to hear about the loss, also I'm thinking you're wasting lumens/electricity by putting them lights bellow like that.

I have done the same thing and it only seemed to confuse the plants, in other words they didn't exactly know which way to grow, resulting in branches dropping, growing down instead of up, if you can get them lights above your plants I think you'll see a big difference...
Yea I thought that might have been the cause of death with the other plant, I shut them off and added more to the top.

Anyone have any idea how often I should be feeing them?


Well-Known Member
TRANSPLANT!!! Get bigger pots! I would suggest feeding every two weeks....jmo~
I plnated mine a month after you did~I'm in a DWC hdro set up though...your roots need room to move and breathe



Well-Known Member
Robbie, Dude,

Sorry to hear, bummer.

Did you do an autopsy on the roots? Take any pictures of the roots?

Merry Christmas 8)
No, but I found out what it was, my seller came by who grows for himself and told me there was not enough light the tops where slightly bending to reach the light, and since I rotate the, doing so greatly weakened the point on the stem where the top would bend to take in the light, I added 4 more bulbs and should be ok now. Im also gonna paint the walls flat matte white for a better reflection as well.


Well-Known Member
The remaining plants are looking great, keep as much light above them as you can and you'll be smoking in no time.

Merry Christmas!

PS: Might want to get them plants closer to the light, specially the lil guy, assuming that is a cfl flood light...


Well-Known Member
Last pics of 07.......It was a good year I learned a lot thanks to everyone. And now I will grow, hello 2008! :-D

My 3 plants. The survivor (thanks milf ;-) ) My young but strong........and my Biggest and BUSHY as hell biittcchhhh <----Hopefully it a bitch. It to bushy *wink* to be a male, right milf. ;-)



Well-Known Member
PS Im thinking of starting to flower them in a few days there all about a foot tall and I dont want huge plants, you think a month and a half is enough in veg? Thats how old they will be in a few days.



Well-Known Member
How are ya robbie? your plants are looking supreme, I'm lost with this double, triple the size during flowering as my plants didn't grow any .. only lots of bud, I'm thinking this may depend on the strain, from what I've gathered the sativa is the one that usually grows double their size during flower and that the indica normally don't..

Keep up the great work! Oh and have a superb new year!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha.....Lately I noticed the dog will sniff the babies while the closet door is open.....pretty funny. Anyone else have "grow interested" pets?
lol....once i was in my grow room and my dog came in and was smelling the leaves, next thing i knew she took a bite off the leave. think that will get her high if she eats enough?

the plants are looking good. mine have been going for about 2 months now and im about to start them into flowering.


Well-Known Member
You can flower whenever you'd like.

Flowering before the plant shows sex however doesn't make the plant mature any faster and only cuts down the energy the plant gets (usually used to keep the plants small) But if the plant is sexually mature feel free to flower whenever.

Jorge suggests waiting for a plant to be 2 months old to take the healthiest clones- so if you planned on cloning before you flower, you might want to wait the 2 months for the strongest clones. (Worked for me- 4 clones taken, planted in soil, 100% rooted)


Well-Known Member
Gonna transplant them into new pots before flowering. Pics of the new pots. I think paint buckets serve much better than the average pot I saw at home depot. The paint buckets are much sturdier, and i think are easier to move around. I just put some black duct tape around them to make absolutely no light was gonna hit my roots. Tommorow lights go out at 7:30pm! Im so excited! :-)

