me and the old lady fighting with 10 plants in the box ......


Well-Known Member
IS IT TIME TO START PULLIN THEM UP ? rawr is all i got to say 150 in beans gone to waste ? what you guys think time to shut it down till she's out of the picture or risk it ?


Active Member
If possible try to relocate your grow to another secure location
or even an outdoor "gorilla grow" location until this blows over


Been there last summer, arguing over the damn plants.....When I finally got a female out of 8 seeds (It was my first grow ever lol) I had to kill it *sad trombone*


Well-Known Member
funny part is i saw one of her posts on facebook she was talkin shit about her bestfriend that just sounded like it was directed towards me chopped em for nothin >.< yay me a


Well-Known Member
Plants aren't gonna do to good if you in jail bro... Pull em, get rid of the trouble maker, lay low, and live to plant another day.

Oh ya, if a bitch EVER threatens you over your plant or threatens you to call johnny law, give her walking papers.... Same thing with chicks dating a douche....

Anyone ever willing to threaten your freedom is capable of following through on that threat.


Well-Known Member
sad, but damn funny!!!
i know right but hey on the bright side my boss showed up before i cleared out the whole grow had 1 amnesia at 1.5 weeks and a sweettooth that was at like day 20 then didnt get a chance to clip them and glad the sweet tooth has really taken off its the nice purple pheno too

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i know right but hey on the bright side my boss showed up before i cleared out the whole grow had 1 amnesia at 1.5 weeks and a sweettooth that was at like day 20 then didnt get a chance to clip them and glad the sweet tooth has really taken off its the nice purple pheno too
ah! light at the end of the tunnel. GL


Well-Known Member
well it's sad to say but me and my ex wife have been seperated and divorced for 8 years and i have the kids, she still to this day will tell the local law that i am a grower. they have come out 2 or 3 different times and still to this day they come and talk shit with me about how pissed off ex old ladies will do to try and get there man all fucked up by ANYTHING they can, so on that note back to trust no one with your grow no mater what even after years of not being together if they know your a grower they will use it every time, RULE NUMBER 1 TELL NO ONE ABOUT YOUR GROW OR WHERE IT IS IF YOUR IN A NON LEGAL STATE. good luck KEEP ON GROWIN


Active Member
I had to toss my last grow over my EX-WIFE... She sent my p.o. A email with my address and every thing.I tossed my three week in flower , looking an smelling good as they wanted to be plants in the trash as fast as , I could... Im growing right now.. An she struggling like fuck.... What goes around comes around...