Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like it could be a male to me...but just to be sure let it go a few days before you do anything drastic LOL


Well-Known Member
that sucks it sure does look male, watch it close cause if those flowers bust open you will have seeds:) Its horrible the way we talk about males around here :)


Well-Known Member
So should I cut it or what? I mean the one female I have is large and beautiful, I wouldnt wanna ruin her.


Well-Known Member
looks could still wait a day or so....and confirm.....they ain't gonna blow their load that quick....but then I'm prolly worng......

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
BE 100% sure or you will wonder about that plant until you harvest that other Fat Bitch!

I will try to give you some comfort.

Usually the females show first as they have to get their sexy time parts ready to receive the dick, oops I mean pollen.

The males usually show later as their sperm,uhh I mean pollen, isn't needed for a little while.

So wait until you SEE BALLS they are as un mistakeable as the pistils. It will usually be a couple of weeks before they actually cum, uhh I mean open and spread pollen so you have a little time.

Hope that helps a little.

Good job buddy,

Farm Hard