That sucks, how the MMJ bill for Arizona is written, only being able to grow if you live 25 miles or more from a dispensary. It's in the news how votes are still being counted because its so close. I don't put much faith in the computerized voting machines and the people who run them, the DIEBOLD scandal shows how the establishment can still crush winning votes.I wish everything was done the old paper punch card way.
But anyway, the Arizona MMJ bill is too strict. The New Jersey MMJ bill has to be the worst... no MMJ patient can have a home grow PERIOD. If a person has the MMJ recommendation then that person should be able to grow. I grow my own MMJ in Colorado, and if the state here ever banned home growing to force all MMJ people to buy it from a dispensary ... I know for certain that I wouldn't be the only one who ignored it and kept on growing. If a state has a MMJ bill lawfully allowing the use for those with MMJ recommendations, then they should also allow those same MMJ users to cultivate their own if the MMJ user chooses to.
Growing your own is SO MUCH CHEAPER.It takes only pennies on the dollar to grow, after you make your initial investment in a ballast,reflector,inline fan and a few odds n' ends. A lot of people just can't afford to buy the amount of herb they need at dispensary rates.As one of the posters above said about "recommending" and "prescribing" , and insurance coverage , even if the Feds rescheduled to CLASS II ... the insurance companies still would never pay for MMJ. I've known quite a few chronic back pain sufferers like myself that I would talk to inside the pain clinic I went to for 6 years on how many insurance companies wouldn't cover certain pain medicines like Oxycontin and even for other pain meds that they would cover...they would only pay for so much, for so long out of the year, that after the "doughnut hole" as the insurance companies call it ran out, if the pain clinic person continued taking the pills it would have to come out of their own pocket.
MMJ is just going to be one of those things that medical insurance won't cover, they already balk at having to cover opiate pain medicine, I just don't see coverage ever happening for MMJ.
I bet there will be MANY MANY MMJ people in Arizona that won't abide by the bullshit 25 mile rule and grow anyway, and I say "more power to you". Some will get found out, they'll be court fights, public out-crys about jailing MMJ users who grow their own on some technicality about being inside some freakin 25 mile radius mark, then Arizona MMJ users will be left alone. Watch it happen, if that Arizona MMJ bill goes through as it is, MMJ people are going to grow regardless of that 25 mile from the dispensary rule, public sympathy and outrage over MMJ users getting jailed over growing their own on a technicality will get that changed.
New Jersey folks, they have it worse than any other MMJ state. Besides a MMJ person not being allowed to grow, New Jersey says the grow center can't have MMJ that's too potent, imagine that bullshit, if the THC level is over a certain limit, it must be destroyed. WTF ? That's the whole purpose behind MMJ , to have a potent natural medicine for ailments. The higher the THC , the better the relief. >