mealy bugs 1-2 weeks before harvest. HELP please!


Active Member
so a few days ago i found damage on one of my 4 outdoor plants. i have 4 strains going and im just short of 8 weeks in flower. below are the pictures of the damage i found and of the liittle pos's that caused it. this plant was chopped and hung yesterday.

yesterday i found them on at least 2 of the remaining 3 plants. i dont see any damage YET. i have searched and searched but havnt found much info on getting rid of them other than q-tip and rubbing alcohol. i cant imagine i can get every one of these little fuckers one at a time with a q-tip.

how long before i start to see damage on these other plants?

is there a spray that i can use this close to harvest?

im hopeing to let them go for another week or two to finsish but if i start to see the same damage i think i will have to chop them too.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
sorry for your loss. looks like you been having damage for a couple weeks now. i dont think you will make it another 2 weeks due to the damage from the bugs, the budrot, and the mold.


Active Member
sorry for your loss. looks like you been having damage for a couple weeks now. i dont think you will make it another 2 weeks due to the damage from the bugs, the budrot, and the mold.
the plant from the pics above has been harvested. the 3 plants in question have mealy bugs on them but damage yet. i am going to attempt to remove as many as possible but its goingto be a challenge because of the location of my plants. (they are in trees and accessing them to work on them is tedious. i can feed and water easily but gettting to each individual bud is not going to be easy.


Active Member
i was able to get a bunch with iso on a q-tip. it was painfull to pull on the buds to get down inside. my hands are so sticky and stinky! i checked trichs and like the one i chopped uesterday they are showing some amber but id love for them to go another week or two.
if im not seeing damage ie: rott, dead/dying buds etc. should i just let them go and keep a close eye? i want these girls to finish. i fe dthem today with tiger bloom and molasses.
btw... the smell of the greatwhite is fantastic!! it left so much resin on my hands.


Active Member
is the rott in the pics a direct result of the mealybugs?
there is really nothing informational to be found on these little buggers!


Active Member
anyone else?

there is literally nothing to read about these little fuckers! is the rott a direct result from the mealybugs? can i affor to let them go anther week or two as long as im not seeing damage??


New Member
Thats gross man.. hope you don't smoke that or pass it off to patients. Chop it and chalk it up to learning experience. Keep your area cleaner and more on top of things before its this late again.


I had mealybugs on my third grow, 2 afghani that weren't in the best of shape because of summer temps and spider mites, noticed some drying up and extreme yellowing and that's when I spotted THE mealy bug, within two days they were dried up and shriveled, gone. I wouldn't have given them so much credit if they hadn't taken over a nice big Hybiscus bush I had which sprouted out an escape pod from the roots so when the bush died I was able to defend the sapling until we moved. About a month later I noticed their return and I started fighting them with supposed strong stuff, it too was gone within the month. Don't take them lightly. I sprayed alcohol as well, they just gave me a big "hip-hip-hooray" and their party went on. If I have to deal with them again I'll put rat glue on a coffee stick or tooth pick and snatch them off my ladies by hand.


Active Member
Just take them down till they're finished if possible and work on them on the ground.
unfortunately i cant. i have 2 kids and landscapers in my yard. this is the only way i can keep them stealh. i was able to get into them pretty good. i used alcohol on the tip of a q-tip. as soon as you touch them with the alcohol they turn brown. 2 of the three remaining plants are showing several amber trichs so i am very close. the third seems to be clear of mealy bugs...for now.


Active Member
Thats gross man.. hope you don't smoke that or pass it off to patients. Chop it and chalk it up to learning experience. Keep your area cleaner and more on top of things before its this late again.
the damaged area of the plant you see in the pictures has been discarded (obviously) lol!


Active Member
oh, and its a personal grow. i dont provide for any patients other than myself and an occasional smoke with a freinds.